ABTO MC Reports 2017 – 4-17

Report/Update from: Ray Lovell

Area/s of responsibility:Chairman, Procedures and Terms of Reference Coordinator etc as detailed below

Date of report/update:Friday 4 August 2017

Actions from previous minutes

Action 16052017 – 1 Complete: Some changes made to the document

Action 16052017 – 2 Complete

Action16052017 – 3 Complete: Sent ToRs for uploading

Action 13032017 – 9 Ongoing: Adraft version written and currently being updated

Action 13032017 – 12 Ongoing: Nearly all procedures revised now

Action 16052017 – 6 Complete: Met with complainant and had a very positive meeting

Action 16052017 - 7 Complete: Ane-mail was sent following the meeting

Action 16052017 – 9 Ongoing

Action 16052017 – 21 Ongoing: Adraft version being prepared

Action 16052017 - 25 Complete: Chairman of Appeals has accepted invitation to the next meeting

Action 16052017 –31 Complete: Survey tested

Other actions undertaken since last report:

  • As Procedures and Terms of Reference Coordinator:Discussed ToRs with a few MC members
  • As Chairman:Met with Tennis Foundation colleagues to discuss promoting disabled officials in officiating


Report/Update from: Tom Kinloch

Area/s of responsibility: Referee & CS Grading, LTA Officiating Strategy

Date of report/update: August 2017

See attached report re Referee Evaluations

Report/Update from: Bernadette Halton

Area/s of responsibility: Honorary Secretary/Reward and Recognition/Facebook admin

Date of report/update:August 2017

Actions from previous minutes

Action 13032017 – 12 complete OLS menu – all updated

Action 16052017 – 24 complete - report updated

Action 16052017 – 31 complete - tested survey

Action 16052017 – 32 complete - item re Professional Tennis 2019 on agenda

Action 16052017 – 35 complete - Room availability for October meeting

Action 16052017 – 36 Complete - 2018 MC meeting dates on agenda

Other actions undertaken since last report:

  • Regularly updating membership of ABTO Facebook page
  • Responded to member following email correspondence re Selections

Discussion points:

  • Possible Charity ‘event’ at Wimbledon

Decisions required (with timings if applicable):

  • Decisions re Oct meeting by end of meeting 4/17
  • 2018 meeting dates


Report/Update from: Maureen Laffey

Area/s of responsibility: Honorary Treasurer LTA Councillor

Date of report/update: August 2017

Actions from previous minutes

Action 16052017 - 4 ToRs to OLS - Complete

Action 16052017 - 8 Resend spreadsheet - Complete

Action 16052017 – 10 Emails re. OLS - Complete

Action 16052017 – 28 Send what?

Action 16052017 – 31 (All) Test survey - Complete

Action 16052017 – 35 October - Complete

Other actions undertaken since last report:

  • Updated accounts spreadsheet following 3/17 - see separate document
  • Presented DM with all documentation to May re. banking/accounts.
  • Updated leavers list to RL/BH
  • No change in Associate membership
  • Completed arrangements for LTA Cocktail Party – MC member was Ray.
  • Completed the Ballot process
  • Sent individual emails to MC re. OLS updates – see separate document.
  • Confirmation from Legal that abstentions included as standard practice – not required to specifically included in Constitution.
  • Contacted 40 Councillors (representing LTA counties) with details of officials within
  • Attended High Performance Strategy (May)
  • Attended LTA President’s Dinner (May)
  • Attended LTA AGM (May)
  • Attended LTA Council meeting (May) – 20 minutes presentation ABTO

Decisions required (with timings if applicable):

  • Constitution – following Survey results
  • OLS – update


Report/Update from: Matthew Morrissey, LTA Officiating Officer

Area/s of responsibility: LTA Officiating

Date of report/update: 4 August 2017

Actions from previous minutes

Action 13032017 – 21 –Ongoing. This will be complete when the application process will be open for The Championships 2018. Will verbally update on timescales at the meeting.

Action 16052017– 17 – Ongoing but will be complete by meeting 4-17. Marc has sent me the list for consideration which I will review before the meeting.

Action 16052017 – 22 – Complete. Some officials returned old uniform to Ralph Lauren but was not publicised as widely as we would have hoped. A full system for returning uniform will be in place for 2018.

