christian cnd

162 Holloway Rd, London, N7 8DQ tel 020 7700 4200/2393 fax 020 7700 2357


May 2004

Christian CND takes the cake to Embassies

On May 24th the Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament visits the London embassies of the Nuclear Weapons States (NWS) with cake and questions. The cake celebrates the fourth anniversary of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) 2000 conference. The questions are:

“how are you progressing with your commitments to nuclear disarmament, which were agreed by your government in 2000?” and

“How do you plan to ‘report back’ to the NPT on your progress?”

Christian CND says that the NWS must now make concrete steps to fulfil their promise to get rid of nuclear weapons and follow through on their 'unequivocal undertaking... to accomplish ... nuclear disarmament...' (Article VI, Final Document of the Review Conference of the NPT signed in May 2000).

Most of the world, led by the New Agenda Coalition, want the NPT strengthened, want the NWS to abide by their agreement to disarm, want the ABM kept and do not want weapons in space.

The Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament visits the embassies of the Nuclear Weapons States: France; USA; China; Russia and for the UK; the Ministry of Defence and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office plus Downing Street, after holding a short service in the Dick Sheppard Chapel at St Martins-in-the-Fields, London to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

CCND is calling on the embassies of the New Agenda Coalition: South Africa; Ireland; Mexico; Egypt; New Zealand; Brazil, to thank them for their efforts to achieve nuclear disarmament. And CCND also visits the embassies of: Pakistan; Israel; and India to ask them to support the NPT as non-nuclear states, thereby encouraging them to disarm.

At the embassies, Downing Street, and the MoD they will be handing in a slice of celebratory birthday cake in honour of the NPT.

For more information contact the Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (Christian CND) at 020 7700 4200, or our website at web:

Three separate groups of walkers will visit, after a short service at the Dick Sheppard Chapel, St Martin in the Fields at 10am:


10: 45am / South African Embassy
11:15am / Downing Street & Ministry of Defence
11:30am / Foreign & Commonwealth Office
1:00pm / Irish Embassy
1:45pm / Pakistan High Commission
2:15pm / French Embassy
3:00pm / Mexican Embassy
3:30pm / Egyptian Embassy


/ New Zealand High Commission


/ Chinese Embassy
2:15pm / Swedish Embassy
3:00pm / Brazilian Embassy
3:30pm / USA
11:00am / Indian High Commission
12:00pm / Russian Embassy
12:30pm / Israeli Embassy