Provincial Treasurer


Administer the affairs of the finance committee according to the policy of the Girl Guides of Canada–Guides du Canada, and within the terms of reference of finance committee.


Provided by the Provincial Commissioner and / or previous treasurer.


A treasurer shall be elected annually and/or appointed annually at the annual general meeting of Alberta Council by the Provincial Commissioner and may not hold office for more than five years.


  1. Attend meetings of Alberta Council, Executive Committee, Finance Committee and standing committee advisers; to present a financial report at these meetings and answer or investigate all enquires and concerns.
  1. Schedule and chair regular meetings of the committee and, in conjunction with the secretary, prepare the agenda and approve minutes.
  1. Maintain committee records, including minutes, financial and other reports, correspondence, personnel, legal and business documents.
  1. Make recommendations to Alberta Council, on behalf of the committee.
  1. Direct the functions, responsibilities, and duties of Alberta Council’s Finance Committee.
  1. Ensure the terms of reference for the committee are carried out.
  1. Maintain current knowledge of the Guiding programs; Guiding Essentials – Standards at a Glance; and activities of the organization and ensure committee members are kept informed of current developments within the organization and of external issues and trends related to the work of the committee.
  1. Co-ordinate the work of committeemembers, delegating responsibilities as appropriate.
  1. Solicit, approve, and submit articles to Blue-Print, ANY_GuideNews and the Alberta Girl Guide website, maintaining current website posting.
  1. Process all correspondence, including communication with provincial office, Area Commissioners, and standing committee advisers as necessary.
  1. Maintain relationships with other members, staff, other committees / groups and Alberta Council.
  1. Maintain communication and / or membership with relevant outside organizations.
  1. Be available to attend national meetings or participate in national teleconferences as required.
  1. Present the annual budget and the recommendations of the Finance Committee to Alberta Council.
  1. Ensure all money payable to Alberta Council is deposited in a financial institution approved by Alberta Council.
  1. Accept responsibility as one of the authorized signing officers for Alberta Council.
  1. Compare budgeted to actual expenditures and investigate any significant discrepancies.
  1. Submit an annual budget to the Finance Committee by the required date.
  1. Advise the administrative manager and the accounting clerk on financial matters.
  1. Implement financial system changes when necessary.
  1. Make recommendations regarding the investment of funds in consultation with the Provincial Commissioner / administrative manager.
  1. Present, to Alberta Council, the annual audited financial statement and provide an annual Finance Committee report.
  1. Participate in Training and Enrichment for Adult Members (TEAM).
  1. Manage the process for the selection of recipients of Alberta Council scholarship, using the process developed November 10, 2004 by Alberta Council’s Finance Committee.
  1. Request year-end projections from standing committee advisers, office and Provincial Commissioner team at the end of September each year.

Due to the uniqueness of this position, it does not follow the standardized format for other provincial council job descriptions.

Approved by Alberta Council

October 13, 2012