Checking your saddle and how it fits your horse/pony should be done on a daily basis.
However this time of year is when you may notice significant changes in the shape of your horse/pony as you bring them back from a Summer spell.
Below is an adapted extract from 2015 Gear Checking Manual, p.67.
It covers the 6 basic checksfor saddle fit.
Prior to saddle fitting, check the condition of the saddle itself. Check stitching at the girth points, stirrup leather stitching, inspect for leather straps that have stretched and have worn buckle holes, buckles with rust and weld points that may become weak, the tree for soundness (creaking / clunking noises and creaselines in the seat of the saddle are not a good sign)
Perform your saddle fit check in 3 ways - before doing the girth up, after doing the girth up and then when the rider is mounted in the saddle.
Gullet Clearance /
- Gullet must be entirely clear of the spine
- No pinching of the withers
- 3 to 4 fingers between the pommel and the withers, rider unmounted. See TOP picture.
- MIDDLE picture – gullet is too wide, resulting in gullet sitting low to the horses wither and spine.
- BOTTOM picture – gullet too narrow, causing pinching on the horses shoulders and back. Not gullet very high above wither.
Seat Position /
- Look side-on, deepest part of the saddle seat must be in the middle? See TOP picture.
- Deepest part should not be too far forward (causes pressure on the shoulder and withers).
- See BOTTOM picture. It should not be too far backward (pushes the rider into the incorrect position/armchair position, causes back pain for the horse as the rider seat impacts the back of the saddle.
Shoulder Clearance / /
- The saddle should fit behind the scapula (blue) placing the girth one hand’s width behind the elbow (if the girth is too far forward it restricts the horse’s breathing).
Check for Crookedness /
- The weight should be evenly distributed on the muscles either side of the spine – a saddle should be straight on the back with a central seat. See TOP picture.
- Look at the balance of the saddle from the side and behind. Does the saddle sit straight on the horse’s back?
- BOTTOM picture shows a crooked saddle
Gaps or Bridges /
- Do the panels have full contact with the horse’s back? See TOP picture.
- Is there any bridging (areas of no contact between the panels and the horse’s back)? See BOTTOM picture.
Saddle fit to the Rider
Saddle fit for the Horse / /
- There should be about one hand’s with between the rider’s seat and the back of the cantle.
GCAP meets monthly and the group are happy to discuss any gear checking feedback that members may have. The group are contactable at