Whitchurch Community Primary School

Minutes of the Full Governors’ meeting held on Tuesday 21 March 2017


Sue Ord (Chair)SO

Dave Anning (Vice Chair)DA

Nicola BenchNB

Caroline HayCH

Karen HigginsonKH

Dave JohnsDJ

Helen Kelly HK

Matt LuckhamML

Nicky MackenzieNM

Fiona MilliganFM

Chris SmerdonCS


Angela O’Shea-Warman (Headteacher)AOSW

Joan Hankin (Clerk)JH

Distribution: all present plus

Sean BrassilSB

Holly Pullen HP

Harry Churchill (Associate Member)HC

Kate Sainsbury (Associate Member)KS

Mike Sainsbury (Associate Member)MS

Ed Persse (Associate Member)EP


Apologies were received and sanctioned from Sean Brassil (health) and Holly Pullen (work).

There were no declarations of interest. Chris Smerdon was introduced.

It was unanimously agreed to take item 9 next to enable the new governor to participate in the meeting.


It was agreed that CS’ experience would make him ideal for the local authority governor vacancy and that he be nominated to DCC accordingly. However, in the meantime SO proposed that he should be co-opted to the other existing vacancy. NM seconded and it was approved unanimously. It was agreed that when LA approval was received he would be formally transferred to the role of LA governor, with the co-opted vacancy being reinstated.


Copies of the minutes of the meeting had been circulated. The Part 2 minutes were read out. The minutes and Part 2 minutes of 16 November were proposed (HK), seconded (KH) and approved unanimously.

Matters arising

Item 4 – In response to a question AOSW confirmed that the reciprocal reading technique was making a difference and the advisor had confirmed that this would have a further impact on standardsin coming years.

Item 8 – In response to a question AOSW confirmed that a letter had been sent to parents informing them of the changes to the times of the school day.


Copies of the budget proposals had been circulated. NM reported on the immediately preceding Resources Committee meeting, which had scrutinised the proposals, and presented the committee’s recommendation for approval, noting sadness at the necessity of losing resources, especially personnel.

It was noted that the current yearend forecast was for a deficit of £1,713, with a budgeted surplus of £3.5k for the end of 2017/18. Funding had been reduced from the current year and, in light of this, efforts were being made to try to manage the new budget effectively. However, significant cuts had been necessary, including losing an HLTA post and cutting back on resources. It was noted that the political landscape and funding decisions had changed; that the budget would be very tight, and not without impact on the school; the curriculum budget had been reduced by 50%; staffing teams had been reduced; that approximately 80% of the budget was spent on staffing costs, but that it had always been decided not to cut staff and the school had always managed to avoid redundancies; fundraising options could be explored; the suggestion raised at Resources of writing to the local MP and the Secretary for Education about budget concerns was agreed as another possible route to pursue; and it was queried whether the parent body needed to know more about the hard decisions being taken. . It was also noted that Ofsted are now looking very hard at financial management.

NM proposed that the 2017/18 budget be approved, DJ seconded and it was agreed unanimously.


AOSW tabled copies of the suggestions made at the succession planning exercise in September and outlined those suggested for 2017/18.

Ethos. The TCLT cultural diversity project had not been as effective as hoped, so now looking at improving this through small things. The school community is starting to include more cultural diversity, but there is a need for further development of children’s understanding and appreciation of different children, families and cultures. Management of the new shorter lunchtimes is being reviewed and Mrs Down is in charge of completing the arrangements by next half-term. The school has asked a special needs advisor to help identify where limited resources could be used more effectively. The school’s ethos was a very prominent feature in the succession plan and future focus last September, as was staff well-being, and staff feedback indicates they feel that both governors and the SMT support them and care about them. KH noted the need to keep an eye on TCLT collaboration ideas and outcomes for the future in well-being terms. Some areas work well, but others have shrunk. Concerns were raised about the future of TCLT with Tavistock College’s changing focus and it was suggested that the primary heads need to get together to look at this.

It was agreed that collaboration should be a SIP focus for 2017/18.

