RAC Funding Task Group

Conference Call December 17, 2009


  • Timothy McDowell, WYDOT
  • Leni Oman, Washington DOT
  • Tommy Nantung, Indianna DOT
  • Rick Collins, TXDOT
  • Lucia Olivera, FHWA, Turner Fairbanks
  • Jack Jernigan, FHWA, Turner Fairbanks


  1. Status of Task Group
  2. New Members
  3. Leadership
  1. Status of Task Group:

The Discussion began on two subjects. The first was to consider should the group go into a hiatus mode. This idea was soundly put aside and advised that a hiatus for the group would not be wise.

The other idea was to basically be in a watch status as Congress continues to move forward with new legislation. Until some concrete ideas in Congress come forward it is hard to predict how the Research Community should react.

From this discussion some interesting points were pointed out. Also, the funding task group could really be an asset in producing the following information.

  • The RAC Task Funding Task Group will play a lead role in emphasizing the importance that SPR funding has had and will have for Transportation Research. This also is part of the RAC SCOR strategic plan.
  • SPR funding has not kept up with inflation and this needs to be brought up with AASHTO and to Congress. There also seems to be no real understanding on the implications of reduced SPR funding.
  • With reduced buying power of SPR what might that affect in value of research (Work with Value of Research Task Group)?
  • How would this affect the ability to deliver quality research that gives a high return on investment?
  • What information is needed for our decision maker so that they truly understand what the impacts of SPR funding have?
  • We could produce a briefing document that gives a concise executive overview on where does SPR come from and what it is used for.
  • Need to show what might happen if the base line source of SPR is changed.
  • Need to note that revenue neutral is really a loss.
  • What are some of the major research topic areas that States use SPR on?
  • Tim will check with FHWA to see if they have gathered information on this in the past. If they haven’t then we as a whole may need a survey to find out where the major focuses of SPR funding go to.
  • It was noted that we may need to find out what source of funds States use to match UTC’s, and what percentage of that source goes to UTC’s.
  • Another topic was discussed concerning the possibility of finding out what are some of the average indirect costs that are incurred by States.
  • This would have to be surveyed and some thought would have to be done on this. This will be an item for future consideration.
  1. New Members:

There needs to be a concerted effort in recruiting new members to this Task Group. It was noted that we might be able to get someone from AASHTO to join in the group.

There is one new member: Daniel Yeh of Wisconsin DOT.

  1. Leadership:

Tim noted that he will be stepping aside from leadership of the Funding Task Group by the end of January 2010. There is a need for a new Funding Task Group Chair.

There could also be a co-chair and this topic should be considered.