Creating a Supervision Schedule

In creating this document, you are creating two pieces of the 3rd Party Billing puzzle. The schedule to supervising the care plan and the schedule for supervising the para-educators working with the student.

1) To start with, log into DPRS and then click on Para Supervision on the menu bar on the left. /
2) All of the students that you have supervision schedules created for will show up here. Find the student you want to document supervision on and click on Supervision. /
3) This will pull up this supervision screen. Some pieces MAY already be expaneded if they are due or over due, otherwise, you can click on the plus sign next to the section you want to work on to expand it. First we’ll look at Personal Care Plan Supervision. /
4) When you click on the plus sign next to Personal Care Plan Supervision, it will expand and show you the next supervision date that you have scheduled. If you’d like to look at future dates, you can always click on the plus sign next to Future.
5) Type in the actual date that you did your supervision and make sure the Supervised By has your name in the field.
6) Mark whether it was Observation or Consultation or Both and mark the results (Satisfactory or Needs Improvement)
NOTE: If you mark Needs Improvement, a new section will drop open that we will cover next.
7) Make any notes you have about the supervision of the Care Plan.
8) When you’re done, click submit. /
9) IF you marked Needs Improvement, a new section will appear where you can mark the corrective plan. At this point in time, you will only be able to fill in the Corrective Plan field. Once you’ve finished the Corrective Plan, you can come back into the system and mark off the Corrective Results with the date, the style, the progress and any notes.
10) Click Submit.
NOTE: If you fill out the corrective plan and you click submit, you will get the warning you see to the right. You can ignore this, since you won’t be able to fill in that information until after you actually perform the corrective plan. /

11) Next you can work on documenting your supervision of the para educators. To do this, click on the plus sign next to Para Supervision to expand that section.
12) You’ll see the list of para educators that you set up when you created the supervision schedule. If you need to add paras to this list, you’ll need to do that on the supervision schedule page.
13) Fill out the information requested for EACH para educator. Remember, if you click on Needs Improvement, you’ll need to fill in the corrective plan that will drop down when you make that selection.
14) If you’re interested in seeing the trainings that have been done by you and other people, you can click on View Training for each para educator. This would bring up a new pop up screen showing the trainings that have been done. When you’re done looking at this screen, just close it out. /

15) If you’d like to at this point, you can also look at the supervised activities by clicking on the plus sign next to Supervised Activities and you’ll see the activities that you check when you were creating the Supervision Schedule. /
16) If you’d like to at this point, you can also look at the care plan notes by clicking on the plus sign next to Care Plan Notes and you’ll see the activities that you check when you were creating the Supervision Schedule. /

Documenting SupervisionPage 1

J.W. Underwood

Created 8/7/2009