Action 16052017 – 33 – Ongoing. This will be ongoing until more information is available from the ITF regarding new circuits.

Action 16052017 – 34 – Ongoing but will be complete by meeting 4-17. Clarification will be going out in the next edition of The Line.

Other actions undertaken since last report:

Major Events – A very busy delivery time for the Officiating Team resulted in a successful pre-Wimbledon period. All Major Events have passed on their appreciation to us and asked us to thank all officials that worked at the events. My own thanks go to all officials, especially the Chief Umpires of all events. The increase in prize money for the Aegon Trophy Series provided a challenge in securing additional officials and plans are in place to source additional officials from overseas in 2018.

Wimbledon – All administration work complete for The Championships. Some issues faced with transferring funds to a number of overseas officials which is still ongoing in some cases. However, the first year of completing the payments electronically has proved a success and will continue in 2018.

General Selections – There has been a delay in publishing certain calendars which means that selections will be made close to some events. However, we can provide the following update:

Referee Selections – the selections for September will be published by Wednesday 16 August. Selections for October to December will be published by Friday 25 August.

Non-Professional Umpire Selections – the selections for September will be published by Wednesday 16 August. The calendar for October to December will be published by the same date.

Professional Umpire Selections – due to a delay in confirming the prize money for a particular professional event, we have been unable to confirm the selections. We are now in a position to do so and therefore selections will be made the week of 7 August before being viewed by ABTO. Selections will then be published during the week of 14 August.

Designate Selections – We have received a number of withdrawals from Designate Chair Umpires which we have tried to replace. We have two new available positions which will be advertised to the relevant officials.

U2/U3 Development Group – Work has continued on this area of work which is being led by Chris Drew. We carried out individual meetings with the officials at Wimbledon and will be overseeing their performance at the upcoming professional event in Chiswick. Officials are on course to achieve their aims for 2017 and the group is proving to be a success and therefore will be continued in 2018.

Line Umpire Assessments – All Line Umpire Assessments have been published online within two weeks of the end of The Championships. All umpires were emailed to open a period for them to query any assessments. All other tournaments are updated online so officials have full view of all days worked and assessments received. This allows for more accurate selections later in the year where we can identify officials that require the days to maintain their grade.

Officiating Conference – The dates of the Conference have been confirmed as 9 & 10 December which will also incorporate the ABTO AGM. Chris is continuing work on the suggestions from the ABTO MC to collate a timetable for the weekend. We will send the draft timetable to the ABTO MC for comment when appropriate.

Officiating Strategy – After the busy delivery period for the officiating team, attention will be turned back to the Officiating Strategy to deliver the necessary work within each strand by the end of 2017.

ITF Level 2 Schools – Phil Lodge passed the ITF Level 2 School in Frascati becoming a White Badge Chair Umpire. The LTA is currently hosting an ITF Level 2 School for Chair Umpires and Chief Umpires which is due to conclude on Monday 7 August. Jacob Miles is attending the School as a Chair Umpire and we will provide an update after the School on his result.


Report/Update from: Martin Etheridge

Area/s of responsibility:Umpire Support, Welfare, Diversity & Inclusion and Referee Hints and Tips Newsletter

Date of report/update: 4th August 2017

Actions from previous minutes

Action 100117 – 23: complete Submitted TORs for Diversity & Inclusion, Umpire Support and Welfare

Action 1303317 – 12 complete Reviewed OLS Menu list and updated as appropriate

Action 16052017 – 5 ongoing. Collected material for next edition of Referee Hints and Tips. Draft imminent.

Action 16052017 – 31 complete. Tested ABTO Survey prior to launch

Discussion points:

  • How to progress the Inclusive Officiating work including scope to run some extra BLU courses with reserved places for applicants with disabilities.
  • Whether there is a need to equality-proof all the ABTO officiating policies and procedures.


Report/Update from: JOHN FRAME

Area/s of responsibility: UMPIRE/REFEREE EVALUATIONS

Date of report/update: 4TH AUGUST 2017

Other actions undertaken since last report:

  • Umpire evaluations - The grass court season sees a very high percentage of evaluations carried out by the ATP/WTA/ITF out with our direction.
  • Referee evaluations are continuing according to plan with more planned throughout the summer period.

