Appendix 24

LGBT History Month events for Scotland 2007

Below are listed events which have already been fully planned and some which need a few additional details.

There are also bars, clubs and restaurants which have committed to promoting History Month by having quiz nights, themed nights and displaying posters.

If you know of any more events happening please contact


Amnesty International

To celebrate Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) History Month and Valentine's Day, Amnesty International in Scotland has launched a LGBT campaigns page on its website and a fabulous quiz where you can win lots of Amnesty Goodies!
To out more about our LGBT work in Scotland and for your chance to win, win, win click here:

8 Scottish Police forces in conjunction with the Gay Police Association host awareness raising sessions and storytelling. All 8 police Forces will display LGBT History Month posters.

Equality Network

The Equality Network campaigns for equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Scotland. It creates ways for people to contribute to making Scotland a place in which everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, can live free from hatred, prejudice and discrimination

The Equality Network will have a display of archive materials at their offices all month.

Screening of My Beautiful Launderette at Sala Cafe Bar on February 14th at 8pm There will also be archive materials available.

Stonewall Scotland

Stonewall Scotland campaigns for equality and justice for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people living in Scotland. We work with businesses, the public sector, the Scottish Executive, Scottish Parliament and a range of partners to improve the 'lived experience' of LGBT people in Scotland

Stonewall Scotland will be hosting a Diversity Champions celebratory event on 22nd of February to mark the one year anniversary of the programme in Scotland. Its a celebration of the success the programme has had since it was lunched in Scotland last year, as well as a networking event and a fun evening out for invitees. This is a closed event, open to Diversity Champions and special guests only. If you would like more information about the Diversity Champions programme in Scotland and how to join, go to or contact Stonewall Scotland Diversity Champions Coordinator Michelle Fullerton on 0131 557 3679

Parents Enquiry -display of archive materials at events throughout the month.

Parents Enquiry Scotland is a voluntary organization run by parents of LGBT children providing help, information and support for parents of LGBT children

Scottish Youth Parliament

We were launched in Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh in 1999- the daybefore Scotland's other new Parliament!Several years later we are a group of around 150 elected young people aged between 14 and 25 years, who aim to be a collective national youth voice for all young people in Scotland. LGBT Youth Scotland has two elected MSYPs

LGBT History Month is to be discussed at their February Meeting.

LGBT Youth Scotland has 2 MSYPs who will take forward your views. Also to get involved in the youth council contact

Scottish Parliament – With Rhona Brankin Minister for Communities

Parliamentary event with MSPs - hosted by Patrick Harvie (Green MSP) on 20th Feb 6-8pm MSPs invited, and there will be stalls and displays by people who have hosted events, from across Scotland. To receive an invite contact

NUSNational Union of Students

NUS are one of the largest student organisations in the world and represent the interests of around five million students in further and higher education throughout the United Kingdom. NUS provide research, representation, training and expert advice for individual students and students' unions. We deal with over 15,000 welfare enquiries each year and train over 3,000 students' union officers.

To celebrate LGBT History Month NUS is raising student awareness and has sent information to all colleges and universities in Scotland. Last year NUS created CD Rom of LGBT History events which are again being screened.

Equality Forward Equality Forward (formerly the Scottish Equalities Unit for further and higher education) started in April 2006. Equality Forward is having an in house meeting and awareness raising session. Information and stalls have been held in Perth, Inverness, Dumfries and Galloway and Glasgow.


Trans Men Scotland is a self help support group for all female to male transgender people.
We meet monthly in Edinburgh and Glasgow for support and information. All female to male identified people are welcome to attend. We also hold regular social meetings to which partners, friends and family are welcome.

Our Story ScotlandDisplay of materials at the Peoples Palace in Glasgow 16th February 25th March in the Winter Garden.

