Lord we ask you to cleanse our town. We confess that we have followed other gods and have not worshiped you, the true God of heaven and earth.

We ask you to cleanse every household on this road from all rebellion, idolatry, witchcraft, drug & alcohol & tobacco addiction and abuse; child abuse and pornography, sexual sins of any kind including homosexuality and living together outside of marriage; all forms of new age philosophy, including astrology and all religions based on science and worship of self. We ask you to destroy the sins of violence and incest in every home. We ask you to reorder these homes and families as you intended with Mothers and Fathers in their prayer positions and children in subjection.

We ask that a mighty cleansing and repentance of would come on all the churches and their members and that you will restore the Godly leadership and set them on fire. We bless the life giving churches in this town.

We ask you to reveal and shed light on every force of evil in this town, school and government. We especially ask for arrests of all drug pushers and those in powers behind drug sales here. We ask you to reveal all that promote witchcraft in any form all over this town. We ask you to remove such people from this town. We place our feet on these roads and anoint this town with oil not because we are great or good, but as a sign of our faith because we too agree in prayer, that you will bind the evil one and release the power of your Holy Spirit in this town and in the people’s lives who live here to bring about cleansing, revival and thereby making homes, families, government and the churches a praise to you and your Son, Jesus Christ. Please strengthen and correct every Christian in the inner man to serve you here, that the people in this town may be saved. We pray as the new believers did in Acts 4: 29-31 that you will enable all who speak, teach or preach the word- to give them boldness, and please stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant, Jesus.

Repent, Request, and Resist

Isaiah 62:11-12

“Behold, the Lord hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, His reward is with Him, and His work before Him. And they shall call them The holy people, The redeemed of the Lord: and thou shalt be called, Sought out, A city not forsaken.”

“On the basis of scripture, I stand for leaders of this city, and I stand as a representative for other city pastors who desire to do three things, repent, request and resist.

“We repent, we ask the Lord to forgive us for the sins that has taken place in this state and this region, specifically this city. We ask for forgiveness of the sins of political corruption, racial prejudice, moral perversions, witchcraft, occult and idolatry. We pray the blood of Jesus to cleanse our hands from the shedding of innocent blood. We ask forgiveness for divisions in the church, forgiveness for pride, forgiveness for the sins of the tongue, anything that has hurt the cause of Christ. We repent and humble ourselves to ask for mercy to be poured out on our land, our community and our churches.

“We request, we ask for God’s kingdom to come, and His will to be done in this city. We ask in the Name of Jesus for an outpouring of grace, and mercy and fire, for true spiritual revival to come and cover the community, causing a turning back to God, a cleansing, and a brokenness, and a humility. We ask for the destiny of this city not to be aborted. We ask that You visit this city and our churches, and our homes. Do not pass this city by. We ask for a restoration of the foundations of righteousness to this city.

“We also resist, on the basis of my submission to God, by faith I resist the devil and his works, all forces, and all powers of evil that have taken hold of the city. We resist the spirit of wickedness that has established strongholds in this city, the dark places, the hidden works of darkness, the mystery places where the enemy has set up encampments. We call on the name of the Lord to destroy all spiritual strong holds, we proclaim this day that this city, especially this region, is now under the power and ownership of the Holy Spirit. All other spirits are hereby given notice, and evicted from this property by the power of the Name of Jesus. Today we stand in the gap and build a hedge of protection around this city.”

Praying For God's Purpose For Your City

Where God has a redemptive plan for a city, Satan will counter with his perversion of the plan. His principal strategies and strongholds in Atlanta are idolatry, rivalry, pride, revelry, mammon, control, and deception. These will be outlined in turn, with the corresponding prayer for God to establish His purposes in each of these areas.