Next steps (with timings if applicable):

  • To establish and log the assessments carried out by the external bodies and establish focus areas for the latter part of the year


Report/Update from: Diane Gibson

Area/s of responsibility: Referee Mentor/Welfare

Date of report/update:4th August 2017

Actions from previous minutes

Action 130317-4 complete. Bank Forms completed and signed and returned to ML

Action16052017-19 ongoing. I have received a list from MR of further referees who are willing to become mentors. I will be contacting them all prior to the next ABTO meeting and will endeavour to match up mentees with an appropriate mentor within the next few weeks.

Other actions undertaken since last report:

  • I have now managed to set up a meeting at Loughborough on the back of a pre season referee workshop which Rory McCutcheon the regional tournament co-ordinator has set up. It will take place on Wednesday 13th September 10-12pm. It is for referees who have been running grade 4 and grade 5 tournaments. It is only for Midlands Regional Referees.
  • I just thought it would be useful to ask referees face to face what their thoughts are regarding mentoring role and if any of them currently have a mentor. I am not too sure what the requirements for mentors are at present some of them are just names to me. Am just bit concerned that anyone can be a mentor but what strengths and qualities are we looking for? I think it is very important to get the correct referees matched with mentees.
  • It would also be an opportunity to share best practice too as I think sometimes referees really struggle when they do their first ever tournament on their own.

Discussion points:

  • It may be worth discussing within the group what qualities/strengths we are looking for in a referee mentor – this of course would tie in with MR work too


Report/Update from: Peter Grimsdale

Area/s of responsibility: Referee Development and Referee appointments

Date of report/update: 3rd August 2017

Other actions undertaken since last report:

  • A further report from Chris Mann is attached - updating the National Referee Development
  • Matthew Morrissey will hopefully update us on the other development groups at the meeting on 16th August.
  • Selection Calendar is now available for Sept to Dec and responses needed by 14th August
  • Aegon British Tour selections also made for the rest of the year.

Next steps (with timings if applicable):

  • To liaise with Chris and Matthew to pursue the Referee Development progress for the lower groups


Report/Update from:Malgorzata Grzyb

Area/s of responsibility:ABTO Constitution, CPD Coordinator, Uniform & Products Coordinator, Survey

Date of report/update:16 August 2017

Actions from previous minutes

Action 16052017 – 27: COMPLETE - Survey question regarding constitutional changes drafted and included in survey

Action 16052017 – 29: COMPLETE – Survey question regarding awareness of ABTO awards drafted and included in survey

Action 16052017 – 30: COMPLETE – Survey link sent to MC for testing

Other actions undertaken since last report:

  • My main focus since the last report has been on preparing and conducting the ABTO member survey, which went live on 26 May. The survey closed on 20 June and a total of 411 officials took part. A detailed report has been written and circulated to the MC with the survey results. The specific details relating to the umpire and referee mentoring programmes (including details of those who indicated a willingness to be mentored and those willing to be a mentor) have been shared with Marc Ritchie and Diane Gibson respectively. The results of the diversity questions have been shared with the LTA’s Diversity and Inclusion Advisor.
  • I continue to handle miscellaneous queries regarding ABTO uniform on an ad hoc basis (on average one query a week).

Discussion points:

  • A summary of the survey results should be prepared and communicated to the membership.
  • The Committee needs to agree the actions arising from the survey and how these will be communicated.


Report/Update from: Kath Lovell

Area/s of responsibility: Umpire Selection. Referee and Umpire Training

Date of report/update:30th July 2017

Actions from previous minutes

  • 100117-23 reviewed TORS

Other actions undertaken since last report:

  • Reviewed applications for Chair Umpire Course which will be held in September recommendations passed to Chris Drew
  • Discussed Tutor of Court Supervisor Section of the Autumn Student Academy


Report/Update from: Darren Michaels

Area/s of responsibility:Chairman of Umpire Grading

Date of report/update:30 July 2017

Actions from previous minutes

Action 100117-23: Completed handover of Referee Grading to TK following receipt of outcomes from Appeals Hearing.

Action 16052017–2: Provided feedback to RL on ToRs by requested deadline.

Action 13032017–12: Provided ML with revised 2017 Chair and Line Umpire Grading Structures for uploading on to OLS Website.

Action 16052017–13: Revised Umpire Grading ToR sent to RL and copied to TK for consistency.

