Home learning project KS3.

Subject ; ICT Yr 9 Duration4 weeks
Assessment objectives.
  • Plan a Ticket and Programme that shows awareness of audience and purpose.
  • Choose the information required based on the audience and purpose.
  • Evaluate the design of a Poster with a friend/family member, assess it, and then make changes to the design based on this feedback.
How will the project be assessed?
The Publishing project will be formally assessed by the class teacher against NC levels.
NC strands and levels: ICT Levels 4-7
  • Developing ideas and making things happen
  • Exchanging & sharing information.
  • Review, modify and evaluate work.
TRICs:There will be opportunities for all 4 TRIC skill areas during this lesson.
Pupils are to think and produce work that reflects the needs of diverse audiences within our community and the wider national and international community.
Pupils are challenged to work in small groups to find solutions whilst developing respect for the ideas and opinions of others in their team; this is particularly prevalent in the design phase of the task.
RWC objectives
  • Reading – reading information and instructions fromthe task booklet and understanding the task they need to complete.
  • Show they can write formally and informally, depending on the audience and purpose (who you’re writing for and why you’re writing).
Mathematics Objectives
Not relevant in this project.
Overview of project
Over the course of four weeks pupils are given the chance to demonstrate the skills they have learnt in their ICT lessons through a publishing project. Pupils will demonstrate how they have understood the design principles and layout for a number of different publications and how these can be adapted to suit different audiences and purposes. They will also be given the chance to demonstrate the skills in the software if they have access to it at home or through lunch time clubs, however pupils will not be penalised should they choose the hand draw their designs at they do not have access to the software.
Resources available to students
Homework booklet
ICT club at lunchtimes
Internet access
Week / Task and monitoring/ assessment points
1 / Pupils are to create a ticket for a different scenario to the one they completed in the lesson. Pupils should select from the list given to them in their booklet to create the ticket. This can be designed in the booklet by them drawing the design or if they have access to Publisher they can design it on a computer.
2 / Pupils are required to evaluate the print out of the poster they created during the lesson with someone at home and identify positives, negatives, improvements, etc.
They can either annotate changes onto the printed out poster, draw out another design for their poster in their booklets or if they have access to Publisher and they H:Drive they can make the necessary changes to the poster and print out again.
3 / Pupils are required to design a programme for a different scenario, there will be a list of different scenarios in the homework booklet and they need to choose one and then plan out 4 pages of the programme.
They can either draw out the design for their poster in their booklets or if they have access to Publisher they can create a programme in the software and print out to hand in with their homework booklet at the end of the project.
4 / Pupils are required to evaluate how well they think they have done during this unit and give themselves an overall level. The pupils will answer a series of questions in their booklets that are designed to make them as reflect on the homework tasks as well as the lesson tasks and come to some decision on what level they think they are working towards based on the assessment gird in their homework booklet.
Guidance for Parents.
The aim of this project is for students to understand how important the planning stage for any business documents is and how audience and purpose have a big role to plan in the design of these documents. Pupils will need to understand the target audience and aim that they select for each of the tasks and ensure they create an appropriate document for them to achieve the higher levels. Pupils will also need to consider the design principles they have been taught when using the Publisher software, even if they are creating their designs by hand. They should be thinking about where logos and text should be positioned, what size text you would expect for the publication, if it needs page numbers, etc.
Useful websites