1. Pray against evidences of:

• Idolatry • American Indian spiritism • African tribal religion • Freemasonry

• Islam • Satanism

Pray for God's Spirit to establish:

• Worship in spirit and in truth • Faithfulness to the Scriptures as the rule for faith and life

• Praise and thanksgiving among God's people • Discernment of spirits by the church

• His presence as Adonai, the one who alone is Sovereign Lord over all

2. Pray against evidences of

• Rivalry • Related issues of contention, strife, separation, conflict, murder • Religious factions

• Racism • Violence

Pray for God's Spirit to establish:

• Unity among churches in the city • Peace over our community

• Supernatural love between races • Mercy and compassion to overrule hatred

• His presence as JehovahShalom, our peace

3. Pray against evidences of pride:

• Intellectual pride • Racial pride • Regional pride • Feminism

Pray for God's Spirit to establish:

• Humility and submission in leadership and people • Spiritual identity in Christ

• Desire for God's wisdom to overrule man's knowledge • Renunciation of all pretense

• His presence as JehovahNissi, our banner and point of identity

4. Pray against evidences of revelry:

• Religious spirits (Ex. 32:6) • Drunkenness and addiction • Irresponsibility • Sexual immorality

Pray for God's Spirit to establish:

• Fidelity and reverence in worship of God alone • Deliverance from bondage of addictions

• Moral purity and values • Faithfulness • Sense of shame over prevailing evils

• His presence as JehovahTsidkenu, our righteousness

5. Pray against evidence of mammon:

• Greed and materialism • Convenience and selfishness • Apathy and indifference

• Busyness

Pray for God's Spirit to establish:

• Generosity and sacrificial giving • Contentment with our lifestyle • Release from busyness

• Servantheartedness and selfless concern

• His presence as El Shaddai, the one who is sufficient

6. Pray against evidence of control:

• Domination • Injustice • Godlessness • Rebellion • Witchcraft

Pray for God's Spirit to establish:

• God's concern for the poor • Justice in leadership • Righteous leaders

• Submission to law

• His presence as JehovahRoi, our one true Shepherd

7. Pray against evidence of deception:

• Lying • Halftruths • Dishonesty • Manipulation

Pray for God's Spirit to establish:

• Truthfulness • Honesty and faithfulness • Discernment of Biblical truths

• His presence as JehovahM'Kaddesh, the Holy One of Israel

Pray for true intercessors to be raised up. Pray that Christ would build His church in the city.


Pray that the Father would draw them to Jesus (John 6:44-45)

Bind the spirit (god of this age) that blinds the mind of the unbeliever (2 Corinthians 4:4)

Release the spirit of adoption into their lives (Romans 8:15)

Pray that they will hear, or read the Gospel and that there would be fruit shown in their lives(Romans 1:16,17)

Pray for believers to be sent across their paths and enter into positive relationships with them, effectively guiding them to the things of God (Matthew 9:38)

Loose the spirit of wisdom and revelation on them so that they may know God better (Ephesians 1:17)

Pray that the Son of God be manifest in their lives to destroy the works of the devil and ministering angels be loosed to serve and protect them (1 John 3:8, Hebrews 1:14)

Praying For Your City

From Psalms 1120

Question: When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psalm 11:3

Answer:Hold fast to what you know: The Lord is in His holy temple. He is on His heavenly throne. He observes and examines you. So in Him take refuge. Psalm 11:4,1

Cry: Rescue my city from:

• Violence Psalm 11:2, 5; 14:4

• Vileness Psalm 12:13, 8; 14:1 b, 3

• Vaunting (boasting, pompousness, pride) Psalm 12:4, 8; 13:4, 14:1


• Pray Psalm 15 for leadership in government and church

• Pray Psalm 16:12, 711 for the church

• Pray Psalm 17:19, 1315 for righteous intercessors who will plead with God as Abraham did for Sodom and Gomorrah

Solution: God! Psalm 18 and 19

God is able to deliver from the hand of all His enemies and from works of the flesh.

1. Pray: Part the heavens, come down in power, O God. Psalm 18:719

2. Pray for intercessors to be equipped for God's battles. Psalm 18:2845

3. Praise the Lord. Psalm 18:4650

4. Pray for establishing His law over your city. Psalm 19:714

5. Pray for establishing this city on right foundations of God's words and meditations in the heart. Be the Lord of the city, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Praying Isaiah 61:13

Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit (Luke 4:1419). He stood up to read in the synagogue, and the scroll of Isaiah was handed to Him. Unrolling it, He found where it was written:

The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to:

• Preach good news to the poor, the afflicted

• Bind up and heal the brokenhearted

• Proclaim freedom for captives (physical and spiritual)

• Release from darkness/recovery of sight for the blind

• Release the oppressed from oppression

• Proclaim the year of God's favor

• Grant consolation, joy, comfort to all who mourn

• Give a garment of praise for the spirit of despair

• Display His glory

• Lord, who do You want me to pray for who needs to hear the good news of salvation?

