Iredell-Statesville Schools Instructional Guides
MUSIC - Vocal Music II
Vocal Music II continues to build on the comprehensive music education students have received in Vocal Music I. The LEA has flexibility in determining and developing courses which meet the competency goals and objectives for Vocal Music II. Examples of courses which may be offered as a level II vocal class include: Chorus II, Girls' Chorus, Boys' Chorus, and other courses developed by the LEA. Students participating in a Vocal Music II course are expected to meet all of the goals and objectives provided in the SCS. Vocal Music II will provide students with opportunities to:
· Develop and demonstrate appropriate vocal practices and refine the use of the voice as an instrument
· Sing with increased technical accuracy and expression
· Refine sightreading and eartraining skills
· Sing vocal literature which includes moderate technical demands, expanded ranges, and varied interpretive requirements
· Sing vocal literature representing diverse genres, styles, and cultures
· Utilize instruments as appropriate
· Develop skills in improvising, composing and arranging music
· Develop skills in listening to, analyzing, and evaluating musical experiences
· Apply reading and notating skills
· Develop an understanding of vocal literature in relationship to history, culture, and other content areas
Additionally, it is suggested that students create and/or maintain a portfolio which may contain a combination of written, audio, or visual examples of their work. Participation in Vocal Music II prepares students for further vocal studies in music.
Strands: Creating, Performing, Responding, Understanding
Standard and Objective / Priority
Pacing / Key Academic Vocabulary / Essential Questions
What facts, concepts, skills need to be learned / Instructional /
Learning Resources and Activities
(Differentiation) / Integration with Other Curriculum Areas
(Differentiation) / Assessment
COMPETENCY GOAL 1: The learner will sing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. (National Standard 1)
1.01 Sing with increased technical accuracy. / I
1. A/B / 1.02 Sing increasingly difficult vocal literature which contains moderate technical demands, expanded ranges, and varied interpretive requirements. / E / Range
Soft Palate / State Contest List (
Rehearsals / Foreign Language- Select repertoire in another language / Rehearsals and Choral Concerts
2. A/B / 1.03 Sing vocal literature representing diverse genres, styles, and cultures. / E / Melody
(Applicable genres, styles and cultural vocabulary) / State Contest List (
Rehearsals / World History- review historical context/culture of piece. / Rehearsals,
Appropriate performance of repertoire, written papers
1.04 Show respect for the singing efforts of others. / M
COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will play on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. (National Standard 2)
2.01 Select and use appropriate instrumental accompaniments in a wide variety of historical and cultural styles. / N
2.02 Show respect for the instrumental playing efforts of others. / M
COMPETENCY GOAL 3: The learner will improvise melodies, variations, and accompaniments. (National Standard 3)
3.01 Improvise variations of melodies and accompaniments in different styles, meters, and tonalities. / N
3.02 Show respect for the improvisational efforts of others. / N
COMPETENCY GOAL 4: The learner will compose and arrange music within specified guidelines. (National Standard 4)
4.01 Compose and arrange music incorporating appropriate voicings and ranges. / N
4.02 Compose music in several distinct styles using the elements of music. / N
4.03 Use a variety of sound, notational, and technological sources to compose and arrange music. / N
4.04 Show respect for the composing and arranging efforts of others. / N
3. A/B / COMPETENCY GOAL 5: The learner will read and notate music. (National Standard 5)
5.01 Read whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth, and dotted note and rest durations in 2/4, 2/4, 4/4, 6/8, 3/8, 2/2, and mixed meters. / E / Whole note/rest
Half note/rest
Quarter note/rest
Eighth note/rest
Sixteenth note/rest
Dotted note/rest
Meter /
(lessons and practice with staff)
Textbooks ( / Math- Counting, fractions / Written Theory tests/quizzes
4. A/B / 5.02 Demonstrate the ability to read individual part of a vocal score by describing how the elements of music are used. / E / Solo
Accompaniment / Current Repertoire, Essential Elements,,
Rehearsals, Aural assignments / Rehearsals, Aural exams (tests or quizzes)
