Job Board Integration

Cyber Recruiter 6.8


Table of Contents

Getting Started


Available Interfaces


Administrative Setup

Step 1: Setting Global Defaults

Step 2: Verifying Code Tables

submitting Job Postings

Step 1: Complete the eQuest Details

Step 2: Finalize the Job with eQuest

Job Maintenance

Review of Posting Details



Removing a Posting

Standard Job Board Settings


Security & Enabling

Extra Text

How to use the Extra Text box

Job Description

Specific Job Board Settings

Account /Contact Information





Field Mapping and Specific Codes





Posting to Job Boards

Preparing the Requisition for Posting

Step 1: Complete Requisition Specific Information

Step 2: Include Requisition in the Upload file

Sending Requisitions

Step 1: Select the correct Account

Step 2: Verify Posting

Correct Errors

Reviewing HTML code

Verify the Jobs Included

submit the file

Appendix A -Official Specifications

Appendix B – Job Board Specific Codes


Classification Time

Classification Type

Compensation Currency

Compensation Type







Job Type


Employee Type


Tax Term




Hire Type



Salary Type

Hourly and SALARY “From” and “To” Values






Job Category

Job Levels


Salary Type


Thank you for purchasing the Cyber Recruiter Applicant Tracking System from Visibility Software, LLC. This guide is designed to provide Administrators of the system the knowledge needed to configure integration to the various Job boards your organization may use and provide the daily user of Cyber Recruiter with the necessary knowledge to transfer information from Cyber Recruiter to the Job Board. If your organization has more than one job board it is posting to (Monster and eQuest, for example) more than one of these integration paths may be activated.


Integrate: Products which integrate typically require no further action on a user’s part outside of setup in order tomove data from one product to another. Forexample, if pressing the ‘Save’ button in one system adds a record in another system then the two systems are ‘integrated’. eQuest is an example of an integrated connection.

Interface: Products whichinterface require an action to be performed by a user on a routine basis to keep the two systems in sync. Links between Cyber Recruiter and CareerBuilder, DICE, Monster, and HotJobs are interfaces. The user of Cyber Recruiter generates a file which someone on the other end then needs to read and import.

Interface by File Export: Cyber Recruiter will gather information and consolidate it into a file which is exported from Cyber Recruiter and will be imported into the Job Board system. This process is a multiple step process which includes completing a page in Cyber Recruiter with specific information for the Job Board system, exporting the file which will send it to the Job Board to be imported.

This process will have two pages to complete during the daily use of this interface. The first page is stored in the Requisition file. The second is accessed under the Requisition > Job Board menu item. Each page will reference the Job Boardto which you are interfacing.

Interface by Dynamic Link: Cyber Recruiter and the Job Board system are connected via a web page which allows Cyber Recruiter to collect and push the information into the Job Board directly.

This process will have one page to complete during the daily use of this interface. The page will be under the Requisition menu item. The page will reference the eQuest module.

Admin Setup: Instruction for the Administrator of the system which will require access to the Admin menu item. Each interface has a section that gives more information about what is transferred and lists all the user-defined code tables for each system. The first part of this manual is indicates how to setup of the interface. Various ones might have appendices that will provide further information.

Each interface will have a component which must be configured under “Admin > Job Boards”. An additional component will need to be configured under “Admin > Codes” under the specific Job Board.

Daily Use: Instruction for the everyday user of Cyber Recruiter who will need to incorporate these pieces into his/her daily recruiting processes. It walks the User through completing the data to the Requisition File, exporting the file and what to look for by ways of errors/successful transfers.

Available Interfaces

Dynamic Links


FTP File Transfer

Email File Export





Administrative Setup

NOTE: If this job board is being used colons ( : ) CANNOT be used as part of the req code. If this is currently part of req code scheme, please work with the system administrator to update the coding scheme to remove this character. Also, be sure to update any jobs which will be submitted to eQuest to remove this character from the existing codes in Cyber Recruiter.

Before jobs can besentto eQuest, the functionality must first be enabled in Cyber Recruiter. By default, eQuest Integration is not enabled. In order to enable the eQuest integration in Cyber Recruiter, login as a use with admin rights and go to Admin > Job Board > eQuest.

