Course Information Booklet for 2013-14

[S4  S5]

[S5  S6]

Art and Design promotes aesthetic understanding, visual awareness, knowledge and appreciation. It encourages candidates to use a range of media and respond to their world in creative ways. It promotes creative thinking and innovation and encourages self-motivation, problem solving and the development of personal opinions and imagery.
Entry Level Required:
  • Standard Grade Art & Design: Foundation (Grade 5 or 6)
  • Standard Grade English: Foundation (Grade 5 or 6)

Course Content:
You will complete 3 units for this course:
Expressive Unit: 3 x A2 (Still life / portraiture)
  • Investigation of a theme.
  • Developing and resolving personal ideas and interpretations imaginatively through exploration of media and composition.
  • Personal expression through the production of a final painting.
Design Unit: 3 x A2 (Jewellery / Fashion / Product)
  • Identifying an area of design and structuring an appropriate design brief.
  • Investigating the requirements, constraints and implications of a design task.
  • Considering a range of design issues, for example, function, aesthetics, manipulation of material.
  • Develop a range of approaches and possible solutions.
  • Selecting and producing a final outcome.
  • Evaluating the process and outcome.
Art & Design Studies:
In this unit you are required to complete two in depth studies, one related to the Expressive Unit and one related to the Design unit. Both include:
  • 4 x analysis / 1 x summary for Design and Expressive consisting of:
  • Researching and investigating areas of the visual arts and design
  • Forming and communicating informed personal views, opinion and judgements.

All units are internally assessed by the teacher(s) throughout the year.
External assessment by the SQA is in three parts:
Expressive and Design units are sent together as a folio to be marked by the SQA. (80 markseach)
Written summaries are internally passed.
  • Intermediate 2 Art & Design (at the discretion of the department)
  • College courses.
Information on any of these options is available from the subject teacher, Guidanceteacher or Careers Advisor.
Art and Design promotes aesthetic understanding, visual awareness, knowledge and appreciation. It encourages candidates to use a range of media and respond to their world in creative ways. It promotes creative thinking and innovation and encourages self-motivation, problem solving and the development of personal opinions and imagery.
Entry Level Required:
  • Standard Grade Art & Design: General (Grade 3 or 4)
  • Intermediate 1 Art & Design (Pass)

Course Content:
You will complete 3 units for this course:
Expressive Unit: 3 x A2 (Still life / portraiture)
  • Investigation of a theme.
  • Developing and resolving personal ideas and interpretations imaginatively through exploration of media and composition.
  • Personal expression through the production of a final painting.
Design Unit: 3 x A2 (Jewellery / Fashion / Product)
  • Identifying an area of design and structuring an appropriate design brief.
  • Investigating the requirements, constraints and implications of a design task.
  • Considering a range of design issues, for example, function, aesthetics, manipulation of material.
  • Develop a range of approaches and possible solutions.
  • Selecting and producing a final outcome.
  • Evaluating the process and outcome.
Art & Design Studies:
In this unit you are required to complete two in depth studies, one related to the Expressive Unit and one related to the Design unit. Both include:
  • 4 x analysis / 1 x summary for Design and Expressive consisting of:
  • Researching and investigating areas of the visual arts and design
  • Forming and communicating informed personal views, opinion and judgements.

All units are internally assessed by the teacher(s) throughout the year.
External assessment by the SQA is in three parts:
  • Expressive and Design units are sent together as a folio to be marked by the SQA. (80 markseach)
  • Written summaries are internally passed.
  • Written examination: 1 Hour / 4 essay questions (40 marks)

  • Higher Art & Design(At the discretion of the department)
  • College courses.
Information on any of these options is available from the subject teacher, Guidance teacher or Careers Advisor.
Art and Design promotes aesthetic understanding, visual awareness, knowledge and appreciation. It encourages candidates to use a range of media and respond to their world in creative ways. It promotes creative thinking and innovation and encourages self-motivation, problem solving and the development of personal opinions and imagery.
Entry Level Required:
  • Standard Grade Art & Design: Credit (Grade 1 or 2)
  • Intermediate 2 Art & Design (Pass)

Course Content:
You will complete 3 units for this course:
Expressive Unit: 3 x A2 (Still life / portraiture)
  • Investigation of a theme.
  • Developing and resolving personal ideas and interpretations imaginatively through exploration of media and composition.
  • Personal expression through the production of a final painting.
Design Unit: 3 x A2 (Jewellery / Fashion / Product)
  • Identifying an area of design and structuring an appropriate design brief.
  • Investigating the requirements, constraints and implications of a design task.
  • Considering a range of design issues, for example, function, aesthetics, manipulation of material.
  • Develop a range of approaches and possible solutions.
  • Selecting and producing a final outcome.
  • Evaluating the process and outcome.
Art & Design Studies:
In this unit you are required to complete two in depth studies, one related to the Expressive Unit and one related to the Design unit. Both include:
  • 4 x analysis / 1 x summary for Design and Expressive consisting of:
  • Researching and investigating areas of the visual arts and design
  • Forming and communicating informed personal views, opinion and judgements.