5. A/B / 5.03 Sightread musical examples in the treble and bass clefs. / E / Staff
Bass /
Essential Elements, NCMEA, Sightreading Pieces / Rehearsals, Aural exams
5.04 Notate and transpose simple melodies using standard notation. / N
6. A/B / 5.05 Use standard notation symbols for pitch, rhythm, dynamics, tempo, articulation, and expression. / E / Tempo
Expression /, www.jwpepper (dictionary), Current Repertoire, Essential Elements
Rehearsals / Technology: Use internet to enhance students understanding of music theory /
Written Assignments, Rehearsals, Worksheets
5.06 Show respect for the reading and notating efforts of others. / M
COMPETENCY GOAL 6: The learner will listen to, analyze, and describe music. (National Standard 6)
6.01 Identify musical forms representing various historical periods. / I
7. A/B / 6.02 Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the technical vocabulary of music. / E / Notation
Conductor /
(Student Dictionaries)
Current musical repertoire. / English- vocabulary / Weekly vocabulary exams (CFA, WPDSA)
6.03 Discuss a variety of compositional techniques. / N
6.04 Explain various accompaniments. / N
6.05 Demonstrate auditory perceptual skills by conducting, moving, answering questions about, and describing aural examples of music. / N
6.06 Show respect while listening to and analyzing music. / M
8. A/B / COMPETENCY GOAL 7: The learner will evaluate music and music performances. (National Standard 7)
7.01 Apply specific criteria for making informed, critical evaluations of music. / E / Intonation
Stage Presence / Textbooks and rubric,, Adjudication forms, (state contest list), Recording of recent performances, / English: written critiques
Technology: Use different websites to access criteria for evaluations and for analyzing other choral performances. / Written critiques and concerts (CFA, WPDSA)
7.02 Evaluate musical works by comparing, contrasting, and summarizing them in relation to similar or exemplary models. / I
7.03 Evaluate musical ideas and information to make informed decisions as a consumer of music. / N
9. A/B / 7.04 Apply rules of standard English in written evaluations of music. / E / Grammar
Plagerism / Writing prompts used similar to the 10th grade writing test (specific to music topics)
English Department, English textbooks, Research papers, / English- reading and writing of written critiques and prompts. Research papers and written evaluations of performances. / Writing prompts, Research papers, Concert evaluations
7.05 Explain how interacting musical elements impact one's aesthetic or feelingful response to music. / I
7.06 Show respect for the musical efforts and opinions of others. / M
COMPETENCY GOAL 8: The learner will understand relationships between music, the other arts, and content areas outside the arts. (National Standard 8)
8.01 Apply standard rules of written English to explain the uses of characteristic elements, artistic processes, and organizational principles among the arts areas in different historical periods and cultures. / N
8.02 Identify and explain ways in which the concepts and skills of other content areas outside of the arts are interrelated with those of music. / N
8.03 Use knowledge of mathematical relationships to create original compositions. / N
8.04 Synthesize and apply information from other content areas to facilitate musical understanding. / N
8.05 Discuss the roles of creators, performers, and others involved in the production and presentation of the arts. / N
8.06 Demonstrate the character traits of responsibility, self-discipline, and perseverance while informally or formally participating in music. / M
COMPETENCY GOAL 9: The learner will understand music in relation to history and culture. (National Standard 9)
9.01 Classify representative examples of music using distinguishing characteristics to identify genre, style, culture, and/or historical periods. / I
10. A/B / 9.02 Recognize and identify ways that music reflects history. / E / Style
Historical Periods / Textbooks, / History- Select pieces with different historical backgrounds. / Written tests, aural examples, choral performance. (CFA, WPDSA)
9.03 Evaluate the role of music by identifying and applying criteria to draw conclusions or make predictions about the past, present, and future roles of music in history and culture. / N
9.04 Show respect music from various cultures and time periods. / M
Priority Code: E – Essential I – Important EC#: Essential Curriculum (1 to 10 KEY Concepts Identified in PLC each semester)
N – Nice to Know M – Maintenance A – 1st Semester
Resources Code: TB – Textbook RR – Resource Room B – 2nd Semester
Updated: 06/2007