2nd / Unit of Study9: Length in Customary Measurement / Projected Time Allotment:10 days
Global Concept Guides: Understanding Inches and Feet, Estimating Length and Selecting Tools, Applying Length
Prior Learning: MACC.1.MD.1, MACC.1.MD.2, MACC.1.MD.4
Progressions Document Link
Sample Show What You Know Task:Use the Go Math Ch. 8 Show What You Know TE p. 386 or the Diagnostic Interview Task of TE p. 386
Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Content :
Measure and estimate lengths in standard units.
MACC.2.MD.1Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes.
MACC.2.MD.2Measure the length of an object twice, using length units of different lengths for the two measurements; describe how the two measurements relate to the size of the unit chosen.
MACC.2.MD.3 Estimate lengths using units of inches, feet, centimeters, and meters.
Relate addition and subtraction to length.
MACC.2.MD.5 Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve word problems involving lengths that are given in the same units, e.g., by using drawings (such as drawing or rulers) and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
MACC.2.MD.6 Represent whole numbers as lengths from 0 on a number line diagram with equally spaced points corresponding to the numbers 0, 1, 2, …, and represent whole-number sums and differences within 100 on a number line diagram.
Represent and interpret data.
MACC.2.MD.9Generate measurement data by measuring lengths of several objects to the nearest whole unit, or by making repeated measurements of the same object. Show the measurements by making a line plot, where the horizontal scale is marked off in whole-number units. / Comments:
Notes on Assessment:
Unit 9 Assessment–Go Math Ch. 8
See common performance task link below.
Students will need to have access to rulers for both assessments.
Unpacking the Standards for this Unit:
“Second graders build upon their non-standard measurement experiences in first grade by measuring in customary units for the first time. Students will have to measure an object using two units of different lengths such as inches and feet. This is a difficult concept for young children and will require numerous experiences for students to predict, measure, and discuss outcomes. As students estimate, the student has to consider the size of the customary unit. Estimation creates a problem to be solved rather than a task to be completed.”(Instructional Support Tools, 2nd Grade Mathematics)
Common Performance Task with Rubric for this Unit:
Measurement-Students select tools and explain why they selected the tool. Additionally the will measure lengths using a ruler and creating a line plot with their data.
Click here for the performance task and rubric.
Future learning:
Students need to be comfortable with customary units of measure so that in third grade they will be able to measure to the nearest half inch and quarter inch. They will use their knowledge of customary units when they are measuring lengths to determine perimeter and area.
2nd / Global Concept 1 of 3 for this Unit of Study: Understanding Inches and Feet
This GCG focuses on building students’ concrete understanding of what an inch and a foot is. Students develop an understanding of what these units of measurement are and they measure using these customary units of measurement. / Projected Time Allotment:
3 Days
Sample Essential Questions:
Day 1: Why is using a ruler similar to using a row of color tiles to measure length?
Day 2: How do you use an inch ruler to measure length?
Day 3: Why is measuring in feet different from measuring in inches?
Related Unit 9 Assessment:Go Math Ch.8 # 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 22
Instructional Resources
  • Color tiles, which are approximately 1 inch long, can be used to build understanding of what an inch is.
  • Student created ruler will be the students’ first exposure to measuring with customary standard units.
  • Customary unit ruler can be used to measure to the nearest inch and foot.
  • Classroom objects to provide students opportunities to measure real items around the classroom.
Lesson Ideas:
  • Go Math Lesson 8.1Essentials:Listen and Draw TE p. 389 (Use questions in the TE.), Problem Solving TE p. 392
  • Go Math Lesson 8.2Essentials:Listen and Draw TE p. 393 (Use questions in the TE.), Problem Solving TE p. 396
  • Go Math Lesson 8.4Essentials:Listen and Draw TE p. 401 (Use questions in the TE.), Problem Solving TE p. 404
  • Go Math Lesson 8.6 Essentials: Reteach Tier 1 TE p. 409B, Listen and Draw TE p. 409 (Use questions in the TE.),Go Deeper TE p 411, Problem Solving TE p. 412
  • Fish Tales Excursion LessonTeacher and Student-The scope for this GCG is to understand and measure using feet and inches. If you use this resource you will need to pick and choose because it covers areas beyond this.
  • Measurement Practice-inches measurement practice
  • Broken Ruler Problems-measuring where the starting point is not at zero
  • Fish Measurement-a measurement activity with a science connection (yarn is required to complete this activity)
  • Rulers of DifferentColors-a different approach to building concrete understanding of measurement concepts Clickhere for the link to the rulers for this activity.
For more information about integrating the content within this GCG click here for the PowerPoint .
Sample HOT Questions: Use these to facilitate student discussions. (SMP 1, 3)
  • Do you ever measure in feet and inches at the same time?
  • How many inches are in 1 foot?, 2 feet?, 3 feet? Is there a pattern?
  • How do you determine what unit of measurement to use when measuring lengths?

