
Prof. Dr. Walid Mohammed Amer

Phone No. +970 (8)2053516

Mobile: +970(59)9608545


Personal Information / Marital status: Married with seven children
Nationality: Palestinian
Age: 58 years
Place of Birth: Khanyunis – Gaza Strip
Education / -1974 – 1978Manoffeia University: Egypt
B.A in English literature and Education
-1985- 1986 Glasgow University: Britain
M.Phil in Applied linguistics;
Dissertation: The Status of TEFL in Gaza Strip Secondary Schools
-1993 –1996Essex University: Britain
Ph.D in theoretical linguistics
Dissertation: ‘On Double Object Construction in English and Arabic.
Professional experience
/ -1997 – 2004 The Islamic University-Gaza
Head of English Department
-2009 – August 2o11
Head of English Department
-2011 – on
Dean of the faculty of Arts
-2013 – on Professor of linguistics
-2004 – on Associate Professorlinguistics
-1997-2004 Assistant professor of Linguistics.
-1986- 1993 The Islamic University-Gaza
A lecturer of English language.
-1978- 1984 Gaza Strip secondary schools
A teacher of English language.
Patents and publications
/ -A paper on floating qualifiers in English and Arabic. (2003)
-The Mystery of Englisharticles: A contrastive study(presented to the General conference of Arabic) The Islamic University of Gaza.
-Futurity in English and Arabic: A contrastivelinguistic study (2001) published paper.
-Glossary of everyday English. (1998).
-English in Use for Palestinian Learners ofEnglish.Intermediate level (a published textbook).
-Infinitive and gerund in English (2004) Ain Shams University: Egypt
-A guide to essential English terms: Dictionary of English-Arabic (2003)
-A founder in translation: A dictionary of English Arabic te Forms (2005)
-Sheikh Ahmed Yassin’s assassination and thereaction of the West (2005) published paper.
-A dictionary of political and diplomatic terms (2007). Published book.
-Lessons on destructive flaws and means of salvation (2008). Published book.
-On the status of Palestinian refugees (2009) presented to Annakbah conference at the Islamic university of Gaza.
-On Arabic verbs accepting overt and modified derived nominal and their equivalents in English: A semantic study (2010) Published paper. Islamic university of Gaza.
-On the Syntactic and Semantic Structure of Relative clauses in English and Arabic: A Contrastive Study (2010).IUG journal, Published paper.
-Causativity in English and Arabic: A contrastive study (2010) Ein Shams university Albanat facuty journal.
-Compounding in English and Arabic : A contrastive study. (2010) Published paper. Islamic university journal.
-U.S. Media Coverage of the Situation in Jerusalem:ADiscourse Analysis Study(2010) Published paper. Islamic university journal.
-Teaching Translation at Gaza Universities: Problems and Solutions (2010) Al-Quds open university. Published paper.
-The Role of Explicit Instruction in English Word Stress Patterns in an EFL Arab University Context 2012 IJTEL, Indonesia.
-On the Differences Between English and Arabic Consonant and Vowel Sounds:a Contrastive Study with Pedagogical Implications 2012 Zaqaziq university journal, Egypt.
-An investigation into the differences between English and Arabic position and order of adjectives: A contrastive study with pedagogical implications. 2012 Albahr Al-Ahmer university journal, Sudan.
-Success at University Certificate English Textbookintermediate level forPalestinian Learners. 2013. published by Ummah university. Palestine.
-Success at University Certificate English TextbookUper-intermediate level forPalestinian Learners. 2017, reviewed by the ministry of culture. Palestine.
Additional professional activities
/ I taught the following courses
- Writing 1, 2,
- Advanced writing
- linguistics 1.
- Linguistics 2.
- Translation.1
- Translation 2
- Translation 3
- Listening and Speaking.
- Reading.
- Grammar 2.
- syntax and semantics
- Psycho- sociolinguistics
- Comparative Linguistics
- Legal translation
- Translation for media
- Interpretation
- Teaching Arabic for non-native speakers.
I Organized and ran the following intensive courses of English:
-Several TOEFL and ESP and legal translation courses.
-Training courses: 1 July 1997. Training summer institute for in-service teachers of English.
-Training courses: 10: 15 July 1999training summer institute for in-service teachers of English.