Curriculum. Although still relatively new, there was now a well-planned detailed curriculum for every year group. There is still a challenging amount of work to do, but this is becoming embedded. However other subjects (e.g. music, art, RE, sport etc) are being squeezed time-wise. In response to a question AOSW advised that the change-round of teachers next year will have targets for including specific numbers of hours for such subjects. It was agreed that the GB needed to push this to meet the school’s ‘whole child’ ethos.

It was agreed time allocation for all subjects would be AOSW’s focus for 2017/18.

Teaching & Learning. Currently there is not enough time for cross-fertilisation and shared planning etc among teachers. It is expected that the changes to the school day will help with this and the switchover should also help with collaboration and shared practice. In response to a question AOSW advised that the staff are excited and just a little nervous about the switchover.

Leadership and management. Need to maintain focus on succession planning.

Community. There was a need to re-invigorate the school’s relationship with the wider community. Suggestions included getting involved with older groups, as well as maintaining and extending existing links, and working with Citizen UK.

Resources. It was essential to prioritise what will get done.

A discussion ensued about exploring and linking together sources of income for resources. Items raised included plans regarding replacement of current IT equipment; strategies for future IT developments; how to structure fund-raising; identification of items for specific funding. It was noted that while WSA were a huge asset and brilliant at raising funds for the school for a variety of things via their events, it might also be useful to establish another smaller group to look at more formal targeted funding. It was agreed that DJ, HK and AOSW plus a couple of interested parents would look at how to address and integrate this new focus.

It was agreed that fund-raising would be a focus for 2017/18.


Copies of the HT’s report had been circulated and all had read it. In reply to a question AOSW confirmed that she was positive about the changes being made to the timings of the school day. In response to a question AOSW confirmed that the internet problems with incompatibility between iPads and printers had now been resolved, but the administration of 30 iPads is complex. In response to a question AOSW confirmed that the CCTV cameras being installed were being placed high up, but if vandalised would cost less than the damage being caused to the roof.


Copies of the Safeguarding Audit had been circulated. DA reported that any bullying issues were being addressed in the right way at the right time, and noted that Mr Williams had done some very good work on electronic safeguarding.

DA advised that another named governor was needed as his deputy and SO agreed to take on this role. Copies of the model Terms of Reference for the Safeguarding Governor had been circulated. Adoption of these Terms of Reference was proposed (DA), seconded (CS) and agreed unanimously.

Copies of the February 2017 version of the Safeguarding Policy had been circulated. Adoption was proposed (DA), seconded (CS) and approved unanimously.


These had been covered under items above.


Resources - Copies of the minutes had been circulated and NM reported on the meeting, noting discussion on possible use of cover supervision rather than supply on appropriate occasions, which would be discussed with staff next term. In response to a question there was a discussion around various aspects of cover provision and it was agreed that there needed to be good parental communication about this.

Teaching & Learning - Copies of the minutes had been circulated. DA had chaired the meeting and reported briefly. There were no questions.


This item was taken earlier, see above.


HP’s report of her visit in October had been circulated to all governors. AOSW will draw up and circulate a list of possible dates for learning walks during the summer term. Lead governors were asked to focus on their annual reports for their areas.


AOSW and SO had received an email from HP giving her apologies for the meeting and offering some input which she wanted noted. In particular she suggested an allowance in the budget for forest school training and inclusion. AOSW advised that two members of staff were already trained and the school already does a range of outdoor learning and would love to do a great deal more, but it needs a high staffing ratio to do forest school. Funding constraints will make it difficult to extend it this year, but it is very important and will be integrated into a review of SEN provision.


Summer Term

Committees: Thursday 18 May 2017 - Resources at 6.30pm; T&L at 7.30pm

Full Governors:Wednesday 5 July2017 at 7pm




Action taken


Further action

9. / Chris Smerdon co-opted to Governing Body.
3. / 2017/18 budget discussed and approved.
4. / SIP priorities for next 3yrs discussed. / DJ/HK/AOSW + 2 parents to discuss fundraising
5. / Headteacher’s report discussed.
6. / Terms of Reference for Safeguarding Governor adopted.
6. / Safeguarding Policy Feb.2017 adopted.
10. / Governor visits discussed. / Lead governors to provide annual reports for next meeting.
AOSW to provide list of possible dates for summer term learning walks.
11. / Forest school training / implementation discussed. / AOSW to integrate into a review of SEN provision.

