Present: Cllr. M Houlbrook (Chair)

Cllrs. D Barton, J Blackham, CBlackham, A Brookes, GDerx, R S Durant, S J Durant, A Farrand, R Porter, R Powell, K Redmile, R.Walker and M Williams.

There were fourteen members of the public present.


Apologies were declared as follows:

Cllr. A Jones - Illness




The Chair welcomed Cllr David Barton to his first meeting of the Council who then signed his declaration of acceptance.


Consideration was given to signing the minutes of the Council meeting held on Tuesday 12thNovember2013.

Cllr. M.Williams enquired as to why is had been recorded when he left the meeting – page 4136, and was advised that whenever a Councillor leaves and returns to a meeting the time will be recorded in the minutes.

RESOLVED: That the minutes be signed.

Cllr. Williams left the meeting at 7.20pm and returned at 7.25pm


Jamie Moran from Keepmoat Homes and Donald Sayers of JP Architects gave a presentation regarding their proposals to erect 61homes on Coulman Street, Thorne.They explained that they were intending to apply for planning permission in 2014.

Councillors expressed their concerns that the homes would be in close proximity to an industrial area but were advised that Keepmoat would carry out a sound survey and would provide improved window treatment. A vote was taken on the proposal that this development should be considered by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and then brought back before the Council – 3 Councillors abstained, 1 Councillor was against the motion whilst the remaining Councillors were in favour.

RESOLVED: That Jamie Moran and Donald Sayers be thanked for their presentation and that the proposed development be considered by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and then brought back to the Council.


Gwyn ap Harri gave a presentation on a proposed Doncaster base XP Free School which he was hoping to open in September 2014.

RESOLVED: That Gwyn ap Harri be thanked for his presentation.


It was agreed that agenda item 14, Parish Church Clock, can be brought forward to this point to enable representatives of the Church Committee to contribute on this subject. Councillors were aware that the clock had been maintained by the Council for many years but there appeared to be no evidence of a formal agreement. It was agreed that the clock is an important feature in Thorne and a focal point. The Clerk advised Councillors that there was a sum of £725 allocated to Clock maintenance remaining in the Council’s budget and it was suggested that this be used to repair the clock with the Church paying the remaining balance and a meeting be arranged between the Council and representatives of the Church to discuss future arrangements.


i)  That the Council pay the sum of £725 for the repair of theThorne Clock and that

the Church pay the difference.

ii)  That a meeting be held between the Council and representatives of the


Cllr. Williams left the room at 8.05pm and returned at 8.10pm

Cllr. Redmile left the room at 8.10pm and returned at 8.13pm


i) 13/02346/FUL

Change of use of agricultural buildings to flexible use for B8 and/or agricultural use and installation of package treatment plant at Warp Farm Moorends Road Moorends Doncaster for Mr Kevin Lunness.

RESOLVED: An objection be raised on the grounds that the location is unsuitable for general warehousing as it is in open countryside.

ii) 13/02421/FUL

Erection of extension to existing conservatory to rear of semi detached house 6 Inglenook Drive, Thorne for Westwood Installations.
RESOLVED: No observations be made

iii) 13/02471/FUL

Erection of detached dwelling on approx 0.04ha of land including formation of new vehicular access at rear of 39 Kirton Lane, Thorne for Mr Warren Milburn.

RESOLVED: No observations be made
iv) 13/02530/FUL
Erection of 2 storey pitched roof extension to side of semi detached house at 29 Northgate, Moorends for Mr J. Snook.
RESOLVED: No observations be made
v) 13/02461/FUL
Retrospective application for change of use from Betting Office (Class A2) to Tanning and Beauty shop (Class A1), installation of roller shutter over door and formation of car park at Thorne Racing, Miller Close, Thorne for Mr N. Holt.
RESOLVED: No observations be made
vi) 13/02162/FULA
Erection of an EWT54 500kw wind turbine on a 50m monopole mast (77m from ground to tip) and associated Sub-Station at Moorland House Farm Moor Edges Road Thorne for Harmony Energy.

RESOLVED: An objection be raised on the grounds of sporadic expansion of the nearby windfarm, and impact on local amenity.


The Clerk reported that at the moment all expenditure is within approved budgets. He said that he was predicting that the Council will achieve a balance between income and expenditure at year end. He said that the budget would need careful management during the rest of the year to ensure that this is achieved and recommended that this forecast is adopted a revised budget.

The Clerk advised that the Council can consider using the General Power of Competence. Use of this Power requires the Clerk to be qualified (CiLCA is eligible), and 2/3 of Councillors to be elected. This powerwould allow the Council to do anything that an individual can do and remove the need to have specific legal powers for each activity. Use of this Power would make no difference in the short term, but provides some simplification in current and future administrative arrangements (for example S137 expenditure would not need to be identified).


1.  The forecast budget be adopted by the Council as its revised budget.

2.  The Council adopts the General Power of Competence


At the Council meeting on 12th November 2013 a report was considered on the situation regarding changes to the way that the Precept is set for Town and Parish Councils following the receipt of a letter from Doncaster MBC. This principally related to the Council Tax Support Grant, and the potential for a referendum requirement. Comments were sent to Doncaster MBC after the meeting.

The Clerk reported that he had attended a PJCC meeting where Doncaster MBC Finance staff provided some more additional information.

