◘ Adult Ministry

Men’s Ministry lunch – The next Men’s Ministry lunch will be today immediately following the morning worship service.

Fall small life groups – We have exciting opportunities for volunteers who would like to lead small group Bible studies for the fall. If you would like to start a group (i.e. Men’s group, Women’s group, Young adult group, etc.), there is a sign up sheet at the information desk. Please see Ruby Cox.

Book Club – Join Pastor Bryan on a 4 week journey through the book “Prototype” by Jonathan Martin on Sunday nights from September 8th through 29th at 6:00 pm in the Ogle’s home. You can purchase your book at amazon.com. Sign up today. Preview: “Many times in the Old Testament, God refers to human beings as His “beloved.” But when God called Jesus His beloved, Jesus did something truly remarkable: He believed Him. He lived every moment of His life fully convinced of His identity. And unlike every other person in history…He never forgot. Martin reveals a startling truth at the heart of the gospel: Jesus is our prototype. And as we discover how the knowledge of being God’s beloved changed everything for Jesus—how it set Him free to live out His purpose and love God, others, and the world—it will begin to do the same for us.”

Enon Kids Ministry – Andrew and Dana Puga (804) 399-9737

Changes – There are some exciting changes coming to Children’s Church! In order to put your children’s safety as our top priority, we will be requiring parents to sign their children in and out of Children’s Church each week. This change will start on Sunday, August 18th. Please let Dana or Andrew know if you have any questions.

Fundraiser – The Children’s Ministry is asking you to help them raise funds by recycling ink and toner cartridges. Through the “Terracycle” program, we will receive points for each cartridge we send in. These points are converted into money which will be sent directly to ECOG and applied to the Children’s Ministry funds. So, ask your friends, coworkers and neighbors to save their cartridges too. There will be a box on the table outside the Children’s Church room for collection. Thanks for your support. If you have any questions, please call Jan at 804-530-3519.

Team Meeting – Sunday, August 18th immediately following the morning worship service in the Children’s Church room for all Sunday school, Nursery, Kid’s Club and Kid’s Church volunteers.

Enon Church Family

Intercessors meeting – The next Intercessors meeting is on Tuesday, August 20th at 5:30 pm. Come out and see what this ministry is all about!

Enon’s Fantasy Football League – You can join by signing up at the information center. We use Yahoo Sports Free League. Registration information will be emailed to you. LIVE draft takes place Sunday, August 25th at 2:00 pm at the church.

Retiree breakfast – The next Retiree breakfast will be on Wednesday, August 14th at 9:00 am. Come out for great food and fellowship!

South Hopewell Church of God Hymn Sing –Today at 5:00 pm. There will be fellowship and refreshments from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm and singing will begin at 6:00 pm. You are invited to come out and enjoy a great night of worship!

Color Me Rad – Color Me Rad Richmond Fall Race takes place on September 28th at Kings Dominion. Cost is $40 until August 30th which gets you a t-shirt, sunglasses and the joy of running for a good cause! A portion of the proceeds benefit the Special Olympics Virginia. This is a 5k that is full of color all along the route! (Colored cornstarch and gluten free!) We are team Colorful Creations! If you are interested in running or have any questions, please contact Teela Markovich. Sign up sheet at the front.

Outreach Ministry – Steve Stamp (804) 721-9002

First Fruits at Gathering Grounds – First Fruits is a program of the Gathering Grounds Ministry in Chesterfield that allows people in need to come get free food on Friday evenings of each week. Volunteers are always needed to prepare food for distribution and/or distribute the food. This ministry is growing quickly! If you are interested in volunteering your time, please see one of the Outreach Ministry leaders: Steve and Rachael Stamp, Duke and Patsy Lee, Rocky and Connie Sylvester.

U-Turn Student Ministry – Tim Hindman (804) 475-2613

New series – Join us Wednesdays at 7:00 pm as we continue in the series titled “Weird.” You don’t want to miss out on this!

Back to school bash – Friday, August 23th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm – We will be having a cook out at Pastor Tim’s house at 14500 Tranor Avenue! This is for current students AND rising 6th graders! This will be a great opportunity for rising students to jump right in with U-Turn!

Youth car wash – Saturday, August 24th from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm – Come out and support our youth!


Worship Ministry – Cassie Ogle (804) 517-2009

Music and Fine Arts new season – If you are a current member or are interested in joining the Music Ministry (vocal or band), please sign up at the information desk.

Choir rehearsal – The first choir rehearsal of this season is Wednesday, August 21st at 7:00 pm.

Prayer Cards - We urge you to share your prayer needs on the prayer cards in the pew racks. We will pray over your requests and believe with you.

Prayer Chain - If you would like to have the church pray for any need, please call Ruby Cox at 458-8189 or Betty Luffman at 458-5628.

Cards of Care - Missing someone? We want to know. Fill out the Care Card in the pew rack and drop it in the offering bag. We will contact them.

Starting this Sunday, you can get your sermon notes (already filled in) by scanning this QR code on your smartphone. We have set up a blog for sermon notes at http://enoncogsermons.blogspot.com/. The new sermon notes will be loaded Sundays at 5 am.