AB 634

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Date of Hearing: April 6, 2011


Cathleen Galgiani, Chair

ABPCA Bill Id:AB 634 (Author:Huber) – As Introduced: Ver:February 16, 2011

SUBJECT: Vertebrate pest control: carbon monoxide.

SUMMARY: This bill allowsthe use of carbon monoxide (CO) for the control of vertebrate pests (VP).

EXISTING LAWdefines a VP for purposes of requiring the Secretary of the California Department ofFood and Agriculture to establish and administer a research program to control VP. (FAC 6025-6029) Prohibits the killingof any animal by means of CO. (PEN 597U)

FISCAL EFFECT: This bill has been keyed non-fiscal by Legislative Counsel.

COMMENTS: Currently, in California, it is illegal to kill any animal using CO, which includesVP. VPincludes any specie of mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, or fish that causes damage to agricultural, natural, or industrial resources, or to any other resource. Anticoagulant bait, zinc phosphide bait, gas cartridge fumigation and trapping are current methods used for VP control in California.

According to the sponsor, AB 634 would allow farmers and ranchers to use CO for the control of VP such as gophers and ground squirrels. An estimated $500 million in crop losses are attributed to rodents and other VP in California. Supporters state that CO is a safe, targeted and humane method of rodent control.

AB 1659 (Kopp) of 1998, banned the use of CO in the killing of animals. The focus of the bill was to prevent the use of a CO chamber in animal shelters for animal euthanasia. The bill did not address or discuss the use of CO as a pest control. AB 634 corrects the inadvertent consequences of AB 1659.



California Farm Bureau Federation (Sponsor)

Agricultural Council of California

California Association of Pest Control Advisers

California Association of School Business Officials

California Cattlemen’s Association

California Certified Organic Farmers

California Chamber of Commerce

California Farm Bureau Federation

California Grain and Feed Association

California Grape and Tree Fruit League

California Seed Association

California Warehouse Association

Conejo Valley Unified School District, Maintenance & Operations

Pacific Egg and Poultry Association


14 individuals


None on file.

Analysis Prepared by: Victor Francovich / AGRI. / (916) 319-2084