OurStory Scotland is a recognised Scottish Charity. We collect, archive and present the life stories and experiences of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender) community in Scotland. This involves oral history work with all ages, including the older generation, whose stories reveal the tremendous changes that have occurred in the situation of LGBT people during their lifetime. In addition to collecting stories, images, artefacts and research materials from LGBT lives, we present our heritage through the arts, in exhibitions, storytelling and drama.

Materials will also be displayed in Duns LibraryBorders, Solas Cafe BarEdinburgh, and Dumfries Library and in many libraries in Aberdeen and Edinburgh.

National LGBT Youth Council

The Youth Council is made up of young people from across Scotland who work together to ensure LGBT inclusion within their local areas.

This is a vibrant, fun and busy group - if you are interested in getting involved contact

Meeting on 17th February at the John Cotton Centrein Edinburgh for story telling, fashion through the ages and a look at legislation and the impact and importance of civil partnerships§ionId=15

SpectrumHome Office LGBT Network

"Spectrum is the network for LGBT Home Office staff. It was established in 2003 and has grown in numbers and influence since then, and now has over 1,200 members throughout the UK. Spectrum's aims are:-

To provide a safe environment for LGBT staff to meet each other, offer mutual support, socialise and network.

To raise awareness in the Home Office among staff and management of issues affecting LGBT staff including providing advice and resources.

To provide peer support in a confidential environment to staff who feel discriminated against, harassed or bullied on the basis of their sexuality or gender identity.

To act as a watchdog on Home Office employer diversity statements and policy in relation to LGBT issues and to raise LGBT concerns with senior management.

To act as a sounding board for proposals from senior management and in relation to the development of policy.

To provide a forum for non-LGBT staff to meet with LGBT staff and discuss LGBT issues, with the aim of promoting understanding and diversity.

To be fully inclusive of all LGBT diversity and to promote the benefits of a diverse workforce which includes LGBT staff?

As well as the formal Steering Group, the Spectrum Executive consists of a number of Regional Representatives throughout the UK, and a number of meetings are held in Glasgow and Edinburgh each year. Spectrum also offers associate membership for those who support our aims but who don't work for the Home Office. Anyone interested in joining or finding out more about Spectrum should contact Philippa Manley, Regional Rep for Scotland, by email: "

The Home Office in Scotland supports LGBT History Month and Spectrum will be taking part in a number of ways:

·  Holding a members meeting to coincide with the GFT film screenings in Glasgow.

·  Sending a global email to publicise LGBT History Month to all Home Office staff in Scotland

·  Displaying LGBT History Month posters in Home Office premises - Identity & Passport Service office in Glasgow and the Immigration & Nationality Directorate premises, also in Glasgow.


Bus campaign- 15 headliners inside buses 22nd Jan -28th Feb

3 Films at the Belmont Cinema as part of the Rainbow screenings

Terrence Higgins Trust is screening the Celluloid Closet at their offices on Saturday 24th February 2-4 pm. There will also be an exhibition of LGBT people through the ages.

11 Waverley Place Aberdeen AB10 1XH Tel:- 0845 241 2151


Bus Campaign- 15 headliners inside buses 22nd Jan- 28th Feb

LGBT Equality Forum- to host discussion and look at LGBT heritage

Duns Library – an exhibition at the back of the library with materials from the Borders and OurStory Scotland

Council- internal meeting

Schools work - awareness raising sessions

To find out more about getting involved in Borders work or activities contact Christine the Youth and Community Development Worker telephone 07931 458 155

LGBT History Month in our local libraries!

So far in our quest to bring History Month to the Borders, Galashiels, Earlston, Eyemouth and Duns libraries have all agreed to haveHistory Month resources on display and foruplift by library visitors. Also, starting from Monday the 5th of February and through to the end of the month, Duns library will be hosting an LGBT History Month exhibition in its exhibition room at the back of the library. A timeline and other display materials are currently being created by volunteers at LGBT Youth Scotland's headquarters in Edinburgh, but if you have any other items that you would like to lend us then please get in contact.

