DECEMBER 16, 2010

A regular meeting of the Town Board was held on December 16, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium.

Item 1 – Roll call. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees; DeVore, Gustafson, Thomas and Truax. Trustee Moos appeared later in the meeting. Absent: Trustee Heaton and Mayor Moser. Attorney Anson was also present. Mayor Pro-tem Thomas led the meeting in the absence of Mayor Moser.

Item 2 – Review of the Minutes of the November 18th meeting. Trustee Gustafson moved the minutes of November 18th be approved as written, seconded by Trustee Truax. Motion carried 4 – 0.

Item 3 – US Cable Franchise Agreement (Ordinance No. 551) second reading. Gary and Attorney Anson brought the board up to date on the changes made to the Ordinance. Completing the second reading, Trustee Truax moved to adopt Ordinance No. 551, seconded by Trustee DeVore. Roll call; Gustafson -aye, DeVore-aye, Truax-aye, Thomas -aye. Motion carried 4 – 0.

Item 4 – Resolutions: 2010-07 – Appointing Karen Meyers to High Plains Library Board; 2010-08 -2010 Budget Adjustments; 2010-09 – Adjusting Trash Collection Fees; 2010-10 – Adjusting Water Rates; 2010-11 – 2011 Budget Adoption; 2010-12 – 2011 Budget Appropriation; 2010-13 – Business License Fee. Mayor Pro-tem Thomas reported on the results of the selection committee meeting with the High Plains Library District regarding the appointment to the district board of trustees. Concluding discussion, Trustee DeVore moved to approve Resolution No. 2010-07: ratification of appointment of Karen Myers to the Board of Trustees of the High Plains Library District, seconded by Trustee Gustafson. Motion carried 4 – 0.

Gary explained Resolution No. 2010-08 – 2010 Budget Adjustments is a document required by state law to show the town’s budget balances at year end. Trustee Gustafson moved to adopt Resolution No. 2010-08, seconded by Trustee Truax. Motion carried 4 – 0.

Gary explained Resolution 2010-09 increases the trash rate by fifty cents to help cover the rate increase charged by our contracted trash service company. Trustee DeVore moved to adopt this resolution, seconded by Trustee Truax. Motion carried 4 – 0.

Gary reported North Weld Water District is increasing their charge to the town by three cents per one thousand gallons of water thereby creating the need to increase what we charge to our customers by five cents. The new charge will be $23.65 for the first 4,000 gallons and then an additional $2.65 for each one thousand gallons used thereafter. Trustee DeVore moved to adopt Resolution No. 2010-10 which increases the water rates, seconded by Trustee Gustafson. Motion carried 4 – 0.

Resolution 2010-11 includes updated budget figures from 2010 as well as the changes discussed at the public hearing last month. Trustee Gustafson moved to adopt Resolution 2010-11, seconded by Trustee DeVore. Motion carried 4 – 0.

Resolution 2010-12 actually adopts the 2011 Budget. Trustee DeVore moved to adopt the resolution, seconded by Trustee Truax. Motion carried 4 – 0.

Resolution 2010-13 establishes a license fee for business licenses issued in the town at the cost of $10.00 annually. Trustee DeVore moved to adopt the resolution, seconded by Trustee Truax. Motion carried 4 – 0.

Item 5 – NISP Agreement #6 for 2011. Gary reported this is an annual agreement with Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District which includes fifteen partners. The town’s share is $48,750 which is already included in the budget. Trustee DeVore moved to approve the agreement, seconded by Trustee Gustafson. Motion carried 4 – 0.

Item 6 – Shelton Fund request for museum repairs/improvements. There are some existing building code violations and drainage issues with the foundation of the Eaton Museum building. The Historical Society has requested some financial assistance to deal with the issues. Gary recommended using the Shelton Fund money to upgrade the electrical at the cost of $2,269.65 and address the drainage problem which may cost approximately $3 to 4,000. Concluding discussion, Trustee Gustafson moved to approve the request from the Shelton Fund of up to $8,000, seconded by Trustee DeVore. Motion carried 4 – 0.

Item 7 – Citizen Comments/Questions. None.

Item 8 - Reports. Gary gave the Board an update on economic development. Gary reported that the paperwork has been received from Lauri Hauska for The Coffee Canteen’s liquor license request and a public hearing needs to be scheduled. Trustee Gustafson moved to set the public hearing for January 20th, seconded by Trustee DeVore. Motion carried 4 – 0.

Item 9 – Adjourn to Eaton Housing Authority meeting. As there was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:22 p.m. to the Eaton Housing Authority meeting.

Erika C. Bagley, Town Clerk