Name / Position
Deb Samek / LTS Program Director
Katie Regan / Secretary
Gordon Perkins / Communications
Scott Cato / Volunteer Coach
Julie Higgins / Registrar
Ed Poremba / President
Craig Perro / Volunteer Coach
Brian Daly / VP/Ops
Julie Malecki / Lower Director
Janine Liddell / Midget Director
Ken Labek / VP Player Devel
John Tait / Div. Director
Tom Terhune / Booster Club
Rick Scola / Volunteer Coach

Absent- Mike Frigo, Bob Fiedler

Enfield Hockey Association Board Meeting Minutes for August 10, 2017 at ETR Conference Room at 6:30pm- Page 1 of 3

  1. Call to Order: Start Time: 6:32Attendees: 11
  2. Minutes Preceding 5/15/17
  3. Deb Motioned to approve/ Ken Second
  4. 8 For 1 abstain- two board members arrived after the vote taken
  5. EHA Family Communication: Nothing to Report
  6. Financial Report: Mike did not attend. $3,722 was raised from Golf Tournament. As agreed funds have been allocated to purchase EHA warm up suits for the coaches.
  7. Board Member Reports: Emailed out previous
  8. Consent agreement for approval from prior Board Meeting
  9. Coaches Warm-Ups- discussion on quantity to order. Ken will share full list of coaches Head & Asst. to determine next steps. Quote $100 per suit. Vote- Gordon motioned/John second. All in favor
  10. New Business
  11. Asst. Coaches- Rick Scola (PW2), Scott Cato (PW2) & Craig Perro (PW1) in attendance all approved 10 For
  12. Matt Perkins missing; has been an EHA volunteer coach previously- Can he be approved via email?
  13. Board Questions- N/A
  14. New Socks: only new socks for black away jersey- color scheme determined Julie M motioned/John second- approved 11 for
  15. –2 new jerseys are needed; 1 Mite & 1 half year bantam
  16. U6 Practice jerseys- John Tait to check closet for inventory prior to ordering
  17. Water Bottles, Pucks, First Aid Supplies 2017-2018
  18. Coaches should be all set. Closet has a large variety of first aid supplies

Enfield Hockey Association Board Meeting Minutes for August 10, 2017 at ETR Conference Room at 6:30pm-Page 2 of 3

  1. Additional info when Bob attends
  2. Discussion on Helmet stickers w/ updated logo- potential Booster fundraiser
  3. LTS Level stickers- Tom motion/Gordon second 11 For
  4. Motion to vote: Julie M motioned/Deb second 9 For -0 Against- Ken and John absent when vote taken
  1. Fund Raising- Reminder to share w/ EHA Families to reach out to their employer’s to see if they do matching donations. Will be shared at parents meeting
  2. 10% of the funds will be applied to the players tuition balance and 90% to the EHA operating account
  1. Unfinished Business
  2. Summer Skate/LTS
  3. Going very well- next week is the schedulers meeting so finding coverage for coaches who will be out. Brian D will cover Midgets Summer Skate
  4. Deadline for early registration has been moved to 8/25
  5. Positive feelings from summer skate- several older players helping out with younger teams
  6. Delinquent Player Tuition-
  7. Email will go out to EHA families re: the enforcement of the player tuition policies along with an update to the USA Hockey rules prior to the season starting. Also will be communicated verbally at the parent team meetings.
  8. Future Monthly Board meetings-
  9. Determined Thursdays
  10. Location: Henry Barnard Library at 6:30PM
  11. 9/28/17
  12. 10/12/17
  13. 11/16/17
  14. Halloween Tournament-
  15. Published on website- SQ & PW coaches talking to their contacts at other organizations for interest
  16. Medals/apparel, etc. need to be discussed
  17. Halloween Tournament Committee: Brian Daly, Julie Higgins, Deb Samek- will reach out to other parents for assistance. Will need several volunteers for designated responsibilities (score keeping, selling apparel, etc.)
  18. Team Statuses-
  19. 2 kids on the waitlist for U 16/U18
  20. Determined to do a lottery for 01’s to even out the teams
  21. Janine will contact 01 parents for more details
  22. Bantam all set with a goalie
  23. Practice & Game Schedule
  24. Gordon to post practice schedule
  25. Tier 4 Tournament will be in March- will determine 2018-2019 Try-Outs

Enfield Hockey Association Board meeting Minutes for August 10, 2017 at ETR Conference Room at 6:30pm-Page 3 of 3

9-Electronic Voting during the month of July 2017

  1. Deb has made the motion on August 21, 2017- Ken has second- For Learn to Skate Payment Policy for 2017-2018;

Early registration Session 1 = $89 (a $10 savings); Early registration BOTH Session 1 and 2 = $175 ($23 savings); Refer a friend and if they sign up by the early registration deadline (August 15, 2017) they save too; After deadline (August 15, 2017) $99 per session- Twelve 12 For, One- did not vote-motion passed and will be included in the minutes

10- Completed Business and will be removed from the agenda

  1. Jersey Re-sizing has been completed

11-Good for the order- PLAY SAFE-SPORTSMANSHIP

12-Executive Session-was held Parental Questions

Motion to Adjourn: 8:20PM Julie Higgins, Second Brian Daly


Halloween Pee-Wee/Squirt “B” only Tournament Weekend of 10/20 (Fri Sat & Sun)