For more information about local and national History Month events that are happeninggo to§ionId=33&introId=38, and if you have any questions or events to add to LGBT Youth's Scotland diary section then contact our LGBT History Month Development Officer, Ann Marriott, on 0131 622 2266 or at .

Dumfries and Galloway

LGBT Youth Scotland – new Equality Forum

Please distribute this widely amongst your networks, and if you can, print off the posters at the links below and display. Thanks!

·  Do you want to see an end to homophobic prejudice in Dumfries & Galloway?

·  Do you want to make sure LGBT people are included in the life of our Region?

·  Do you have an opinion about the issues that affect local LGBT people?

If the answer is YES then we need YOU.

We are looking for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, their families, friends and supporters, as well as individuals from local organisations to be part of a group which will be responsible for developing an LGBT strategy for the Region. This group is supported by Dumfries & Galloway’s Community Planning Partnership and we hope that its work will have a significant, positive and long-term impact on life for Dumfries & Galloway’s LGBT people and communities.

The 1st meeting of this group will take place on Friday 23rd of February at the Birkhill Hotel, St Mary’s Street, Dumfries from 6.30 – 8.30pm (coffee from 6pm).

During the meeting, we will hear about the progress of a similar group in the Scottish Borders, learn about why we need to be thinking about this now (particularly in the light of new LGBT equality legislation), and think about what a group like this could achieve.

Feel free just to come along, but if you can let us know before hand to give us an idea of numbers, that would be helpful.

Following the meeting, all participants are welcome to stay for our monthly social night - a special LGBT History Month themed Mixed Bag – where special guest DJs from Radio ASBO will transport us through a “Time Tunnel” of LGBT classics from the 1930s onwards!

For more information or if you have any access requirements, feel free to get in touch with me in any of the ways below.

Library exhibition and storytelling on 19th February at Lochthorn Library

Open day – every Friday 2-5pm Dumfries LGBT Centre 26 Brewery Street Dumfries. An opportunity to mosey around the centre, check out what’s new and meet the staff.

Mixed Bag – 23rd February 8pm-late club night in Dumfries, for LGBT people and their straight mates will have special guest appearances by Radio ASBO DJs who will delight crowds with "Time Tunnel" - LGBT musical classics from the1930s and beyond. This special event is to celebrate LGBT History Month and punters are encouraged to dress in Queer Couture from the ages or to dress as their favourite LGBT icon from history

LGBT Youth Scotland workshops and activities x 4 including storytelling Dumfries own radio station for LGBT fun and frolics

Schools work- awareness raising sessions

Every February, people around the world take time out to celebrate LGBT people. Their history, stories, culture, traditions and even language (I’m a bit rusty but - charper polari

You can have a look at the fantastic and very very exciting LGBT History month page for more information!

The flags are going up in Wigtonshire, Stewartry, Nithsdale and Annandale and Eskdale to celebrate LGBT History month! We love it! Dumfries and Galloway Council are showing their colours with Pride (boom-boom) and dedication to LGBT people by flying the Rainbow Flag above their Council Offices in each Local Rural Partnership!

There’s a story telling event being held on the 19th February at Lochthorn Library, Dumfries (just beside Locharbriggs, jump on the bus and it’ll take you straight there!) Come along and listen to readings from famous and personal pieces – 2.30-5. Click here for more information!


Dundee Contempory Arts

Two evenings of film and storytelling facilitated by Bob Cant and Ann Marriott

Bob Cant is an author and editor of three oral history anthologies of lesbian and gay lives.One of which was about Scottish people, Footsteps and Witnesses: Lesbian and gay lifestories from Scotland.

Ann Marriott is the LGBT History Month Development Officer

Friday 2nd 6.30 - 9pm Film Nighhawks and Open Doors, with a discussion in a friendly environment. Work will be linked in to OurStory Scotland archives. Refreshments will be provided.

Saturday 3rd 6.30 - 9pm watching Highlanders Too and Beautiful Thing - again with discussion and a look at LGBT identities in Dundee and rural communities.