Council Tax Support Grant

The Council Tax Support Grant that can be provided to Town and Parish Councils comes as part of a block grant provided to the Principal Authority which replaces costs previously funded directly by the Department of Work and Pensions. The grant does not specify any particular amount for Town and Parish Councils.

The Government stated that the grant would replace 90% of the previous funding, with Councils able to determine priorities for the future, though the government have protected some benefits, for example for pensioners. Doncaster MBC has calculated that the reduction is actually 19%. A one off grant was provided for 2013-14 as a transitional arrangement.

Doncaster MBC introduced a number of changes to Council Tax support for 2013-14, and has recently closed a consultation on further changes. Their forecast is that the cost pressures will increase due to increases in the elderly population.

Doncaster MBC have confirmed that they intend to provide a grant level to Town at Parish Councils for 2014-15 that is identical to 2013-14, and then reduce this by 13% in 2015-16. In cash terms this would be £82,055 in 2014-15 and £71,388 in 2015-16.

The Clerk reported that as part of his comments to Doncaster MBC he had raised the issue that the current proposal has the greatest impact on the areas with the highest number of Council Tax Benefit recipients – i.e. the poorest area and had received the following response:

“We have reviewed your comments and we fully understand your position that on a 13% cut as proposed Thorne-Moorends Town Council would lose 2.8% of its total income and Tickhill Parish Council would lose 0.6% of its total income. However if we tried to adjust the grant reduction for this issue by ensuring that the grant reduction in 2015/16 represents the same (2.06%) percentage of total income for each Parish Council it is our view that this would potentially result in greater unfairness which would be difficult to justify. In particular 23 Parish Councils (61%) would experience grant reductions of more than 30% from that received in 2014/15 instead of the 13% that we are proposing for all Parish Councils. It is our intention therefore to progress the 13% reduction as set out in the report to Parish Councils Joint Consultative Committee on 5th November 2013”.

The Clerk said that it would be realistic to plan on the basis of the current DMBC proposal as he would not expect it to change significantly.


Doncaster MBC still feel that some form of referendum arrangement for Parish Councils will be introduced, on the basis of questions that have been received from DCLG. More recently DCLG have advised that no decisions have been taken in respect of principles in relation to town and parish councils for 2014-15 and that any decisions will be taken in December or January and announced as soon as possible afterwards.

The cost of any referendum would need to be met by the Parish. Doncaster MBC have also advised that, should a referendum be unsuccessful a parish would be liable for recalculation and rebilling.

Precept Setting

Following the Autumn Statement on 5th December 2013, Doncaster MBC will recalculate the Tax Base, and will issue forms to the Town and Parish Councils. This is becoming an increasingly complex calculation. However it is unlikely to be substantially different to this year’s figure of 3,606.

Doncaster MBC has confirmed that there is no change to the latest date for precept submission, which is Friday 7th February 2014. The Precept will therefore be considered at the Council meeting on 28th January 2014.

RESOLVED: That this report be noted


Consideration was given to the Accounts Payable to 31st December 2013.

RESOLVED: That the accounts payable be approved.

Cllr. K. Redmile left the meeting at 8.35pm.


The Clerk reported that he had received a further consultation regarding the Doncaster MBC Electoral Review. This consultation is specifically regarding Ward Boundaries. Comments were sent to the Boundary Commission following the Council meeting on 8th October, as follows:


Changes to the composition of the Council would also give an opportunity to reverse the boundary changes that were made a number of years ago that split Thorne and Moorends into 2 Wards. Thorne and Moorends form a natural community with an easily identified boundary. The previous changes linked Moorends with Stainforth and Thorne with Hatfield. Whilst there are some similarities between these communities it is quite clear that they are separate from a physical, cultural and service perspective.

This artificial split also applies to local MP’s, and some front line services are using Ward boundaries rather than sensible communities which is confusing to local people.

Recent consultation by the Town Council has confirmed that there is a strong public desire for a single Ward for Thorne and Moorends. The current boundaries make it difficult for the areas to be sensibly represented, and sensibly understood by local people. There is a general view that the current arrangement does not provide proper representation for what is an obvious natural community, and that a reduction in Councillors would not be a loss if the smaller number were representing a sensible area.

Thorne Moorends currently has an electorate of 13,072 out of a total Doncaster electorate of 225,847. If the new Councillor total is 48 this would allow the creation of a 3 Member Ward to cover Thorne and Moorends

This further consultation gives an opportunity to expand on these arguments now that the future number of councillors is set as 54.

Comments are requested by 3rd February 2014 which gives an opportunity to prepare a draft submission for consideration at the next Council meeting.

RESOLVED: That the report be noted and the Clerk prepare a draft submission for consideration at the next Council meeting.


The Clerk reported that, as part of the Neighbourhood Planning consultation process, he had recently held a meeting regarding the land off Alexandra Street, Thorne. During the meeting a request was made for the Town Council’s support for their proposals.

The site subject to this request is approximately 0.72 hectare /1.78 acres which Mr Dudgeon wishes to develop for 27 detached houses. The design allows for access to the adjacent site. There is no intention to retain a ransom strip.

RESOLVED:That the Council invite the developer to give a presentation at the next Council meeting.


An improvement scheme to the Moorends Community stage was carried out last year using grant funds from “Awards for All”.At that time there were only resources available provide safe steps to the left side of the stage, with the other side being fenced off.