The information in this Bid Form is to be submitted to CCA by May 15

Complete this bid form and submit it along with all required documents to the CCA office for consideration by the current Technical Committee. All bids will be reviewed and given consideration in accordance with the published Event Selection Procedures. Use the checklist at the end of this document to ensure it is completed.

Mailing Information:


Fax: 780.427.0524 (include photocopy of the cheque for the Bid Fee to the CCA Office)

Mail: Cross Country Alberta, 11759 Groat Road, Edmonton, Alberta, T5M 3K6.

Phone: 780.415.1738

Eligible clubs:

Only clubs that are registered and in good standing (e.g. club fees paid with a minimum of 10 adult members) with CCA are eligible to bid for a provincial event.

CCA Levy Fee:

In budgeting for this event, please note that the CCA Levy Fee is $5.00/person/competition, but the fee does not apply for the Jackrabbit categories (Atom to Mini-Midget). The Levy Fee for the Alberta Youth Championships is $3.00/person/competition. These levy fees will be calculated based on the Official Results received by the CCA representative after the event. CCA will invoice the Host Club for the appropriate amount. These fees are essential to the operation of the CCA Provincial Event Series.

Technical Package:

Please refer to the Technical Package for Provincial Cross Country Ski Events (August 2015) at In particular, see Sections F (Bid Submission and Selection), H (Host Club Responsibilities), and G (CCA Responsibilities and Services). Contact the CCA Office at 780.415.1738 if you have any questions.

General Information:

Host Club:
Event Chairperson:
Telephone (H): / Mobile:

Event Details (between 8 and 10 races will be scheduled each year. Provide proposed dates and indicate periods your region typically has snow. The Alberta Championships (A.C.) only in period 4):

Available Period: / December/January / January/February
February/March / March/April (A.C.)
Proposed Dates:
Date Conflicts: / Is there flexibility to move dates in the event of a conflict? / __ Yes __ No
If no, explain:

Part 1 - Club Structure and Leadership Considerations

Local Organizing Committee (LOC) (include current certification level):

Chief of Competition: / ( / )
Race Secretary: / ( / )
Chief of Course: / ( / )
Chief of Timing: / ( / )
( / )
( / )

Club Development

Club has a program for:
Jackrabbit / __ Yes __ No
Junior Racing / __ Yes __ No
Youth Recreational / __ Yes __ No
Master or Adult Recreational / __ Yes __ No
Para-Nordic / __ Yes __ No
__ Yes __ No
__ Yes __ No
Has your club added any new programs or had any growth in programs or membership numbers? / __ Yes __ No
Please explain:

Officiating Certification Course:

Hosting a Provincial Event offers the opportunity to have an Officials Certification Course. Is your Club interested in hosting such a Course for Level 1 and 2 Certification? / __ Yes __ No
If Yes, when:

Motion and Deposit

Club motion to host event attached? / __ Yes __ No
Bid fee cheque of $25.00/event included? / __ Yes __ No

Part 2 – Technical Considerations

Venue Capacity:

Does the proposed venue meet the criteria set out in the Technical Package? / __ Yes __ No
If no, explain:

Past Hosting Experience:

Has the club hosted any events in the past? / __ Yes __ No
If yes, please provide the basic event details:

Contingency Plan:

In the event that this event may have to be cancelled, postponed or relocated due to adverse weather or trail conditions, does your club have an alternate plan in place? / __ Yes __ No
If Yes, provide details:
(Include venue and/or date)
Would you need assistance with the contingency plan? / __ Yes __ No
What type of Assistance:

Equipment Trailer:

Will your Club be interested to use this equipment for this event? (Fencing, V-boards, radios) / __ Yes __ No

Part 3 – Participant Support Considerations


Are there accommodations located within 25 km of the venue? / __ Yes __ No
Are there accommodations for Para athletes within 25 km? / __ Yes __ No
Are there permanent waxing facilities? / __ Yes __ No
Are there permanent warming facilities? / __ Yes __ No
Are there permanent washrooms? / __ Yes __ No
Are there permanent Para washrooms? / __ Yes __ No
Are there permanent Food Services? / __ Yes __ No
If no to any of the above, please provide details about how you will provide these services:


I, ______(print name) am in agreement with the details as submitted and will ensure that the Club will follow all the rules, policies and procedures outlined in the Technical Package and CCC.


(Event Chairperson)(Date)

I, ______(print name), have reviewed this bid and the Technical Package, and confirm the support of ______(Club) for this bid to run a CCA sanctioned Provincial Event.


(Club President)(Date)

Cross Country Alberta Event Sanction Form

The information in this Sanction Form must be submitted at the time of Club Registration and / or Event Confirmation to ensure appropriate insurance for the event.

Club Name:
Contact Person:
Event Contact Mailing Address:
Event Contact Phone Number:
Event Contact Fax:
Name of Event:
Date of Event:
Social or Banquet? / __ Yes __ No
Alcohol to be Server? / __ Yes __ No
Venue for Banquet:
Sponsors/Landowners to be named as additional named insurance (name, contact, and address) must be provided on separate page attached to this form. Any landowners and/or sponsors that do not have their contact name and address submitted will not be considered under the insurance coverage for your event. Please indicate whether these land owners will require a formal insurance certificate for their records on the separate page attached.
On behalf of the Event Organizing Committee, I have read the Cross Country Canada User Insurance Manual, the Cross Country Alberta Invitational Event Policy & Procedures, and agree to follow the outlined guidelines as well as to ensure that every participant will sign an appropriate event waiver. I sign below confirming these facts to be true.
Event Chairperson or Club Chairperson / Date:
NOTES: Event must be registered using this form to be eligible for provincial insurance coverage. Additionally, the event’s official results must be submitted to the CCA Office within 1 week of the completion of the event.
Cross Country Alberta, 11759 Groat Road – Edmonton, AB – T5M 3K6
Email: - Fax: 780.427.0524
Please sign and email or fax this page back to CCA as soon as you have the date set for your event and then send original via regular mail. This confirms the date, basic event info and contact information.


⃣Completed Local Organizing Committee Section.

⃣Completed club development information.

⃣Included a contingency plan.

⃣Club minutes with motion to approve the bid to host this event.

⃣Cheque of $ _____.00 (payable to Cross Country Alberta) for Bid Fee ($25.00 per Race Event Day).

⃣Reviewed current Technical Package and meet requirements.

⃣Indicated if the Equipment trailer is required for this event.

Office Use Only:
Date Received:
Assessment Completed:
Assessment Score:
Event Awarded:
Date of Decision:
Equipment Trailer:
Officiating Course Offered:
Course Conductor:
Technical Delegate Assigned:

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