-Training courses: 10: 20 July 2000 Training summer institute for in-service teachers of English.
Professional memberships
/ -A member of the Islamic university international relations committee
-A member of the American association for applied linguistics.
-A member of teachers of English to speakers of other languages association (TESOL).
-A member of the association of Professors of English and translation at Arab universities. (APETAU).
-A founder of the institute of professional translation – the Islamic university of Gaza.
-A designer of an MA program in Translation and Linguistics (2011- submitted to the Ministry of Higher Education to be accredited)).
-A member of the committee of Al-Quds the capital of Arab culture 2010
-A member of Khanyunis municipality council 2008 -2012
-Vice president of Islamic university personnel syndicate 2010- 2011
-A member of the editorial committee of Azzaytona college journal 2011- on
-A member of the executive committee of the association of the faculties of Arts in the Arab world, 2012 - on
-President the 1stinternationalconference ofapplied linguistics and English literature, 20-21 October 2012. Islamic university of Gaza. Palestine.
-President of the international conference of “Palestinian prisoners: Towards freedom” 2014.
/ - Arabic (native)
- English (excellent)
Scholarships / -Ph.D. scholarship to Essex University- Britain 1994-1996. From Qatar University
-Short-term visiting scholarship in 1998 to Nottingham University for making a research paper. From the British Council.
-Short-term visiting scholarship to attend theAmerican association of Applied Linguisticsconference, Vancouver, Canada, March 2000
Conferences participation / -The International conference of linguistics, Essex university. Colchester, U.K, July, 1996.
-American association of Applied Linguisticsconference, Vancouver, Canada, March 2000TESOL, Navigating the new millennium, Vancouver, Canada, March, 2000.
-APETAU conference of Contrastive linguistics and translation, Jordan university, Amman, August 2000.
-General conference of Arabic literary and linguistic issues and the contemporary changes, The Islamic university of Gaza, May, 2001
-Conference of 61 years after Nakba IUG, 2009.
-Alquds open university 1st international conference of TESOL 2010.
-The scientific association of the Arabfaculties of Arts conference on quality. Lebanon 2012.
-Conference of applied linguistics and English literature. IUG, 2012.
Seminars / -Case Assignment in English and Arabic May 5th, 1997 The Islamic university, Gaza.
-Semantic differences between Arabic and English verbs Feb. 19th, 1998, British Council, Gaza.
-Spilling of English, Oct. 11th,1999, The Islamic university of Gaza.
-Universal Grammar April 20 th 2002. British council, Gaza.
- Woman in Islam April 19th 2006. The Islamic university of Gaza.
-Islam and the West Oct. 10th 2007. The Islamic university of Gaza.
- Interpreter to Prof. N. Chomsky on a seminar entitled Obama after one year of his election January 2010.
-Interpreter to Mr. Ramsey Clark, former US Attorney general in a talk entitled "Palestine and the international law" January 2011.
- Participating jointly with Prof. Ramon Shakhasheer from university of western Sidney in a semina about translation requirements April 2011.
-A member of the preparing committee of the conference of Jerusalem a history and culture. IUG, May 2011.
-Participating in a symposium titled; ‘the relationbetween agriculture and water quality in the Gaza Strip’ IUG, 2011
-A seminar 0n the Us media coverage to events in Palestine Nov. 2011, IUG.
-Participating in a symposium titled 'Arabic and globalization'. March 2012. Islamic University of Gaza.
-Participating in a seminar titled 'Role of Palestinian media in the Arab-Israeli Conflict. April 2012 the Islamic University of Gaza.
-Participating in a seminar titled 'Truce in the Islamic and Palestinian history' February, 2012. the Islamic University of Gaza.
-Participating in a seminar titled 'The role of social service in solving problems of the Palestinian family'. March, 2012. The Islamic university of Gaza.
-Interpreter to Prof. Noam Chomsky during his visit to Khanyunis city council, Oct.19th 2012.
-Interpreter to Prof. Noam Chomsky during his meeting with the Palestinian prime minister. October 21st, 2012
-A talk to postgraduate students about the difficulties that may face them in writing research work. Oct. 2012. IUG.
