Extra Credit: Primate Conservation

You may do either of the options below, for up to 10 points each, or you may do both, for up to 20 points.

This is due next class (Tuesday, the day of your midterm)

Part 1:

Find an endangered primate and write a summary of:

·  The primate’s classification and what features put it in that classification group

·  Where the primate is found

·  The primate’s role in the ecosystem (why is it important to the environment)

·  Why it is endangered

·  What simple things you could do to impact the primate’s survival

Write your response in your own words; plagiarism will be checked

Part 2:

Palm oil is a healthy oil that is found in over 50% of the products we use each day. However, most of it comes from Indonesia, and is unsustainably harvested, leading to deforestation. This problem could lead to the extinction of the orangutan, gibbon, and Sumatran tiger. We need to make people aware of this so they buy products without palm oil or with traceable palm oil, and we need to let companies know why using untraceable palm oil is bad.

Review this Palm Oil Score Card: http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/solutions/stop-deforestation/palm-oil-scorecard.html#


Either 5 companies that score poorly (red X’s) and email them, telling them politely why palm oil is bad and why you will not buy their product with palm oil. Either BCC (blind carbon copy) me or send me a copy of the emails you write.

Or write to 3 companies and in addition share on social media why palm oil is bad, what companies to contact, and how people can help. Send me a copy of the emails and the 2 social media posts (screenshots). For your posts you can write a message and the picture below.