Any limit on the number of applications? No

Any bonus points for joint application. (i.e if two or more RTAs apply for grants [each RTA would apply for their own grant] for fareboxes and/or upgrades to fareboxes in order to establish the ability to use a regional fare pass/ticket.) No.

Section V, item A MOU: If we ask for xxx amount and are awarded a grant, how do we meet (a), (b), or (c) if we don’t have preaward authority since it is not in the STIP.Plus we won’t release a bid without grant funding and there is no way to release a bid and get a contract issued within 30 days. ODOT will send an award letter and then a memorandum of understanding after a purchase order is received. The award does not have to be done within 30 days, but sign the MOU within 30 days of receipt.

Speaking of the STIP it says a project will be added to the next quarterly STIP update. When will the award notification be made? What if the notification is at the beginning of a quarter? Any chance ODOT would do a special STIP amendment? ODOT expects to make the award announcement by the end of March. We will follow the normal timeline and process for adding OTPPP projects to the next quarterly STIP amendment.

There is a column missing on page 9. Print the vehicle request information on page 9 in landscape to see the fuel type column.


For the vehicle application,there are a couple pages (pp.10-11) at the end of this section that look like the point allocation based on criteria. Just want to make sure that this is for information purposes only and I don’t really need to do anything with it. Page 10 should be filled out but page 11 is for information only and for ODOT's use to score the applications.


Question 1 (p. 16) Is this the same information as in the next section under OTPPP funds requested (p. 13)? It can include the same information but this should be a justification for the project. How does this project meet the program goals for preservation?

Question 2 (p. 13) Total capital non-vehicle CY2011. I am not sure about this one. Is this asking for the same type of information as in question 7 (capital cost) but for different years?This is an error. It should say CY2010.

Is this asking for capital spent on everything but buses? If so does this affect the 20% level for points? Yes, this is asking for capital spent on everything but buses. The 20% mark is for this category only but all projects in this category will be totaled to see if that total exceeds the 20%.

Next section – “Items to be purchased”. I am not sure how this should be filled out. We are planning on asking for funding to help pay for our service lane to be upgraded (one of many requests). I have some idea on a couple of the items that could make up the request but I only have a total cost estimate for the project. Would I just list the “Facility upgrade” as one line item and put the total cost of the project? A total cost estimate is sufficient.

Also would the average quantity be necessary?No

Item 4 on the scoring concerning the Purchase Plan and Timing: It looks like if we are requesting a capital (non-vehicle) project it is zero be default even if we have a scheduled plan for replacement? If a project is on the replacement schedule but not until 2013, then 0 points are awarded. You may want to hold an out year project for the 2013 application.

Number 7: The scoring indicates points if under 20% and no points if over 20% of the 2010 capital cost. If asking for multiple projects does that mean all projects would get zero points if the total request is over the 20% or will each project be compared to the 20%? Do we need to rank each project? All capital, non-vehicle requests will be totaled to determine if the “ask” exceeds 20% of the total capital program. Yes, each project will need to be ranked.


It appears that these funds (unlike UTP funds) cannot be used to match Section 5307 funds – correct? Correct. The OTPPP funds are federal funds (CMAQ and STP) so they cannot match 5307 funds.

Since ADA and capitalized operating are eligible activities, these funds are available for systems that do not have sufficient Section 5307 funds available to be used for this purpose. Because of reduced local matching funds over the last 5 years, the RCTB will likely have approximately $500,000 in unused Section 5307 funds at the end of this calendar year. These funds will be used to support all operations, capitalized maintenance, etc., during the first half of 2012, and until such time as the next Section 5307 grant is in place. It appears, with the exception of operating, the OTPPP funds are basically used the same as Section 5307 correct? Correct. The OTPPP funds cannot be used for operating assistance.

Urban systems are limited to using 10% of their Section 5307 funds to support ADA operations at 80%, and they must be used for activities within the current calendar year. Typically, the RCTB exhausts the 10% prior to the end of the calendar year. Could this program fund 80% of the cost of ADA operations for the period after the Section 5307 funds are exhausted? No, the 10% limit for ADA still applies.

Finally, Is there any relationship between receiving funds through this program and the SFY 2013 UTP program? No, the OTPPP funds are separate from the UTP program.


Can two way radios and video surveillance cameras be included in the grant application for vehicle purchases, or do they need to be applied for separately? For example, the base purchase price of the vehicle that we are applying for is $55,000, and the two way radio and camera add an additional $15,000 to the cost, for a total cost of $70,000. Can we apply for the total as one item under Capital Projects Vehicle Purchase or will we need to separate the cost and apply for $55,000 under vehicle purchase and $15,000 under Non-Vehicle since it could be considered a transit safety improvement?

The radios and surveillance cameras will have to be a separate application under capital non-vehicles. The state term contract 248-10 for light transit vehicles lists the items eligible to be included with vehicle purchases.