Step 1: Setting Global Defaults

Admin > Job Boards > eQuest

Tab / Purpose
General / Collects the information needed to submit jobs to eQuest. The links which should be completed on this page will be unique to your system with the exception of the ‘Post URL’. Replace ‘Your Careers Site’ with the URL which applicants access to view job postings. For example, ‘ would be the Visibility Software site.
Post URL: View Only Field of the URL used to submit to eQuest
Apply URL: Your Careers site/ careers.aspx?req=[Code]
Return URL: Your Careers site/ eQuest.aspx
Delete Return URL: Your Careers site/eQuestDelete.aspx
Users / Add the users to this section who will have access to the eQuest page to submit jobs on a daily basis. Pressing the Add button will allow you to enter in the eQuest specific information and connect the account with eQuest back to a Cyber Recruiter user account.
Job Description / eQuest stores the Job Description and Requirements into two separate sections. Using the add button specify which section of the requisition to post with eQuest.

Step 2: Verifying Code Tables

eQuest specific codes MUST be set prior to submitting a file to eQuest. A detailed list can be obtained from eQuest. An abbreviated list can be found in the Appendix section of this document.

submitting Job Postings

Step 1: Complete the eQuest Details

Go to Requisition > Find Requisition and find the particular requisition which should be submitted. Once on any detail page for that requisition, click the eQuest link in the left-hand toolbar. This page will look just as it does above for any requisition which has never been submitted.

Using the codes set up under Admin > Codes > Job Boards > eQuest complete this page and press SAVE CHANGES. To push the information to eQuest, press ‘Submit to eQuest’.

Step 2: Finalize the Job with eQuest

A screen will appear asking the user to ‘Submit’ the job. Upon pressing this button the system verifies the login information. If the login information is incorrect a message will appear. Otherwise, the user will be moved to the eQuest website to finalize the posting information. From the eQuest website the user will finalize the posting options with eQuest.

  • eQuest will verify the information uploaded to ensure accuracy. For example, if Minnesota is uploaded for a state and the country selected is United Kingdom, this will generate and error and will need to be adjusted prior to eQuest approving the posting.
  • Select which job board(s) this position should be forwarded to. This page is based on the settings each organization and user within that organization.
  • Should additional fields be needed before the position can be posted with the selected job board, the necessary fields will be presented before eQuest does a final posting.

Job Maintenance

The eQuest page in the requisition file will remove the main portal to eQuest for this job. Changes to the job details, removal from the job board sites or historical review of the job should all be done from this page.

Review of Posting Details

After the job has been posted with eQuest the list of the job boards and dates will be updated to the 2nd tab of the eQuest page.


If job details need to be changed (either eQuest specific or Cyber Recruiter field) do so using the various pages of Cyber Recruiter. Then, return to the eQuest page and press the ‘Resubmit to eQuest’ button. This will repost the information with eQuest and update the historical record on the 2nd tab.


If a job needs to be resubmitted to a job board – for example if the job board will post for 30 days and then removes it but because the job is not filled the organization wants to post it again – the job must be removed completely (see item below) and then it must be fully updated again.

Removing a Posting

From the 2nd tab of the eQuest page, check mark the box in the line for the job board from which you want to remove this position. Press the ‘Remove’ button. eQuest will get a request from the system and the posting will be removed. The page will be updated with the date of the request.

Standard Job Board Settings

The CareerBuilder, DICE, HotJobs and Monster interfaces in Cyber Recruiter require unique information; however, each page has some items which are also universal. The following section will describe the similarities in setup for all of the job boards under Admin > Job Boards.


The Tabs notes below are universal to the Job Board setup pages; however the details on each of the pages differ between the Job Boards.

Tab / Purpose
General / Collects general information about the Job Board and posting. Security will be found on this tab as well as the Extra Text Box and contact information for the posting.
Accounts / This page is use to store the connection information for the job board. If there is only one ‘account’ for the organization, only one record needs to be added. However if there are multiple accounts being used to submit jobs they can be set up separately on this page.
NOTE: information previously on the General and/or FTP pages is not stored in each ‘Account ‘ record.
Field Mappings / This page is used to specify which field should be passed to the Job Board in the posting.If those fields are used on another page, (Main for example) specify which field should be used.
Job Description / This page stores which text fields should be used for the Job Board posting. Field can be pulled from the Requisition File > Job Desc/KSA or Requisition File > Notes

Security & Enabling

The access and security for each Job Board is contained within the Job Board on the General Tab. The Enabled drop down allows for the Job Board to be active your system. Using the Ctrl key, highlight the Users who should have access to three sections: (1) Admin > Codes > Job Boards > Specific Job Board (2) Requisition >Requisition File > Specific Job Board Page and (3) Requisition > Job Boards > Specific Job BoardUpload.

Extra Text

The Extra Text field is used to store any standard text which should be displayed after the job description of each of position. NOTE: This option is not available for CareerBuilderor DICE. In its place there is a field called Apply Link.Since, the job description for each position is different; this box can be used toprint standard text after each job description, such as:

  • MyCompany is an equal opportunity employer, etc.
  • To apply for any of our open positions, please visit our website at

How to use the Extra Text box

Using the table below, the user can construct the appropriate text to fill in to the Extra Text box.

