MINUTES of the MEETING of SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 4 April 2011 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.


Chairman: Cllr D Liddell

Councillors: R Brocklehurst, J Charlesworth, Mrs P Gallamore, P Handley, R Leech and R Stier.

In attendance: 1 resident and the Parish Clerk


A resident advised that he had noticed some damage to the war memorial and spring planting has been thrown onto the memorial. The Clerk will investigate and arrange any necessary repairs.

A resident advised that more of the newly planted trees at the Chestnuts have been stolen. It was agreed that a newsletter article would be written about this.

Cllr Gallamore advised that children have been pinching the daffodils at Towngate and Manor Park. Cllr Liddell had witnessed the theft of daffodils at Silkstone Common station and Cllr Leech had seen children pinching daffodils from the Silkstone Church cemetery.

A resident advised that Cawthorne village appears to have new vintage style lampposts and asked if the Council was aware of any funding for this style of lamppost. The Clerk agreed to contact the Clerk at Cawthorne to ask how the new lampposts had been funded.

A resident asked if the Parish Council would consider placing a few hanging baskets on the purpose built stand in Silkstone Common and a few on High street in Silkstone as a gesture. The Clerk will cost out this suggestion for Parish Council’s consideration.

Cllr Gallamore asked what had happened about an interpretation board for the PALS stone now located at the Silverwood Scout camp. The Clerk advised that Cllr Bower has taken this over from Jim Ritchie and a report will be made to Council at their next meeting.

Cllr Gallamore commented that the Water Board have done a good job on the Waggonway . She asked whether the slag heap could be fenced off and noted that quad bikes are damaging the footpath. The Clerk will visit the site and then report to BMBC footpaths officer and the Police.

Cllr Handley asked if anything had progressed about the Noblethorpe estates wall. The Clerk will chase BMBC for a response.

Cllr Stier advised that 6 street lights on Martin Croft have not been working since last Thursday. The Clerk will advise BMBC street lighting.

Cllr Leech advised that a resident has complained to him again about the humps on Towngate. He advised that a leaflet has been put through residents’ doors on Towngate advising them to complain. Cllr Leech and Gallamore, both residents of Towngate have not received this leaflet.

Cllr Leech also asked if anything has progressed regarding the outstanding Highways works on Silkstone Lane, the Clerk read the e-mail from BMBC Highways which states that the works will be completed in mid April.

Cllr Charlesworth advised that the cubs & scouts are planning a summer fete as a fundraiser for the proposed new scout/community building and would welcome any ideas for the fete.

Cllr Gallamore asked the Clerk to find out and advise her of the date of the next meeting of the Scout Hut Management Committee.


RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Bower who is on holiday and Cllr Smith who is ill.


RESOLVED to note Cllr Stier’s declaration of a prejudicial interest in the payment to the Handyman under agenda item 8 (the item was not discussed as the payment was authorised on block with other payments).

10-170 MINUTES

Silkstone Parish Council - RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 7 March 11 as a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes.

Page 1 – The clerk advised that BMBC footpaths officer has advised that mobility scooters are entitled to use public footpaths under DDA legislation.

Page 1 – Cllr Stier reported on an e-mail from Angela Smith MP which stated that the local paramedic provision for Silkstone/Penistone area is not being reduced but will in fact increase from 15 to 22 personnel in July this year.

Page 3 – Grant application for CARE for insurance for amalgamated Parish Care group should have been considered as an 11/12 application. The application that should have been discussed was for planting of the Chestnuts. Parish Council RESOLVED that £200 be approved for planting the Chestnuts in addition to £200 for Silkstone Parish CARE group amalgamated insurance (upon presentation of insurance certificate).

Silkstone Playing Fields Committee – RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee held on Monday 14 March 11.

The Clerk advised that the claim for the football accident on the access road side of the pitch has been rejected and that the claim on the woods side of the pitch is ongoing.



RESOLVED that the following comments be made on planning applications as detailed below

2011/0321 / Erection of a front conservatory extension to dwelling
Barnsley Road, Silkstone
2011/0317 / Erection of a single storey rear extension
No comment / 46 Manor Park


10-172 GRANT AID 2011/2012

RESOLVED that the Parish Council will only award grants upon receipt of an invoice or receipt for the item purchased. The Clerk will write to grant applicants advising them of this policy which will mean that grant cheques will not be presented at the Annual Parishioners Meeting.

RESOLVED that the following grants are pre-approved and will be paid upon receipt of proof of purchase from the grant applicant.

Grant Applicant / Purpose of Grant / Grant amount approved
Old Silkstone Band / Towards purchase of brass instrument / up to £400
Silkstone Brownies / First Aid Course & Zumba classes for Brownies / up to £200
Silkstone Beavers, Cubs & Scouts / Towards scout camp transport / up to £400
Silkstone Guides / Towards purchase of 8 man tent / up to £200
Silkstone Common WI / Towards fee and travel costs of speaker from William Blake society / up to £100
Silkstone Common Ladies Choir / Towards cost of photocopying equipment / up to £100
Silkstone Luncheon Club / Towards cost of dial-a-ride / up to £350
Silkstone Lodge Bowling Club / To pay for a weather protection parasol / up to £259
Silkstone Common Good Companions / Towards transport costs for trips / up to £350
Silkstone Common Methodist Church / Towards the cost to repair/replace church windows / up to £250
Penistone Paramount / Towards the cost to refurbish the Paramount room and painting of dressing rooms. / up to £300
Silkstone in Bloom / To pay for the summer bedding plants for the two villages / up to £500
Silkstone Parish CARE group / Towards the cost of the insurance for the amalgamated Silkstone CARE group / up to £200

RESOLVED to note that the total of the pre-approved grants is £3,609 leaving £1,091 to allocate throughout the 2011/2012 financial year.