• Lord, what broken relationships or broken people do You want me to pray for?

• Lord, what captives do You want me to pray for You to set free?

• Lord, show me my own blind spots and deceptions and let me pray for those of others.

• Lord, who is oppressed and burdened that You want me to pray for? How do I pray?

• Lord, who do You want to bless with Your favor in a special way?

• Lord, who do You want to comfort?

• Lord, who do You want me to pray for who is discouraged?

• Lord, show us Your glory. Glorify Yourself.

Praying For The Lost

Effective prayer for the lost impacts God, people, and Satan. You are praying to God, for the benefit of a person, and in opposition to everything that Satan and his legions are doing to prevent the person's coming to salvation.

Pray in faith for the salvation of those for whom you are burdened!

1. Affirm that God can do the impossible. Mark 10:27, Jer. 32:27.

2. Recognize that Satan has captivated lost people. Pray for their release from the world, the flesh, and the devil. Persist in prayer not because of God's reluctance to save, but because of the resistance of the enemy. 2 Cor. 4:34, 2 Tim. 2:2526,1 John 2:1517.

3. Thank God that He desires all to be saved John 3:16, 2 Pet. 3:9,1 Tim. 2:1, 34.

4. Thank God for the authority of the name of Jesus by which salvation has been purchased.

Acts 4:12, John 14:6.

5. Thank God for His power for salvation. 2 Cor.10:35, Rom. 1:16.

6. Thank God for His gift of salvation. Eph. 3:89, Rom. 5:8, 15.

7. Thank God that He seeks the lost ones and draws them to Himself. Luke 19:10, John 6:44.

8. Claim the person by name for the victory of salvation by the blood of Jesus.

Col.1:1314, 1 Cor. 15:57,1 John 3:8.

9. Pray that the lost one will seek to know God as the Holy Spirit works in them.

Acts 17:27, Deut. 4:29, John 16:813.

10. Pray that the lost one will confess Christ as Savior and Lord and turn from sin.

John 1:12, Acts 17:3031, 3:19; Rom.10:910,13.

11. Pray that the lost one will yield all to follow Jesus and grow in Him.

2 Cor. 5:15, Phi. 3:78, Col. 2:67.

12. Praise God that His word does not return to Him without accomplishing His purposes.

Rom. 10:17, Heb. 4:12, Isa. 55:11.

Be sensitive as the Holy Spirit gives direction to pray and persist in praise.

Praying For Schools

1. Always begin with praise, as you enter into the presence of our God who is worthy.

2. Confess and repent of personal sin. Present to God a heart free of unconfessed sin.

3. Pray on the spiritual armor (Eph. 6:1018). Be ready to stand strong in prayer at all times.

4. Submit to God and seek His perspective. Ask Him what He sees when He sees your school. He may first tell you how His heart is breaking with mercy for your school. Pray, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy." Cry to Him to grant repentance.

5. Ask God what the enemy's strongholds are in your school. He may show you rebellion, anger and violence, intellectualism, humanism, addiction and bondage to alcohol and drugs, peer pressure, sexual immorality, Satanism, dishonesty, apathy, worldliness, greed, etc. Aggressively do battle with Satan and refuse to let him take any more ground.

6. Establish the names of God Lift up a name of God that opposes each of the strongholds. Claim His power over each area. Lift high His banner of victory, because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).

7. Pray for the word of God and the fear of the Lord to be the basis of wisdom and instruction.

8. Pray for the students and student leaders of your school, the administration, faculty, coaches, and volunteers by name. Pray for them to seek God. Pray for God to sweep your school with revival and evangelism. Pray for many to come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord and yield their lives totally to Him. Pray for more intercessors who are serious about praying for your school. Pray scripture promises. God's word accomplishes God's purposes.

9. Ask God to show you ways you can creatively witness to these leaders, students, and parents. Minister to them as the Spirit leads. Pray for the parents to seek God and be godly role models and spiritual influences.

10. Persevere in prayer and praise until God by His Spirit answers your prayers for His honor and glory. Thank Him for meeting you in this prayer time. Thank Him for His answers.