TOWN of FOX LAKE Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 8, 2013 — Town Hall at 7:00PM
Chairman Wissing called the Town Board meeting to order at 7:00PM with 5 officers and 12 other citizens present. The Fox Lake Fire Assoc. meeting is Tuesday, July 9, 2013 at 4:00PM. The Randolph Fire Assoc. meeting is Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 7:00PM. The next Town Board meeting is Monday, August 12, 2013 at 7:00PM. The Open Book to Review Assessments is Wednesday, July 31, 2013 from 3:00PM to 6:00PM at Town Hall. The first meeting of Board of Review for the Town of Fox Lake is Tuesday, August 20, 2013 from 4:00PM to 6:00PM at Town Hall. The Wisconsin Towns Association meeting (Dodge County Unit) is Wednesday, July 17, 2013 at 7:30PM at Dodge County Administration Building.
Supervisor Babros made a motion seconded by Supervisor Kok to accept the minutes of the Town Board Meeting of June 10, 2013. All in favor motion carried.
The Treasurer’s Report as of June 30, 2013 showed receipts for June 2013 of $11,210.49, disbursements of $19,018.40 with a balance of $238,920.35 in the regular checking account. The LGIPF account had interest receipts of $12.40 with an ending balance of $195,510.00. The Tax Savings Account had receipts of quarterly interest in the amount of $31.40for an ending balance of $157,442.23. The Municipal Court Savings Account had receipts of $1,539.30 in fines and assessments and $0.74 in interest for anending balance of $5,463.62 for a total balance in all accounts of $597,336.20. Supervisor Paul made a motion, seconded by Supervisor Kok to accept the Treasurer’s Report. All in favor motion carried.
During Public Input ArmondAlsteen shared his satisfaction with the July 6th, 2013 fireworks display and commented that in his opinion it was a donation well-spent by the Town. Chairman Wissing commented that unfortunately this item is up for review during future Board meetings as an item that may be possibly removed from the yearly donations from the Town due to legal concerns and that even the electors cannot vote for fireworks donations as part of the Special Electors Meetings process.
The new Town Attorney, Chase A. Horne of DeWitt, Ross & Stevens Law Firm was introduced to the Board and the citizens present. Town Attorney Horne indicated that the initial phone call for legal counsel request would be at no charge, even including some calls from the citizens directly, unless this became excessive.
Officer Gebhardt was not present for the meeting and therefore there was no Police Report for the month of June 2013 for review of the Board.
Committee reports: During Governmental Relations Supervisor Flemming announced that the Plan Commission would be meeting to discuss Farmland Preservation ordinance on July 22nd at 7:00PM at the Town Hall, and that the Inland Lake District would be meeting on July 11th at 9:00AM at the Town Hall. Supervisor Flemming also indicated that some of the leftover model cabins from the 175th Year of Fox Lake Celebrations were donated to the Fox Lake Public Library and also to the Meinders railroad event activities and that the public may pick up a complimentary free cabin at the library if so desired.
Under Roads: Supervisor Kok shared information regarding the Adams-Colombia Electric Cooperative regarding permit for replacement of underground primary line on Wiersma Rd. Chairman Wissing indicated that this would be approved with the suggestion being made to keep the lines on the outside edge of the road right-of-way. Supervisor Paul shared information regarding the status of Shorecrest Dr., that a drainage easement will be drawn up with the assistance of new Town Attorney Chase and that work will begin once an easement is in place. Other road projects will commence in the mid- to end- of the month of July. Supervisor Paul discussed again reminding Kopplin & Kinas to repair the damaged blacktop near the culvert and dry hydrant on Chief Kuno Trail and Supervisor Kok and Paul discussed shouldering improvements in this area as well. Supervisor Kok shared the results of his and Supervisor Babros’ meeting with Steve Pett of Dodge County regarding the painting of lines on Chief Kuno Trail and reported that this will be done, placing them back in their original placement, with the fog line 11’ from the center of the road both ways, leaving approx. 30” on the west side of the road for a walking trail. Chairman Wissing indicated that damaged road sign replacement would also be attended to during the upcoming month.