All units are internally assessed by the teacher(s) throughout the year.
External assessment by the SQA is in three parts:
Expressive and Design units are sent together as a folio to be marked by the SQA. (80 marks
Written summaries are internally passed.
Written examination: 1 ½ hours / 4essay questions (60 marks)
  • Advanced Higher Art & Design(Pass required at Higher)
  • College Portfolio courses
  • Art & Design related FE courses. e.g Fashion, Photography, Product, Graphics
Information on any of these options is available from the subject teacher, Guidance teacher or Careers Advisor.
Art and Design promotes aesthetic understanding, visual awareness, knowledge and appreciation. It encourages candidates to use a range of media and respond to their world in creative ways. It promotes creative thinking and innovation and encourages self-motivation, problem solving and the development of personal opinions and imagery.
The area chosen by the individual pupils to study should be sufficiently rich in intellectual and aesthetic opportunities to promote intensity and depth of self motivated study.
The aim of this course is to provide pupils with a portfolio of work in preparation for Further education course. Pupils will be encouraged to access other course, Life drawing / Surface Decoration to enhance their folio.
Entry Level Required:
  • Art & Design Higher (Pass)

Course Content:
The course comprises of one compulsory 80 hour unit, one 40 hour unit, plus 40 hours flexible time.
Compulsory Unit:
Enquiry: Expressive (80 hours) and Art and Design Studies: Visual Arts (40 hours)
Enquiry: Design (80 hours) and Art & Design Studies: Design (40 hours)
Within these choices pupils are encouraged to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses form previous learning. Pupils are given the freedom of choice within each discipline, e.g Landscape, portraiture, figure composition, Fashion design.
Unit Criteria:
Minimum requirements: 10 x A1 sheets / Maximum requirements: 18 x A1 sheets.
Essay relating to chosen artists / Designers: 1500 - 2000 words.
Completion of four tutorials with subject teacher(s) throughout the year. This structure is based on a first year course at any Scottish Art School / College.
Your folio will be internally assessed by your subject teacher(s) and sent to the SQA for assessment by external markers.
  • Art School / College
  • Portfolio courses
  • Art & Design related FE courses. e.g. Fashion, Photography, Product, Graphics
Information on any of these options is available from the subject teacher, Guidance teacher or Careers Advisor.
Entry Level Required
Intermediate 2 will be offered to pupils with any of the following entry requirements:
  • Standard Grade Biology General award,
  • Biology Intermediate 1 Award

Course Content
The course develops an understanding of the way in which Biological principles can be applied to current issues facing the individual and society, encouraging positive attitudes to themselves, others and the Environment. The study of Intermediate 2 Biology also contributes to the candidate’s broad scientific education through the acquisition of relevant skills in a Biological context.

Course Structure

The course has three units developing Standard grade and Intermediate 1 knowledge to a greater depth as well as linking into several concepts within the Higher course.
Intermediate 2 units include the following:
  • Living Cells
  • Environmental Biology and Genetics
  • Animal Physiology

Each unit has an end of topic test out of 40 marks and this will cover Knowledge and Understanding and Problem Solving questions. In addition, pupils must write one report of an experiment which has been carried out in class. A pass in these assessments will result in the unit award.
SQA external assessment
At the end of the course, the examination consists of a 2 hour paper (100 marks) including multiple choice, structured questions testing problem solving and practical abilities, and 2 short essays.
A course award will be given on passing all unit tests and the external assessment.
  • Higher Biology
  • Higher Education HND or HNC Courses.
  • Biology related employment.

Further Information

You can find the detailed Course Arrangements on the Biology page of SQA’s website ( In addition, advice can be sought from Biology teachers, Guidance teachers and the Careers Advisor.
Entry Level Required
Higher will be offered to pupils with any of the following entry requirements:
  • Standard Grade Biology Credit (KU and PS) Award
  • Biology Intermediate 2 Award

Course Content
The course develops an understanding of the way in which Biological principles can be applied to current issues facing the individual and society, encouraging positive attitudes to themselves, others and the environment. The study of Higher Biology also contributes to the candidate’s broad scientific education through the acquisition of relevant skills in a Biological context.
The content reflects the importance of biochemistry, molecular biology and environmental issues in modern Biology, both as fundamental areas of Science and as a basis for study in applied fields such as genetic engineering, immunology, population and ecological studies. Genetics and evolution and the control of development are also areas of Biology where significant advances have been made and are covered in Higher Biology coursework.
Course Structure
The course has three units developing some Standard Grade and Intermediate 2 topics to a greater depth as well as introducing new areas of study.
Higher units include the following:
  • Cell Biology
  • Genetics and Adaptation
  • Control and Regulation

Each unit has an end of unit test out of 40 marks and this will cover Knowledge and Understanding and Problem Solving questions. In addition, pupils must write one report of an experiment which has been carried out in class. A pass in these assessments will result in the unit award.
SQA external assessment
At the end of the course, the examination consists of a 2½ hour paper (120 marks) including multiple choice, structured and data handling questions, and 2 short essays.
A course award will be given on passing all unit tests and the external assessment.
  • Advanced Higher
  • Higher Education HND and Degree Courses.
  • Biology related employment.

