Sophomore Guidance Newsletter

October 2016

October Calendar

3 Holiday – NO SCHOOL

7 Football Game vs. Garnet Valley - Home – 7:00 PM

12 Holiday – NO SCHOOL

19 PSAT at Penncrest 7:30 AM

22 ACTs at Penncrest 7:30 AM

29 Band in Halloween Parade

26 Readers’ Theatre, all day and 7:00 PM

27 Readers’ Theatre

CLASS SCHEDULES ARE FINALIZED Please work hard and do your best because you are in your courses for the duration of the term. Maintain a high level of communication with your teachers. Ask for additional help before or after school whenever necessary.

APPOINTMENTS You are welcome to discuss any concerns you might have (academic, personal, etc.) with us, but please use our appointment procedure (unless it is an extreme emergency.) If you don’t know how to make an appointment, just ask Mrs. Espinosa in the Guidance Office and she will help you. Please be sure to record your name on the correct guidance counselor’s schedule.

PSAT/NMSQT - On Wednesday morning, October 19, 2016, 7:30 AM @ Penncrest, many sophomores will experience a college admissions test for the first time. In the past, sophomores have felt it helpful to take the PSAT as a practice for the SAT. You will have the opportunity to take the PSAT in your junior year as well. In your junior year, scores received on the PSAT can qualify you for scholarships to be used toward college tuition. There is no cost for the test. You must be present in school on this day in order to take the test. Read and study the Student Bulletin given to you in homeroom. It will answer many of the questions you may have about how to prepare.

PSAT REVIEW SESSIONS – Free review sessions will be available on a first come, first serviced basis. Student must pre-register in the guidance office to reserve their seat. Sessions will be held on the following dates:

Critical Reading/Writing Review Sessions: Thursday, October 6th, and Tuesday, October 11th, in room D105.

Math Review Sessions: Wednesday, October 5th, and Monday, October 10th, in room B207.

All review sessions run from 2:30 until 4:00 PM.


WINTER SPORTS – The winter sports season will begin in mid-November. Please be sure that your physical form is up to date and handed in to the athletic office.

NAVIANCE FAMILY CONNECTIONS – Be sure to visit your Family Connection account on a regular basis to become familiar with the variety of resources available to you. Complete your “Game Plan” and update your “Resume.” It’s never too soon to start researching careers or colleges that might interest you. If you need assistance logging into your account, please stop down to the guidance office.


Mr. Harple Mrs. Rice-Spring Ms. Kerr Mrs. Douglass-Garrett Mrs. Graham