Our students are better able to…
  • Make connections between the inverse relationship of size and number of units. (SMP 7)
  • Understand that units of measure have different sizes e.g. 1 inch is smaller than 1 foot. (SMP 7)
  • Accurately measure to the nearest inch and foot selecting the appropriate unit of measure and labeling all measurements correctly. (SMP 6)
For more info on SMP’s click here. / Because as teachers we…
  • Provide students authentic measurement experiences to build their knowledge of measurement structures. (SMP7)
  • Give students numerous experiences to practice measuring and insist that students precisely name the units (inches & feet) they are using.(SMP 6)

2nd / Global Concept 2 of 3 for this Unit of Study: Estimating Length and Selecting Tools
This GCG focuses on estimatinglengths to the nearest inch or foot. Students will be required to select the appropriate measurement tool based on the length measuring. / Projected Time Allotment:
3 Days
Sample Essential Questions:
Day 1: How do you estimate the lengths of objects in inches and feet?
Day 2: How do you choose a measuring tool to use when measuring length?
Day 3: How do you use estimation to select an appropriate measuring tool?
Related Unit 9 Assessment: Go Math Ch.8 # 4, 7, 10, 15, 18, 20
Instructional Resources
  • Inch ruler used to measure objects in the classroom as well as in worksheets.
  • Classroom objects will give students opportunities to estimate and measure real items around the classroom.
  • Measuring tape will provide an appropriate tool for students to select to measure.
  • Yard stick will provide an option as an appropriate tool to select to measure.
Lesson Ideas:
  • Go Math Lesson 8.3Essentials:Reteach Tier I TE p. 397B, Model and Draw TE p. 398 (Use questions in the TE.),Problem Solving TE p. 400
  • Go Math Lesson 8.7Essentials: Reteach Tier I TE p. 413B, Listen and Draw TE p. 413, On Your Own TE p. 415, Problem Solving TE p. 416
  • Go Math Lesson 8.8Reteach Tier I TE p. 417B, Listen and Draw TE p. 417B (Use questions in the TE.), Model and Draw TE p. 418B (Use questions in the TE.), Problem Solving TE p. 420
  • Estimation in Feet is a worksheet for additional practice with estimating in feet.
  • Inching Along-Use as a guide to facilitate authentic measurement experiences.
  • Estimation Games-activities focused on estimation using inches and feet
  • Kangaroo Jumps-an activity where students select the appropriate estimation tool
For more information about integrating the content within this GCG click here for the PowerPoint .
Sample HOT Questions: Use these to facilitate student discussions. (SMP 1, 3)
  • Compare the ruler you made to an inch ruler. Describe how they are alike and how they are different.
  • If you were asked to measure how tall you are, what unit of measurement would you use to measure yourself and why?
  • Estimate the distance from your desk to the classroom door. Explain the strategy you used to estimate the distance.

Students arebetter able to…
  • Use estimation to helpselect the most appropriate measuring tools and use precise vocabulary (inches, feet, estimate, measuring tape, yard stick).(SMP 5, 6)
  • Make connections to math in the real world by estimating lengths of classroom objects through several measuring experiences.
(SMP 4)
For more info on SMP’s click here. / Because as teachers we…
  • Provide ample experiences for students to estimate lengths and verify the actual length to refine their estimation skills.(SMP 5)
  • Connect estimating lengths to real world situations. (SMP 4)
  • Use precise language (inches, feet, estimate, measuring tape, yard stick)and insist that students use accurate language. (SMP 6)

2nd / Global Concept 3 of 3 for this Unit of Study: Applying Length
This GCG focuses on students applying their knowledge of customary and metric measurement. Students will use a line plot to display measurement data. / Projected Time Allotment:
3 Days
Sample Essential Questions:
Day 1: How can drawing a diagram help when solving problems about lengths?
Day 2: How do you create a line plot?
Day 3:How can a line plot be used to show measurement data?
Related Unit 9 Assessment: Go Math Ch. 8: # 1, 2, 6, 12, 13, 17
Instructional Resources
  • Number lineto solve measurement problems involving addition and subtraction problems.
  • Inch rulerto measure objects in the classroom as well as on a worksheet.
  • Classroom objectsto give students opportunities to estimate and measure real items around the classroom.
  • Measuring tape for students to have as an option as an appropriate tool to select to measure.
  • Yard stick for students to have as an option as an appropriate tool to select to measure.
Lesson Ideas:
  • GO Math Lesson 8.5Essentials: Reteach Tier I TE p. 405B, Unlock the Problem TE p. 405 (Use questions in the TE.), Try Another Problem TE p. 406 (use questions in the TE), Share and Show TE p. 407
  • Go Math Lesson 8.9Essentials:Reteach Tier I TE p. 421B, Listen and Draw TE p 421 (Use questions in the TE.), Model and Draw TE p. 422 (Use questions in the TE), Share and Show TE p. 422, Problem Solving TE p. 424
  • Line Plots-word problems to create a line plot
  • Number lines-word problems where a number line is provided to solve the problem
For more information about integrating the content within this GCG click here for the PowerPoint .
Sample HOT Questions: Use these to facilitate student discussions. (SMP 1, 3)
  • When in your life would you need to use your knowledge of measurement? What for?
  • What are the pros and cons of using a line plot?
  • Tom said that the class is about 30 feet long and Niharika said that the classroom is about 30 inches long. Do you think that Tom or Niharika’s estimate is more reasonable and why?

Students arebetter able to…
  • Measure real world objects in the classroom and make connections to authentic measurement applications. (SMP 4)
  • Accurately describe units of measurement and lengths because they use precise language (inches, feet, line plot). (SMP 6)
For more info on SMP’s click here. / Because as teachers we…
  • Give students authentic experiences to connect measurement to real world classroom objects.
(SMP 4)
  • Hold our students accountable for using accurate language when referring to measurement, estimation, and data plots (inches, feet, line plot). (SMP 6)