Part I- General

A.  Definitions

1.  Nesting: Tags placed within an affected segment of another tag for multiple effect

2.  Special Characters: Special characters are characters which have a meaning in HTML or cannot by typed through keyboard

3.  Scrollamount: The number of pixels between moving the text or image

4.  Scrolldelay: The time between movement in millisecond

5.  Cellpadding: is the space between the content and cell

B.  Questions and Answers

1.  Tags are reserved words that are between the opening and closing bracket (< and >); Tags are instructions. Attributes are reserved words that define or modify the behavior of a tag. Container tags are tags that come in opening and closing pairs, where the closing tag is differentiated from its opening tag by a forward slash.(Ex-- <body> …</body>) Singleton tags are tags that doesn’t have a closing tag; no pair. (Ex -- <br>, <img>)

2.  <body text= “…” bgcolor= “ ” background= “…” topmargin= “…” leftmargin= “…” rightmargin= “…” bottommargin= “…” alink= “…” link= “…” vlink= “…” > ………………………</body>

3.  <font color= “…” size= “…” face= “…”> ……………..</font>

4.  <img src= “…” alt= “…” width = “ …” height= “…”>

5.  <marquee behavior=”alternate” sccrollamount= “100” scrolldelay=”4000”> ………………………………. </marquee>

Part II – List

  1. Unordered list is a collection of related items that have no special order or sequence. Ordered List is a list where each item is numbered or lettered.
  2. Advantage à Automatic indentation, line break, and numbers, letters, bullets
  3. Nested List

<ol type= “I”>

<li> Chapter 1

<ul type= “square”>

<li> Intro to HTML

<li> Simple Example


<li> Chapter 2


<li>Text Basics

<li>Links and Web

<li>Formatted Lists


<li> Chapter 3

<ul type= “circle”>

<li> HTML document Elements

<li> The document Header

<li> The document Body



Part III—Links

  1. <a href= “”> CIS 228 </a>
  2. <a href=“mailto: ”> <img src=”../image/mail.gif” border= “0” alt= “email”> </a>
  3. <a href= “#gotohotspot”>intrapage to hotspot</a>

<a name= “gotohotspot”>This is the hotspot</a>

  1. <a href= “../Introduction.html”> link to Intro page</a>
  2. <body alink= “gray” link= “pink” vlink= “blue”> …………..</body>

Part IV – Tables and Forms TableandForms.html

Part V – Frames