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk will investigate costs of a water bowser and the time involved for the handyman to water the summer bedding in both villages throughout the summer. She will report back to the next Parish Council meeting.


RESOLVED that Cllr Liddell will attend the NALC Communities in Action conference in Sheffield on 19 July 11. The Clerk will complete the booking form.


RESOLVED to note that the Parish Clerk’s appraisal has been completed. The appraisal was signed by the appraisal co-ordinator Cllr Liddell, the staffing committee Chairman Cllr Leech and the Parish Clerk Mrs Canadine.

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Member feedback forms for the next appraisal will be issued in July 11 with an appraisal date in September 11.


RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedule dated 4 April 2011 totalling

£5,222.83 as shown below. Full details available from the Clerk.

Payee / Net / Vat / Total / Cheque
British Gas / 454.58 / 22.73 / 477.31 / DD
J H Mower Services / 360.00 / 0 / 360.00 / 300182
Yorkshire Water / -24.43 / 0 / -24.43 / In credit
Viking Direct / 116.99 / 17.00 / 133.99 / 300183
Rigby Taylor / 208.34 / 41.66 / 250 / 300184
YLCA / 7.50 / 0 / 7.50 / 300185
Information Commissioner / 35.00 / 0 / 35.00 / 300186
Penistone Plumbing & Heating / 240.00 / 0 / 240.00 / 300187
YLCA / 664.00 / 0 / 664.00 / 300188
Parish Clerk / 992.25 / 0 / 992.25 / DD&
HMRC / 255.35 / 0 / 255.35 / 300190
SY Pensions / 179.52 / 0 / 179.52 / 300191
Rigby Taylor / 74.80 / 0 / 74.80 / 300192
Penistone Plumbing & Heating / 110.00 / 0 / 110.00 / 300193
SPIN Print / 526.00 / 0 / 526.00 / 300194
Parish Clerk / 49.58 / 2.26 / 51.84 / 300195
Handyman / 889.70 / 0 / 889.70 / 300196
Totals / 5139.18 / 83.65 / 5222.83


RESOLVED that the Parish Council will contribute £150 towards the cost of printing this new Heritage trail leaflet. The Clerk will request that a supply is issued to the Parish Council to distribute around the village pubs and shops.


RESOLVED to note that the landscaping works are due to start mid-April.


RESOLVED to note that the project is in the final stages of the second stage of the grant application process. A decision should be known by the next Parish Council meeting.


RESOLVED to approve the Risk Assessment for the Silkstone Recreation Ground. The Parish Council thanked S. Chambers for his assistance in completing this document.

RESOLVED to note that the drainage contractor who replaced the drain on the cricket side of the field has been asked to return to dig trial holes along the football touchline to ascertain if the same fill material has been used on this drain as problems are being encountered with sitting water on the wood side of the football pitch. The contractor will remove the 2 white benches at the same time. The Clerk is to use delegated powers to authorise this work.

RESOLVED to note that the STRI inspector carried out his annual inspection last week. The outcome of his inspection will be reported to Council in due course.

RESOLVED to note that the cricket sight screens have been installed. Cllr Stier and the handyman will monitor the area.


RESOLVED to defer this item to the next meeting.



Cllr Stier – Attended the transport meeting at Penistone. He advised that the frequency of buses is to be reviewed and stated that under-used services could not be run at a loss. It was also noted that bus passes cannot be used on the community shopper bus which is putting residents off using the service.
Cllr Leech advised that he had attended Village Hall Training at Todwick along with Cllr Stier and the Clerk. The training had proved very useful and included advice about Premises licences. The Clerk is to find out the procedure from BMBC to obtain a premises licence in the Parish Council’s name for Silkstone Pavilion. She will liaise with the cricket and football clubs and prepare a proposal for the next SPFC meeting. It was also highlighted that buildings should be re-valued every 10 years. The Clerk will obtain quotations for a building surveyor to re-value the Silkstone Pavilion.
Cllr Liddell attended the NALC Council meeting where the localism bill was discussed. He stated that the key element to impact on Parish Council’s will be planning. He also attended the YLCA staffing committee meeting and advised that Sheena Spence has taken over from Ian Strong as the Chief Officer of the YLCA.


RESOLVED to note the following correspondence

CPRE – Inviting individual Councillors to become members of the CPRE and enclosing their newsletter Backyard. Cllrs Liddell, Leech and Gallamore took copies of the newsletter.
Residents e-mail regarding disappointment at removal of hanging baskets – Clerk advised that she had responded to this e-mail stating that the decision had already been taken by Council but that the Council are working closely with Silkstone in Bloom.
Digital TV – The Clerk advised that she had leaflets relating to the Digital TV switchover in August/ September and that she would write an article for the next newsletter.


RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be the Annual Meeting on Monday 9 May 2011 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.

ALSO NOTE The Annual Parishioners Meeting will be held on Tuesday 19 April 11 at 7pm at Silkstone Common Methodist Church.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.42 pm.

Chairman’s Signature / Date

SPC Minutes 4 April 11