CIELAP’s 4th Partnering for Sustainability Workshop
Achieving Resilient Agricultural Systems: Innovation, People and Partnerships
A workshop to foreshadow and feed into the United Nation’s Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD)
November 13 and 14, 2008 – 111 Sussex Dr., Ottawa, Ontario
First Name / Last NameJob Title / Organization/Affiliation
Street Address
City / Province / Postal Code
Email Address / Phone Number
Do you give CIELAP permission to provide your name and contact information to other workshop participants as well as to include your name and organization/affiliation in the workshop proceedings?
Yes No
What are your specific areas of interest and expertise relating to the workshop?
The workshop will have small-group discussions according to the workshop sub-themes. Please enter your ranking (1 = first choice etc..) for each sub-theme according to which you would want to discuss. Please DO NOT ASSIGN A RANK TO A SUB-THEME THAT YOU WOULD NOT WANT TO DISCUSS. (a description of each is or will soon be posted on the website)
Rank (1 = first choice)
ValuingLandscape Services
Local Food Systems and Urban-Rural Linkages
Agricultural Production Systems
What case study or studies might you be able to share with other participants?
Would you be prepared to submit your case study in a poster format (Deadline November 2, 2008) to share with other participants?
Are you interested in participating in our online pre-discussion forum to discuss these issues and share case studies and best practices?
Is there anyone else that you would suggest we invite to this workshop? (Name and e-mail)
Registration Fee
$300.00 (Canadian Funds)
The registration fee includes admission to the 2-day workshop and food (continental breakfast and lunch)
I have enclosed / I am mailing my Cheque or Money Order for $300.00 (payable to CIELAP)
Charge my: Visa (Sorry – we cannot process payments through MasterCard or other credit card types)
Total Payment: / Card Number: / Expiry Date:
Name on card:
Card Holder’s Signature (if submitting by mail):
Please submit your payment and this registration form to:
Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy
130 Spadina Ave Suite 305
TorontoOntarioM5V 2L4
Or email to:
Please note that since space will be limited to approximately 50-60 participants, and we want to make sure that there will be a balance of representation in the room, CIELAP will confirm your participation by October 20. We will only charge your payment at this time.