Further Information

You can find the detailed Course Arrangements on the Biology page of SQA’s website ( In addition, advice can be sought from Biology teachers, Guidance teachers and the Careers Advisor.
Entry Level Required
Advanced Higher will be offered to pupils with any of the following entry requirements:
  • Higher Biology Pass

Course Content
The Advanced Higher Biology course aims to inform students about ethical issues of major importance in Biology today as well as gaining a deeper understanding of key concepts of the subject. The course provides a sound starting point for any student considering a Biological or Scientific course in further education or a Biomedical related career.
The course has two compulsory units which reflect the importance of Cell and Molecular Biology and Environmental Biology as fundamental areas of science. Physiology, health and exercise issues are also addressed in the final half unit which cover topics becoming increasingly more important in today’s society. The final half unit is an investigation which allows a selected topic of personal choice to be studied in depth and is an opportunity for students to show initiative, think and work independently as well as continue to develop practical skills.
Course Structure
The course has three units extending some Higher topics to a greater depth as well as introducing new areas of study and an investigation.
Advanced Higher units include the following:
  • Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Environmental Biology
  • Physiology, Health and Exercise (half unit)
  • Biology Investigation(half unit)

Each unit has an end of topic test and this will cover Knowledge and Understanding and Problem Solving questions. In addition, pupils must write one report of an experiment which has been carried out in class and also maintain a lab book as a record of their investigation work. A pass in these assessments will result in the unit award.
SQA external assessment
At the end of the course, the examination consists of a 2½ hour paper (100 marks) including multiple choice, structured and data handling questions, and 1 essay. This exam will provide 80% of the final mark. .
The Investigation is sent away for external marking by SQA and contributes 20% of the final mark.
A course award will be given on passing all unit tests and the external assessment.
  • Higher Education Degree Courses.
  • Biology related employment.

Further Information

You can find the detailed Course Arrangements on the Biology page of SQA’s website ( In addition, advice can be sought from Biology Teachers, Guidance Teachers and the Careers Advisor.


This course offers you the opportunity to acquire skills and knowledge which allow you to participate in the complex world of business and enterprise. The Business Management course:
  • develops a greater awareness and understanding of the role information technology in an administrative and business context
  • provides the opportunity to develop decision making and problem solving skills in relation to the modern business environment
  • extends skills and expertise in the use of business standard software packages
  • provides a basis upon which further academic study and vocational training can take place.

Entry Level Required

  • Although no SG is available in Business Management, any pupil who wishes to study this subject at Higher level would be expected to have gained credit level passes in a range of subjects including Administration, or Int2 Business Management, and have discussed this subject choice with members of the Business Education staff.
The course is hierarchical in structure thus permitting students to move between the 2 levels when appropriate.

Course Content

The course consists of one x 40 hour and one x 80 hour unit.

Business Enterprise unit enables pupils to:

  • analyse the development of business enterprise in contemporary society
  • assess the value of information and the application of information technology to business enterprises
  • analyse the process of decision-making in business enterprises.

Business Decision Areas unit enables pupils to:

  • report on the internal organisation of business enterprises
  • analyse the marketing decisions of business enterprises
  • interpret and manipulate financial information used in business
  • analyse the human resources decisions of business enterprises
  • analyse the operations decisions of business enterprises.

To gain the course award you must complete all learning outcomes successfully also complete the external assessment – a written paper of 2 ½ hours (H level), 1 ¾ hours (Int2 level).
  • HNC/HND or degree courses
  • A range of employment/training opportunities in: Marketing, Administration and Management, Hospitality, Catering and Tourism, Transport and Distribution

Entry Level Required
  • Standard Grade Chemistry at grades 3 and 4
  • Intermediate 1 Chemistry Pass
together with
  • Standard Grade Mathematics at grades 3 and 4 or Intermediate 1 Mathematics.

Course Content
This course is suitable for students who have completed ‘S’ Grade Chemistry and also those who have not studied Chemistry before but have achieved success at ‘S’ Grade in another science subject. As well as introducing some ‘H’ work, the course revisits some work from ‘S’ Grade but in greater depth.
Elements, compounds, mixtures
Subatomic particles
The mole
Rate of reaction / Fuels
Structure and reactions of several homologous series
Plastics and synthetic fibres
Proteins, fats and oils / pH
Strong and weak acids and bases
Salt preparation
Metals and redox reactions
There are 3 compulsory practicals in each unit. Only one of these must be formally written up as part of the assessment requirements.
At the end of each unit, you will sit a test covering Knowledge and Understanding and Problem Solving.
You have to pass the KU & PS test and complete the write up for the practical in order to be given credit for the unit on your SQA certificate.
In addition, in May/June you will sit an SQA exam covering the whole course.
To pass the course you must pass all three units as well as the exam.
The course provides a sound basis for further study at Higher level, for training or for work.