Ch 4 Biome Project - Create a Brochure

Brochure is due and Presentations will be made on Block A – Oct 2nd

•  Groups of 1-2

•  You will be given a biome to advertise (Pg. 92-99)

•  Talk about the characteristics of that biome

–  Animals found and their characteristics

–  Plants found and their characteristics

–  Climate

–  Rainfall

–  Temperatures

–  Images of animals from biome

–  How the biome is different from others

–  Interesting facts about certain locations /part of this biome

Biome Groups

·  Tropical Rain Forest

·  Tropical Dry Forest

·  Tropical Grasslands/Savanna

·  Desert

·  Temperate Grassland

·  Temperate Woodland

·  Temperate Forest

·  Northwestern Coniferous Forest

·  Boreal Forest

·  Tundra

·  Salt Marsh Estuaries

·  Mangrove Swamp Estuaries

·  Freshwater Wetlands: Bog

·  Freshwater Wetlands: Marsh

·  Freshwater Wetlands: Swamp

Biome Grading Rubric

Name(s): ______

Biome/ Ecosystem: ______

Content Points Poss. Points Earned

1.  Types of Animals found in the location (5 min.)
2.  List 3 characteristics animals need to survive in this Biome. / 10
1.  Types of Plants found in the location (5 min.)
2.  List 2 characteristics plants need to survive in this Biome. / 10
Climate of the area
- Hot, Cold, Dry, humid, etc… / 5
Rainfall per year / 5
Temperatures (Range from…) / 5
Images of plants/animals/Biome (Pictures) Minimum 5 / 5
How the biome is different or similar to others. Compare and contrast to 2 neighboring biomes. / 20
Interesting facts about certain locations that are part of this biome. (Cool factoids) 3 Minimum. / 10
Organization – Grammar, Spelling and organization. Easy to find the information. Clear to know where I can find the info I’m looking for. Creative and colorful (eye-catching). / 20
Sources are cited correctly – Bibliography!!!! Do not just place the web address (URL). / 10
Presentation and Turned in on time / 20

Pts. Possible:_120__ Your Score: ______