Minutes of the 13th meeting of THE NORTHWICK SURGERY PATIENT GROUP held on 11 August 2010


Ms Avril Candler (Chairman)
Ms Priti Bodani
Mr Ramesh Daswani
Mr Joe Posner
Mr Brian Saperia
Ms Sania Sehbai
Mr Maurice Soffa
Mr Jon Spain / Practice Staff:
Ms Bali Kharay
Dr Ruth Topper
Dr George Varghese
Dr Anjum Zaidi


Ms Hanna Corbishley
Ms Diane Davidson
Dr Fergus McCloghry
Mrs Nanette Spain
Item / Discussion
10/23 / Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on 12 May 2010 were accepted as a correct record.
10/24 / Telephone System
Bali was pleased to report that the 0844 number which had been the subject of so many complaints had been replaced by a local number (020 8515 1300).
10/25 / Out of hours service
Brian reported that, whereas the PCT offers confusing advice about available facilities, our practice clearly points people towards the deputising service, Harmoni, and NHS Direct.
Bali said that the PCT had recently circulated GPs with some more up-to-date information on the availability of its services and this would be displayed in waiting areas.
10/26 / Top Tips
It was noted that the Top Tips document was not displayed in waiting areas. Bali agreed to rectify this - (Action: BK-completed).
10/27 / Chairman’s Report
Avril referred to her report which had been circulated before the meeting in which she thanked Bali and her team for implementing the new telephone system and went on to summarise the current situation in relation to the self help groups (Mother & Baby Group and Friendship Group) which had got off to a very successful start, thanks to the efforts of all concerned. Vinita and Janet were singled out for praise for their support at the reception desk.
Later in the meeting, Sania gave an update report on the Mother & Baby Group and thanked everyone for the support she was receiving. The Practice staff expressed their appreciation for the efforts put in by all concerned with the setting up of the groups.
Avril’s report included ideas for the future.
In order to sustain and share the load of running the Friendship Group it was suggested that we might be able to call on the services of those who had originally volunteered but it was felt that it would be more appropriate to invite members of the Group itself.
It was agreed that a male Friendship Group might in the future be set up if a suitable leader could be found and trained, but the suggestion of a mixed-sex group was rejected - (Action - Action Team (on-going)
Avril suggested that the Comfort Hotel should be approached with a view to their offering a room for the Groups/self help projects - (Action: RD (by mid-September)). However, it should be borne in mind that the surgery is essentially a safe place where confidentiality can also be maintained and we should be careful about going elsewhere. It was noted that those running the Groups were not required to undergo Criminal Records Bureau checks.
Sania said that she would try to provide Bali with more comprehensive details of those to be invited to the Groups (surname, postal address and phone number) - (Action: SS).
The idea of holding an open day was once again floated. It was agreed that a sub-committee with Ramesh as one of its members should meet next Spring to discuss this - (Action: BS for next agenda)
Ramesh wondered whether the Patient Group’s existence was publicised properly. Maurice said that we should probably rely on word of mouth.
Later in the meeting, the hope was expressed that we might in the future establish a system for visiting housebound people.
10/28 / Report from Practice Manager
Bali said that the electronic display now made reference to the Summary Care Record issue. However, it was not at all clear now as to how this initiative would be taken forward and it is currently ‘on hold’.
Bali had now informed the receptionists that authorisation to collect prescriptions on someone else’s behalf should only be required only once.
One quotation for £600 for the rear entrance canopy had so far been received and others were awaited. Maurice said that he would approach a handyman he knew to do the job if Bali sent him the specification - (Action: BK/MS). He might also ask the Rotary Club and/or The Lions for funding. It was suggested that local pharmacies should be approached for sponsorship, but Anjum said that this would raise a number of ethical issues.
10/29 / Feedback from Doctors
It was too early to make any significant comments on the government White Paper.
Some patients from this Practice had agreed to participate or have their (anonymised) data used in research projects on eg statins, COPD and diabetes being carried out by local GPs.

10/30 / Pharmacy Issues
Avril said that she had received some useful comments about the Practice from the pharmacist at the local Superdrug.
The Patient Group hoped that pharmacies would eventually have extended opening hours and would, as in the past, advertise which local pharmacy was open when they are not.
Arising from discussion, the Group expressed its aspiration to arrange visits to the housebound.
10/31 / Appointments System
Jon said that some patients were not able to make forward appointments in person at the reception desk and that the automated system did not allow appointments to be made 6 weeks ahead.
It was agreed that a sub-committee consisting of Bali, Jon and Brian should attempt to sort out these problems - (Action: BK/JS/BS).
Brian undertook to resend to Bali the simplified guidance on the appointments system which he had produced some time ago but which had apparently been lost - (Action: BS).
10/32 / Dates of Future Meetings
17 November
9 February 2011
Suggested items for inclusion in the agenda should be forwarded to (020 8907 2049).