Third after Epiphany January 25, 2015

*Please stand as you are able. Congregational responses in bold.


The Life and Work of the Community


One: Arise, shine, a new day has come.

All: The glory of God is all around us. (Isaiah 60:1)

Introit:Come Touch Our Hearts MV#12 v. 2

Come touch our souls that we may know and love you,

your quiet presence all our fears dispel;

create a space for spirit to grow in us, let

life and beauty fill us, come touch and bless our souls.

Call to Worship:

One:We gather as a distracted people. No matter where we are, someone or something wants our attention.

All:For God alone my soul waits in silence.

One:We are offered endless solutions that will make it all clear, solve all our problems,guarantee our happiness and success.

All:For God alone my soul waits in silence.

One:The sounds of wealth, power, and status have tremendous appeal.

All:For God alone my soul waits in silence.

One:Come to this place of worship to renew the silence and wait for God.


Opening Prayer: God of mercy, in each second of time you are with us:you call us to discipleship,you invite us into relationshipone with another and with you, our Creator. In themoments of this worship may we experience your call, our community, your grace – and be led to respond.

Lord’s Prayer VU#910

*Hymn Jesus, You Have Come to the Lakeshore VU#563

Invitation to Confession

Prayer of Confession: (in unison)

From the beginning of time, O God, it was your intention that we live in harmony with Earth and with one another, but our desire for status, wealth, and security blind us to the deep bonds that unite us. The world often seems overwhelming. It feels we have so little capacity to make a difference, so we seek refuge in addictions, obsessions, and distractions of every sort.

We are taught to mistrust those who are different from us, whose language we do not understand, whose religion and culture is alien to us. Anger and resentment are so much easier than the challenging work of understanding, listening, and compassion.

We often fail to recognize how steeped we are in the ways of this world, even when those ways run counter to the love you have for all of life. We hide from the harm done when culture, education, religion, and politics continue pushing those with darker skin to the bottom and privileging those whose skin colour is lighter.

We lament the consequences of a changing climate, but continue with life as if nothing has changed.It is no small thing to place our trust in you, O God. It puts us at odds with all the other voices seeking our allegiance, and we are often afraid to make such a risky venture.Amen.


Words of Assurance:

One:God listens. God’s power is at work in the steadfast love that belongs to God.

All:We will trust in God who is our rock, our salvation, the source of our deliverance.

*HymnJesus Bids Us ShineVU#585

Theme Time

Prayer for UnderstandingReader: Susan Fowler

Jonah 3:1-5, 10

Jonah calls Ninevah to repent.

One: This is the witness of Israel.

All: Thanks be to God.

Psalm Response: Psalm 62:5-12VU#779

Be still, my soul, and wait for God.

*Hymn: How Clear is Our Vocation, LordVU#504

Mark 1:14-20(NLT)

Jesus calls Simon, Andrew, James and John.

One: This is the Good News of Jesus Christ.

All: Praise to Christ the Word.



Offering Invitation


*Offertory Prayer: Tune: VU#44

In gratitude and humble trust we bring our best today

to serve your cause and share your lovewith all along life's way.

O God, who gave yourself to us in Jesus Christ, your Son,

teach us to give ourselves each day until life's work is done.

Pastoral Prayer


*Hymn: Go, Make a Diff’rence MV#209


Go forth trusting the silence of God is stronger than the constant drone of voices that seek our trust.

We go forth, speaking a word of liberation and freedom to all who have become captive to the enticing claims of popularity, power and wealth.

Go forth to help shape a world where those who are of little influence are valued as highly as those who acquire the status of degrees, positions, and notoriety.

We go forth with the knowledge that the justice and love of God is at work in ways unseen, but is even now bringing into being the good news that Christ proclaims.

We go into the world ready to live in faithfulness to God’s love.

*Choral Closing Chorus VU#87

'I am the light of the world!

You people come and follow me!'

If you follow and love you'll learn the mystery

of what you were meant to do and be.