Action 16052017–14: Amended wording for Revised 2017 Chair and Line Umpire Grading Structures in line with comments received.

Action 16052017–15: Drafted Email to be sent out to on-court officials to accompany revised 2017 Line Umpire Grading Structure. Feedback received to date from members has been very supportive of the change.

Action 16052017– 31: Tested survey by requested deadline and provided feedback to MG.

Other actions undertaken since last report:

  • Responded to several queries received from members in relation to changes made to 2017 Line Umpire Grading Structure.
  • Draft 2018 Line and Chair Umpire Grading Structures and Record of Decisions taken at Summer Umpire Grading Meeting compiled, circulated and agreed with Umpire Grading Sub-Committee.
  • Accounts reviewed to end of May 2017. All queries raised were satisfactorily answered by the Hon. Treasurer.
  • Liaised with LTA Officiating Department and Umpire Training Co-ordinator re selections for forthcoming Accreditation Course.
  • Latest version of Umpire Grade Changes file with details of grade changes since WGM attached for reference.

Decisions required (with timings if applicable):

  • MC endorsement of draft 2018 Line and Chair Umpire Grading Structures and Record of Decisions taken at Summer Umpire Grading Meeting. The latter of which will form the basis of the policies to be applied at the 2017-18 Winter Umpire Grading Meeting.

Next steps (with timings if applicable):

  • Draft article for the next edition of the Line (by 8 August)
  • Finalise 2018 Chair and Line Umpire Grading Structures.
  • Finalise grading policies to be applied at Winter Umpire Grading Meeting 2017-18.


Report/Update from: MARC RITCHIE

Area/s of responsibility: Non Professional Tournament Coordinator and Umpire Mentor Coordinator

Date of report/update: 04.08.17

Actions from previous minutes

Action 16052017-11 – Documents sent to Maureen in same format

Action 16052017– 18 – List of umpires applying to be mentors and be mentored – circulated round MC

Action 16052017 – 20 – Spreadsheet up to date

Other actions undertaken since last report:

  • Survey questions have been submitted to Malgorzata and a draft survey will be circulated to all management committee members as soon as it is completed

Discussion points:

  • Discussion on the list of mentors from the ABTO Survey and the form communication with umpires for recruiting mentors from areas not covered (in relation to action 16052017-18)
  • Comments and suggestions on first draft of information document for mentors and mentees (Circulated to all MC on 04/08/17)

Next steps (with timings if applicable):

  • To finalise list of mentors and mentees – and communicate the pairings to both groups
  • To produce a further document to aid mentors in their mentoring, and also one document as guidance about the mentoring scheme and how it operates


Report/Update from: Adrian Wilson

Area/s of responsibility: Wimbledon

Date of report/update: August 2017

Actions from previous minutes

Other actions undertaken since last report:

  • Successful delivery of The Championships Main Draw and Qualifying from an officiating perspective.
  • Rain affected Qualifying finished 1 day later than scheduled.
  • Good attendance at ITF Seminar on Sunday before MD.
  • Officials’ Reception on Sunday before MD well attended although room was hot.
  • Effectively dry Championships with no play on the middle Sunday.
  • 4 out of 8 Long Service Certificates presented on second Tuesday.
  • Sunshades to umpire’s chairs were well received.
  • British Officials umpired 3 out of the 15 Championships semi-finals and finals.
  • British Officials umpired all of the Non Championship finals except 2 wheelchair finals involving British players.
  • Overall Hawkeye stats showed Officials were right in 71.9% of challenges.
  • Some residual payment issues remain for overseas Officials.
  • Letter of thanks received from Philip Brook and Richard Lewis as attached.

Points to Note:

  • Dates for 2018 – Qualifying (25.6 – 28.6) & Main Draw (2.7 – 15.7).

Next steps (with timings if applicable):

  • Next meetings with AELTC Championships Department scheduled for 20th and 22nd September 2017 to undertake usual debrief and commence preparations for 2018 including remuneration and facilities review.
  • Applications will open on-line in December 2017 with a deadline for applications before Christmas.
  • Selections for 2018 will be carried out in accordance with stated policy bearing in mind the Officials who apply. The requirement to be signed up to the ITF Officiating Portal will remain.
  • Review grades of overseas Line Umpires for 2018.
  • Start preparations for the 2018 Championships.