-Participating in a seminar about the importance of GIS in safeguarding the Palestinian community. IUG, Dec. 2012
-Participating in a seminar about Islamic antiquities in Al-Aqsa mosque. IUG, March, 2012
-Participating in a seminar about the role of the new means of media and measures of control. IUG, March, 2012
-Participating in a seminar about Arabic as the widest language in its derivatives and syntactic categories. IUG, March 2012
-Participating jointly, with IUG media department and the British union of education at Bradford university, in a one day training program for students of media at IUG, April 2012
-Participating in a symposium run by the Arabic department about youth creative works. IUG, April 2012
-Participating in a symposium run by the mediadepartment at IUG about a strategic project for cooperation between the media departments and media agencies. IUG, May, 2012
-Participating in a poetic meeting, run by the Arabic department, in support of prophet Mohammed, peace be upon, him. Oct. 2012
-Participating in a seminar run by social service department, about means of solving students problems. IUG, Nov.2012
-Participating in a workshop, run by the Arabic department, recommending the use of IT in scientific research. IUG, Dec. 2012
-Delivering a welcome talk during receiving the Egyptian poet Hesham Al-jokh at IUG. Nov. 2012
-Participating in a symposium about GIS run by thegeography department at IUG Nov. 2013
-Participating in a seminar about Belfour declaration in1917 run by the history department at IUG Nov. 2013.
-Participating in a symposium about Standard Arabic andmedia run by the Arabic department, the general union of Muslim scientists in Palestine and the governmentalmedia center. Dec. 2013
-Participating in a symposium about the international Day of GIS by giving a word about the importance of GIS in Palestine. Nov. 2014
-Running a seminar on my own research experience. Feb. 2015
-Participating in a symposium about the history of human rights in Islam by giving a talk about the negative consequences of not applying such rights by the Israelioccupation authorities. March 2015
-Translating a book written by Prof. Saleh Al-Reqeb 2014, titled "Jews have no historical or religious rights in Palestine. 'Translation fromArabic to English' March 2015
-Participating in a symposium with a lecture about the types and functions of linguistic sciences. March 2016. Palestine university.
-Participating in a symposium with a paper titled translating the untranslatable April 2016. IUG.
Research supervision / -Articles in English and Arabic A contrastive study (MA. Dissertation) Al- Aqsa university.
-Inflection Phrase in English and Arabic (MA. dissertation) Al- aqsa university.
-Grammatical errors in teaching translation: at Palestinian local universities: A contrastive study (Ph.D dissertation) Al-aqsa university.
- A suggested Program for tackling low English Achievement Level among Sixth Graders in Gaza UNRWA schools (MA. Dissertation). Islamic University of Gaza.
- Difficulties encountering UNRWA ninth Grade teachers in performing their roles in light of the communication approach to teaching speaking in the Gaza Strip (MA. Dissertation). Islamic University of Gaza.
-The effectiveness of giving English home Assignment on the achievement of the fifth Graders of UNRWA schools in Gaza. Governorate (MA. Dissertation). Islamic university of Gaza.
-Life Skills latent in the content of English for Palestinian Grade six textbook (MA. Dissertation). Islamic University of Gaza.
-An analysis of the incorporated values in English for Palestine 12 (MA. Dissertation). Islamic University of Gaza.
-The impact of Lexical and cohesive devices knowledge on 11th graders' reading comprehension. 2011. The Islamic university of Gaza.
-A suggested program based on individualized activities for developing Palestinian sixth graders' writing skill. 2012. The Islamic university of Gaza.
-An evaluation of pronunciation teaching content of English for Palestine 10 and related teachers competency level in the light of current Instructional perspectives. 2012. Islamic university of Gaza.
-Reviewing a paper titled ‘Training Legal translators and interpreters in Palestine: Difficulties and Solutions’ journal issue is titled "Training Legal Translators and Interpreters: Theory, Research and Practice" Universität Graz. 2014
-Reviewing a paper titled" Multilingualism in Europe: A far-fetched and far-flung dream "AAUJ (Arab American university journal)- Scientific Research Journal. 2014
-Reviewing a paper titled "The Open University or the Traditional One? Requesting in Interlanguage Pragmatics" AAUJ - Scientific Research Journal. 2014
-Reviewing a paper titled the Role of Short Story in EFL Islamic university journal March 2015