~Words to music reprinted with permission LicenSing #621976

Welcome to Mount Royal United Church! A Christian Family encouraging spiritual growth through Worship, Friendship, Learning and Action. Your presence enriches our worship. Newcomers and visitors are welcome, and invited to sign our guest book at the back (name and address, if possible). If you are able, please join us for coffee and conversation. Choose a green mug so that we may introduce ourselves to you. If you are new to Mount Royal and would like any information on giving, or how we make a difference in the world through the money we collect, please contact the church office. There are many options including envelopes and PAR (Pre Authorized Remittance) which make it easier to give, and also tax deductible as charitable giving! Help support the vital ministry of Mount Royal!

Minister:Rev Dr Beverly Daley

Minister Emeritus:Rev Ron Maund

Music Director:France Henriques

Office Administrator:Tracy Parrott

Custodian:Wayne Surrette


Ushers:Peter Linney, Sterling & Joan Jardine, Susan Fowler

Church Office:855-5771

Minister’s Cell Phone:378-2032

Kitchen Phone & Fax:855-7180

Office e-mail:

Mount Royal website:

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:00am-3:00pm

Ushers for the next 4 weeks: (chairlift operator in brackets)

Feb 1 (Harold Robinson), David Close, Ron Berry, Randy Scott

Feb 8 Reid Steeves, Jennifer & (Nick Smith), Bethany Smith

Feb 15 Dave Arnold, Howard Easton, Ed MacLeod, (Norman Bremner)

Feb 22 Reg Henderson, (Jim Morris), Connie MacCallum,

This Week’s Events

Monday / 9:30am / Beginner Tai Chi / Church Hall
6:30pm / Cubs / Church Hall
Tuesday / 9:00am / Craft Group / Boardroom
1:00pm / Art Club / Church Hall
7:00pm / CGIT / Church Hall
Wednesday / 9:30am / Tai Chi / Church Hall
7:00pm / Choir Practice / Sanctuary
Thursday / 1:30pm / Marathon Bridge / Church Hall
Friday / 9:30am / Yang Style Tai Chi / Church Hall
Saturday / 10:00am / Wu Style Tai Chi / Church Hall
7:00pm / Emily Logan Concert / Sanctuary

Special Notices:

If you are interested in participating in the ladies discussion group in the New Year please contact the office at or 855-5771 to let us know. We plan to meet the second Monday of the month to discuss relevant topics. First meeting date and topic to be announced if interest is sufficient.

All Committee Chairs and Group Leaders – please consider your 2014 reports for submission for the Annual Report. The deadline for this publication is January 22.

Karaoke Night is back! We will have songs that span all generations.Something for everyone! We had a great crowd last year, and we are thrilled to do this again!Beat the Winter Blues with the CDC and enjoy a night of fun! Sat, Jan. 24th, 7pm in the church hall. A free will offering would be appreciated. Contact Katelyn Montgomery (852-3667) with any questions.

If you are aware of a member of the church who is in hospital and would like a clergy visit, please contact the office at 855-5771.

Emily Logan has been invited to perform a concert, conduct a masterclass, and give a lecture at the American University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates. This concert, which will take place just outside of Dubai, is scheduled for March of 2015. In preparation for the concert, Emily will perform the program at Mount Royal United Church on Saturday, January 31st at 7pm. A free will offering will be collected, with all funds going to the Mount Royal United Church Piano Maintenance Fund. See Emily for more information.

The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on February 8th at the service of worship. The UCW will be providing a soup luncheon with a gluten-free alternative (free will offering). Copies of the 2014 Annual Report will be available at the back of the sanctuary on Feb. 1.

Great gift idea for your sweetheart! The Men’s Group is presenting a Valentine’s Day Roast Beef Dinner on Saturday, February 14th at 6pm. Tickets are $25 and include AAA Prime Rib, salad, potatoes, vegetables, beverages and dessert. Seating is limited to 100. Takeout tickets will be available for purchase in advance. Tickets are now available in the office.

The CGITcontinue to collectrecyclables as a fundraiser.

Community Notices:

Movie Night at Central UC Community Peace Centre, 22 Church St will be on Thursday, Feb 5th @ 7:00pm with the movie Million Dollar Baby, starring Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman.Movie, snacks and drinks are free of charge. Plan to attend and bring a friend. Please go to for more information.

The Wesley Ringers community handbell choir is looking for new members. No experience is necessary and although being able to read music is an asset, as long as you can count we can teach you to ring. Practices are on Monday evenings from 7-8:30 except on holidays or during the summer.For more information please call Linda at 382-3390 or Sandra at 381-9387.

