My name is .

I am competing in the Miss Pierce County Scholarship Program for 2018.

I understand the importance of my full participation in the Program and will pledge the following:

  1. To be present at every scheduled rehearsal and to be on time. Should something unavoidable occur, I will let the Executive Director or Assistant Director know in advance. If I realize at this time that there is a conflict that I cannot avoid, I will let the Executive Director or Assistant Director know before leaving today to see if it qualifies as “excusable.”
  1. I will complete my paperwork as required and furnish the documentation required, such as: a.) 2 photocopies of my birth certificate or proof of U.S. citizenship; b.) 2 photocopies of my driver’s license or other proof of residency; c.) 1 photocopy of my health and dental insurance cards, both sides.
  1. I will complete my contestant contract and have it notarized and approved by the Assistant Director within the time frame allowed.
  1. I pledge to have my talent accompaniment track submitted on time and properly edited to 90 seconds and will keep an additional copy with me at each rehearsal.
  1. I pledge to practice my talent to the degree that I am prepared to walk on stage knowing that I am fully prepared to perform.
  1. I pledge to be open to daily watching or reading the news and current events so that I can stay alert to what is going on around my community and the world, and form my own opinions.
  1. I pledge to be a positive role model and work as a team with all other contestants.
  1. I pledge that I will maintain my social media (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others) in a professional manner ensuring high standards are used in my postings and entire content (verbal, photographs, etc.). If I have social media accounts, I will “friend” the MPCSP Board of Directors on those accounts.
  1. As a contestant, I completely understand that I am representing the Miss Pierce County Scholarship Program. Should I be awarded the title, I will commit to the job description and support this Program throughout my tenure of service.
  1. I completely understand that should I be awarded the title of MissPierceCounty, I will commit to following through on becoming Miss Washington, and on to Miss America, and will work with the “preparation team” to prepare to the best of my ability.

Contestant SignatureDate