Under Parks & Lakes the Board received a narrative of several concerns of Fox Lake Dam Operator Russell Tripke, including comment that the Board’s recent directives to Mr. Tripke regarding non-deviation from the existing dam operations manual was making dam operations more costly, due to increased mileage from increased maintenance visits to the dam and to the lake, and that these directives were in effect a “new” protocol essentially different from how the dam was maintained in past years. Mr. Tripke shared his opinion with the Board that the Wisconsin DNR effectively allows room for discretion in the precise manner in which the dam is operated. Mr. Tripke also shared concerns with the Board regarding the possibility of lake draw-down in drought conditions, and that if he was mandated to follow the new protocol to the letter that Fox Lake might be threatened with dramatically lowered summer lake levels and dissatisfied property owners as a result. Mr. Tripke shared his observations that 7”-8” inches of lake level could be adjusted per day status post-dam modifications, and that he has discussed these matters with Rob Davis personally as well. Chairman Wissing clarified that Mr. Tripke was in effect asking for leeway within the first 3” of rainfall. Mr. Tripke stated that he has heard comment from the community already regarding concerns of lake draw-down, etc. now that these new directives have been enforced by the Board. Chairman Wissing commented that Mr. Tripke’s understanding of dam operation reflected a considerable degree of personal interpretation. Fox Lake Mayor Tom Bednarek, who was present in the audience with Mr. Tripke, shared his concern that the Town Board, Fox Lake City Council and the Wisconsin DNR should have a meeting together to clarify matters. Chairman Wissing and the Board recommended that such a meeting be arranged, including both dam operators (per suggestion of Fox Lake Mayor Bednarek) in order to clarify these matters and to enact practical protocol that can be followed clearly, removing the subjective and interpretive elements due to the threat of fines from the WI DNR for non-compliance. Mr. Tripke also voiced his concern publicly for the salary that he receives from the Town and that it does not match what the City of Fox Lake currently pays him and also aspects of his job dissatisfaction. Chairman Wissing responded by stating that the Town is not bound to salary increases authorized unilaterally by the City of Fox Lake.
Chairman Wissing asked that a photo be shown to the audience regarding the completed status of the Lake Emily Cemetery restorations per citizen donation, which was met with applause by the attending audience. Chairman Wissing also reported that restoration total costs were approximately equal to the donated amount of $500.00.
Supervisor Kok and Chairman Wissing shared observations that some buoys are missing from Fox Lake and that this will be addressed.
Chairman Wissing shared concerns regarding the state of dilapidated striping of the parking area of Town Park per public complaint and that this should be considered next year after seal coating is done, and that some temporary measures will be implemented in the meantime in order to decrease the state of parking confusion which presently exists.
There was nothing else to report under other Committee Reports.
Under Old Business:Dave Frie of Dunn Rd. was present to discuss with the Board possible negotiations for implementation of a cul-de-sac turnaround at the termini of road for improved future use of school buses, snow plows, etc. In exchange for the land required to make this improvement the Town would propose to deed Mr. Brie a small extent of shoreline that is across the termini of road, and additionally providing a boat launch. The Board has come to the conclusion that they are reluctant to end this part of the road which goes into the lake, in the event of abandonment, for example, in which case ½ of the property would be received by Mr. Brie and then ½ by the other affected property owner, and that the Board wishes to make sensible decisions for the Town given the changes that can occur over the long term and the possible need of use at the end of the landing which may be necessitated in the future. The Board is prepared at the present time to exchange a boat ramp and possible weed and brush improvements at the end of the cul-de-sac for the property required to implement an improved turnaround. The decision was made to add this item to the August agenda for the last time for final deliberations.
Under New Business: Clerk/Treasurer Zantow presented a list of the current delinquent property taxpayer to the Board in the amount of $38.61. A motion was made by Supervisor Paul, seconded by Supervisor Babros to write-off this balance. All in favor motion carried.
30-mph speed limit signage was discussed for the length of Lake the Board. Per Chairman Wissing’s review of other similar roads in the Town, 30 mph is the norm and this is therefore his recommendation. A motion was made by Supervisor Babros, seconded by Supervisor Kok to place three (3) 30-mph signs along the course of Lake Dr. All in favor motion carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Flemming, seconded by Supervisor Babros to approve donation for Fox Lake Fire Department Classic Car Show Trophy donation in the amount of $100.00, which per Clerk/Treasurer Zantow was the amount donated in 2012. Four in favor, one opposed (Supervisor Kok), motion carried, pending review of the Town Attorney Horne at no charge.
Regarding enacting email services for Town officials Clerk/Treasurer Zantow presented information regarding bid from existing website vendor, Town Web Design, to offer up to 10 emails for Town officials at the rate of $100.00/yr. No motion is required for this action; the Board finds it preferable due to the ongoing possibility of audits, etc., and that there are many circumstances whereby audit of personal email as part of public record may be undesirable. The Board expressed interest in pursuing this matter.
Clerk/Treasurer Zantow expressed his recommendation for enacting fees for copy cost for public record requests, which was agreed upon by the Board to be added to the August agenda with the Clerk/Treasurer’s recommendation.
A motion was made by Supervisor Kok, seconded by Supervisor Paul to approve operator license for Dawn Marquart pending payment of fees. All in favor motion carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Babros, seconded by Supervisor Paul to pay bills.
A motion was made by Supervisor Kok, seconded by Supervisor Paul to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Mason K. Zantow
Town of Fox Lake Clerk/Treasurer