Grief therapy group meeting at Visions United for anyone struggling with grief.The group is led by Grief Support Coordinator, Catherine Bowness, RN.Group meetings are held 1:00-3:00 pm at Visions Campus,

1270 Gorge Rd, in the upstairs retreat/community room. Tuesday, February 10, Wednesday, March 11 and Tuesday, April 14. Contact:

, or 384-0843.

Sunday, February 15 at 2:00pmthere will be a Kitchen Party at Steeves Memorial UC, 280 Salisbury Rd. Featuring JUST FRIENDS and local talent. Admission $5.00 Info: Call Boyce 382-0336.

For anyone who may be interested in participating in the World Day of Prayer it will be held this year at Holy Family Church on March 6 at 7pm. There will be a planning meeting held beforehand and the contact person is Mary Delahunt 384-9008.

The UCW continues to collect:

  • Postage stamps for Oxfam Canada. The border of the stamps should be trimmed to ¼”.
  • eye glasses for distribution to Third world countries.
  • Milk bags for sleeping mats for Haiti (Hillcrest School).

You may drop any of these items in the wooden box at the entrance of the Bessborough door. Thank you for helping with these endeavours.

As many of you know, our former office administrator Susan Loftus has been quite ill. If you would like to send a card or note to Susan, her address is: PO Box 255, Debert NS B0M 1G0.

If anyone has an extra cane or umbrella they would like to donate to the church, we would like to have a few spares to leave in the entrance for anyone who may need to borrow them.

Church Council Highlights - CORRESPONDENCE Thank you notes were received from the West End Food Bank, Beverly Daley, Tracy Parrott and Ginette Hutchinson. A request was received from Charlie Munroe and his band, the Dixieland Ramblers to present a benefit concert with the Ecumenical Youth Choir on Tues, Feb 17 with a storm date of Sat, Feb 21. COMMITTEE REPORTS: CHURCH FINANCESYTD December 31, 2014, envelopegivings and special offerings were both up for Dec. Expenses are down mostly due to decreases in maintenance and repairs, advertising, and salaries. There was an increase in fuel costs (50% over 2013). There was a surplus of $10,000 for the month of December with a YTD surplus of $876. The accumulated surplus was $10,955. NOMINATING COMMITTEE Erin Hansen has resigned as BLAST superintendent, Ron Maund has stepped down as chair of Pastoral Care and Karen Tanner has resigned as chair of Church in Action. Sandra Foreman-Webb will be our second Presbytery rep, Karen Hudson will be the new choir rep and Susan Fowler and John Brown will be the 2 at large members. MEN’S GROUP/FINANCE/ FUNDRAISING the Men’s Group will present a Valentine’s Day Roast Beef Supper on Feb 14 with a limited seating of 100 people. The ticket price is $25. The Point of sale terminal is now operational and can be used to purchase grocery cards or dinner tickets using your debit or credit card (Mastercard/Visa only). MUSIC/CHOIR REPORT Emily Logan led the choir for 2 weeks in December. France is working on some new anthems and duets and seems more comfortable with the choir. The piano will require a new humidifier system and the work has been scheduled. UCW/CRAFT GROUP the Special Interest Unit will be making a soup and the Bremner Unit will be providing sweets for the Annual meeting for a good will offering. The UCW has purchased 3 new chalices and patens as well as 2 new pitchers. The craft group will be recovering the chairs in the boardroom. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Neighborhood Solutions will continue to do the snow removal and lawn maintenance for 2016. WORSHIP COMMITTEE The Choir Christmas music service was exceptional, the Michael Mouse youth service, the CGIT and Christmas Eve services were all well attended and well received. It was noted that we will require a gluten-free station when communion is done by intincton. A policies and procedures manual is needed for all areas of the church. There will be Eats and Treats on February 22. The committee approved the request by Beverly to perform 2 weddings this summer and the prayer shawls were blessed as part of worship. MINISTER’S REPORT visited nursing homes to take communion to residents after Christmas. She conducted a funeral just before Christmas and visited with the family on Boxing Day, conducted a service at Spencer Home in January, attended a worship committee meeting.