
A wordle is a colourful, visual image displaying key words for a theme, text or topic. You can create them using an online generator (such as or with pens and pencils.

A wordle lets you pick out important words and helps you to remember them.

You are going to create your own wordle for a topic your teacher has given you.



A verb is a doing or action word. If you can ‘do it’, it’s a verb!

Task 1

Revision: Look at the pictures below and write the verb that applies in the space. Then use the verb in a sentence. The first one has been done for you.

Verb: Reading

Sentence: Connor had been sitting in his room reading all day.









Verbs change when we write in a different tense. In task 1 you identified verbs in the present tense, they were happening now. You will now think about verbs in the past tense, the have happened already.

Example: Present - I am flying through the sky!

Past – I flew through the sky!

Present – He is running like a cheetah.

Past – He ran like a cheetah.

Task 2

Rewrite the following sentences in the past tense.

1) Jody is driving to her Mum’s.

2) In a working so hard to complete this essay.

3)Jenny is loving her new trousers.

4)William is moving to Australia in two months.

5)Laura is leaving her chocolate biscuits at home today.


You have learnt about verbs and how they are used to tell us about actions. Remember – if you can ‘do it’, it’s a verb! However, in order to make our writing more exciting and engaging we need to describe how these actions are being done in more detail. We do this by using……. Adverbs!


Sheldon walked to work.

How did he walk to work??

Sheldon slowly walked to work, lazily dragging his feet.

Adverbs describe the way a verb is being done. Sheldon is walking but we want to give more detail about the way he is walking, so we use adverbs to create a more effective image. So, Sheldon is not just walking, he is walking slowly and lazily.

The adverb can be placed before or after the verb, as long as it is clear what verb it is describing.

Hint – Adverbs often end in –ly.

Task 1

Write out the following sentences and underline the adverbs. There are two in each sentence.

1)My mother shouted at me so loudly I feared my ear drums would violently explode!

2)Tim looked longingly at the cakes in the window, drooling pathetically like a dog.

3)My pet hamster, Chuckles runs enthusiastically round his wheel, secretly thinking he is in the Olympics!

4)The earthquake shook the city so violently the pavements easily cracked and fell apart.

5)I put on my coat very slowly, reluctantly stepping out into the rain.

Task 2

Use the adverb bank to improve the sentences below. Make sure that they are as interesting as possible. You can add more than one adverb and improve the sentences any way you can.

KindlySoftlyGentlyQuickly Fast Perfectly Greedily Fiercely



1)Joy watched TV all day.

2)I baked a cake.

3)I was happy the sun was shining.

4)As soon as the bell rang, she ran to the front door.

5)Peter looked through the crack in the door.


Tense: tells us when something is happening or has happened.

She sang - past

She sings - present

She will sing- future

E.G The verb to be

Present tense

I am

You are

He/she/it is

We are

You (plural) are

They are

Past Tense

I was

You were

He/she/it was

We were

You (plural) were

They were

Task 1

Copy the following table into your homework jotter and fill in the gaps.

Present / Past / Future
I walk / I walked / I will walk
She breaks / ------/ ------
------/ They wrote / ------
------/ ------/ They will be
He teaches / ------/ ------
------/ ------/ We will take
------/ It stood / ------

Task 2

Look carefully at the Verb Table at the top of this page and choose the correct verb in these sentences:

  1. The turkeys was/were kept in a large pen
  2. I is/am/are hoping to see Taylor Swift in Concert.
  3. There is/are a long row of houses.
  4. Ronaldo and his girlfriend is living/are living a No.1 Station Road.
  5. We was/were thirty altogether in the class.

Task 3

Past Tense

Write out the sentences in the past tense.

  1. When he (wake up), his mother had already (prepare)breakfast
  2. We (go)to London because our friends (invite)us
  3. He (hear)the news, (go)to the telephone and (call)a friend.
  4. When she (do)learna language, she (learn)French.
  5. Jane (type)three pages when her computer (crash).
  6. By the time the doctor (arrive)at the house the patient (die).
  7. Before that day we never (think)of traveling to Japan.
  8. I (jump)over the wall when I (see)my ex.
  9. They didn’t (know)where to meet because nobody (tell)them.
  10. It (be)cloudy for days before it (begin)to rain.

Task 4

Present tense

Write out the sentences in the present tense.

  1. Look! Sara (go)to the movies.
  2. On her right hand, Sara (carry)her handbag.
  3. The handbag (be)very beautiful.
  4. Sara usually (put)on black shoes but now she (wear)white trainers.
  5. And look, she (take)an umbrella because it (rain)

Task 5

Future tense

Write out the following sentences in the future tense.

  1. Tomorrow I think I (start)my new project.
  2. I (finish)it by the end of this month.
  3. The teacher (probably/assign)a test to his students next Monday.
  4. He (correct)it by the end of next week.
  5. My friend (certainly/get)a good mark.
  6. By 9 o'clock, we (finish)our homework.
  7. They (leave)the classroom by the end of the hour.
  8. I think I (start)my trip tomorrow.

Task 6

Write a creative paragraph using the past or present tense. The paragraph should be at least half a page of you jotter (depending on hand writing)

You paragraph must include:

A dog

A young boy


A whistle

Use your imagination!