October Newsletter

Guidance Department News

We welcome Mrs. Jane McKean to the Guidance Office. Mrs. McKean, a school counseling graduate student at Marymount University (VA) will be working this year as a school counseling intern, under the supervision of Ms. Jennifer Spafford.

Guidance/PTSO Program – Paying For College

Please join us on Wednesday, December 2 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium for the annual presentation on financial aid for college. This year’s speaker from The College Board will describe how to apply for financial aid, guide parents through the FAFSA and answer your questions.

Flexible Office Hours

The Guidance Office and Career Center will be open and staffed by two counselors on Tuesday evenings until 7:30 p.m. Parents and students are welcome to drop in or call for an appointment. The counselors welcome all students and parents, regardless of alphabetic assignment. In addition, on the following dates, at 6:00 pm, there will be an orientation session for Family Connection for parents who wish to learn more about this resource which is available to everyone: September 22, October 27, November 17, December 15, January 26, February 23, March 23, April 27 and May 25. We hope these new hours will increase the availability of guidance services, particularly for parents who are not available during the day due to work.


All ninth, tenth and eleventh graders will take thePreliminary Scholastic Assessment Test (PSAT) on Wednesday, October 14 and receive results in December. The PSAT measures critical reading, math problem-solving, and writing skills developed over many years, both in and out of school and will give 11th graders a preview of the SAT, which they will take next spring. For ninth and tenth graders, the results will include information about careers and planning for the future; counselors will work with students to help them integrate PSAT results into their career portfolios. Eleventh graders will use the results for feedback on important college-related verbal, math, and writing skills and to predict future scores on the SAT. For all grade levels, taking the PSAT can be the beginning of the college search, prompting some to consider college as an option and jump-starting the college search of those who already know they are going to college.

College Guidance

By the beginning of October, all seniors will have had a group guidance session to introduce the planning process for post-secondary options. Each senior received the booklet, “Guide to the College Admission Process,” which is full of information about college selection and application process as well as students’ rights and responsibilities. Seniors also received “refresher information” for logging on to theFamily Connections web page, which provides a wealth of interactive college and career information and will help keep them on target for Guidance Office procedures and deadlines.

Monroe Technology Center Hosts Interested Students

On Tuesday, December 15, any sophomore or junior who is curious about the different programs offered at Monroe Technology Center in Leesburg will have the opportunity to visit the school for a half-day to observe classes and pick up application materials. MTC offers training and certification in a number of areas, including Firefighter/EMT, Introduction to Health and Medical Sciences, Auto Servicing Technology, Building Construction, Collision Repair, Computer/Digital Animation, Computer Networking, Computer Systems, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Graphic Communications, Administration of Justice, LPN, Masonry, Nail Design Technology, Nursery/Landscape Management, Television Production and Welding. Many MTC students go on to two and four-year colleges while others find themselves well-prepared for entry-level jobs in a variety of careers. More information about the visiting program will be distributed to students during the next two months.

Interim Reports

On October 2, Interim Reports will be distributed to all students, with instructions to bring the report home to parents. The report will have progress information from all of the student’s teachers, giving you an up-to-date snapshot of how your student is performing in all classes.

Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) Schedule

Test DateLast Registration Date

October 10


September 23

November 7 / October 15
December 5 / November 12
January 23 / December 30
March 13 / February 18
May 1 at BRHS / April 8
June 5 / May 13

American College Test (ACT) Schedule

Test Date Late Registration Date

October 24


October 2

December 12


November 20

February 6


January 15

April 10 at BRHS / March 19
June 12 / May 21

Advanced Placement Examinations

May 3-7, 2010

May 10-14, 2010


The following current students have earned AP Scholar Awards in recognition of their exceptional achievement on AP exams.

AP Scholar – Three or more AP exams with grades of 3 or higher.

Elizabeth Aghili

Spencer Beall

Zachary Cekala

Kevin Chung

Zachary Clemens

Ariel Cohen

Lauren Globus

David Golden

Taryn Johnston

Reilly Jones

Maksim Kadyrkaev

Stephen Kurtzke

Joshua Lancaster

Brandon Laurent

Nicholas Lemanski

Lucy Moorehead

Punya Narayan

Soikiki Ogolo

Amanda Olimpio

Elizabeth Pax

Mark Rankin

Daniel Reategui

Elisa Scudder

Katherine Taggart

Naveen Vaddadi

Shelby Whitwell

John Woodward

AP Scholar With Honor – Average grade of at least 3.25 on all AP exams and grades of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.

Apoorv Chebolu

Drea Ewen

Joseph Fackler

Jill Godman

Robert Legg

Benjamin Matthews

Kevin McGaughey

Kristen Mercuro

Ethan Miller

Riley Newland

Michael Poltash

David Reigel

Carrie Sartor

AP Scholar With Distinction – Average grade of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken and grades of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams.

Alexander Beller

Travis Evans

Tajammul Mir

Jacob Mirpanah

Justin Ohneiser

Carolyn Pearce

Clinton Pearce

MacKenzie Scofield

Xin Shen

Sinan Ulkuatam

Universidad de Virginia

Programa Vespertino

Julia Roa, consejera de admisión de UVA,

estará en la escuela de Broad Run

el lunes, 19 de octubre,

para discutir la admisión a la universidad y la ayuda financiera.

Este evento será presentado en español.

Todos los padres y estudiantes están invitados.



University of Virginia

Evening Program

Julie Roa, UVA Admission Counselor,

will be at Broad Run High School


Monday, October 19

to discuss admission to college and financial aid.

This event will be presented in Spanish.

All parents and students are welcome to attend.