EXTRA TEXT BOX - Websites using the Careers Module ONLY
Link / Does What / Allow Unencrypted URL
<A href=" Now</A> / Directs applicant to corporate website careers page. Fills referral source. / Yes or No
<A href=" Now </A> / Directs applicant to job description page for the requisition they were viewing. Fills referral source. / Yes

Only organization utilizing the out-of-box Careers Module can handle all 5 parts of this HTML code used to create the ‘Apply Now’ link. Organizations with a custom website are only able to handle parts 1, 2, 4, & 5. Custom websites cannot handle part 3.

  1. Website – Insert your website here (For example
  2. Career Page –

/Careers.aspx? – use this career page if using the out-of-box module

/CareersDetails.aspx? – use this career page if using custom created web pages

  1. rf=MONSTER or rf=HOTJOBS (However these are being referenced in the Referral Source Code Table) will enter default the appropriate referral source when the Applicant applies
  2. ?req={Req} – Pulls Applicants back to the specific requisition they are viewing on the Job Board to complete view the Job Description on your website and to apply
  3. Apply Now – this is the hyperlink that the Applicants will see on the Job Board page

Anything entered in the Extra Text box will display after the job description of every open position that is sent to HotJobs. Standard HTML 4.0 syntax is also valid in the Extra Text box.

Job Description

Use the Add and Edit buttons on the Job Description Tab to build a job description which will be posted to the Job Board. Text fields form the Requisition File > Job Description page or the Requisition File > Notes page can be utilized to create the posting.

NOTE: CareerBuilder only allows for two pieces of information to post to the website and they must be titled Job Description and Requirements. On the Job Description page, use the Add and Edit links to specify which Text Box should be used in the posting.

Specific Job Board Settings

Each Job Board in Cyber Recruiter has unique information which should be set under Admin > Job Boards and Admin > Codes > Job Boards

Account /Contact Information

Account information will be unique for each Job Board and must be obtained from the Job Board. Account information for all Job Board stored in the Account tab. All Contact Information is stored on the General Tab.Note:The User ID/Login information will be different from what you may be using to access the Job Board via their website.

Job Board Setup Information


Poster Email: / Defined by CareerBuilder (User Login)
Password: / Defined by CareerBuilder
Email to: /
Reply to Email: / User Defined (Person who is sent the posting notification)
Contact Email: / User Defined (Person who is listed as the contact)
Contact Phone: / User Defined (Phone Number for Contact Person)
Contact Fax: / User Defined (Email for Contact Person)


Dice ID: / Defined by Dice (Group ID)
Apply Link: / Optional – use this field if JobSeekers should apply online instead of the default (via email.) A value in this field ignores the Email value below. The “apply for this job” button will be linked to this URL starting with
Email To: / Default to use if not using the Apply Link –
User ID: / Defined by Dice (User ID for sending jobs is different from the login used to login to the site) It is an extra feature and manually set up by the Dice Account Representative.
Password: / Defined by Dice (Password for sending jobs is different from the password used to login to the site) It is an extra feature and manually set up by the Dice Account Representative.


Email: /
Login: / Customer specific issued by HotJobs
Profile ID: / Customer specific issued by HotJobs
Reply Email: / User Defined (Person who is sent the posting notification)
Password: / Customer specific issued by HotJobs


Show Contact: / Set to Yes to post the following contact items with the Job Posting
Name: / Optional –User Defined (Person who is sent the posting notification)
Phone: / Optional –User Defined (Phone Number for Contact)
Fax: / Optional –User Defined (Fax for Contact)
Email: / Optional –User Defined (Email Address for Contact)
Address: / Optional –User Defined (Address for Contact)
City: / Optional –User Defined (City for Contact)
State: / Optional – User Defined (State for Contact)
Zip: / Optional – User Defined (Zip for Contact)
FTP Site: /
FTP Login: / ftp1
FTP Password: / Occmember
File Name: / Customer specific used by Monster
(xmcompanyxftp.txt - call monster to verify 1-978-461-8778)
Encoding: / UFT-8 (unless posting in French)

Field Mapping and Specific Codes

By default all fields will be pulled from the specific Job Board pageof each requisition (which must be completed prior to posting). If there is another field on the Main page of the requisition that contains the same information, use the drop-down menus to specify which field should be used instead. NOTE: The information MUST match based on the CODE, not the description. Mapping should be set under Admin> Job Boards and the codes should be set under Admin > Codes > Job Boards.