Version 1.1 – February 2009


  1. Purpose
  2. Mission/Aim
  3. Vision
  4. Principles
  5. Structure
  6. Code of Governance
  7. Membership, Roles and Responsibilities
  8. Links with Leicestershire Together and the Local Area Agreement
  9. Links with the new Sub-regional Economic Development Arrangements
  10. Communication
  11. Operating/Support arrangements



The Leicestershire Rural Partnership (LRP) comprises 21 diverse member organisations, with working links to more than 40 other organisations, who work together to improve the quality of life of those living and working in rural Leicestershire.


The LRP was created, in 1993 by the Rural Development Commission, RCC and LCC, to enable partners to work more effectively together to deliver improved services to rural areas. This has been achieved through a range of public, private and voluntary organisations being able to share knowledge, experience and resources. As a result local people, voluntary organisations and rural businesses in Leicestershire are benefiting from a co-ordinated, efficient and improved way of working.

The LRP adds value at both strategic and operational levels, complementing and adding value to other partnerships and agencies, championing and mainstreaming rural issues, rural proofing and lobbying at local, regional, national and EU levels, along with sharing knowledge and expertise.

The high profile of the Partnership makes it ideally placed to act as a mechanism for consultation and co-ordination, responding to policy developments and providing leverage for mainstream and external funds.


“to deliver a better quality of service to rural communities and businesses and to use public money and other resources more effectively. We are also keen to help bring communities together and to help empower them at a local level to change their own fortunes”


In 2026 Rural Leicestershire will be made up of thriving and sustainable, safe and secure, communities, towns and villages, each of which will have at least one key community resource (e.g. school, church, pub, shop, post office, village hall). It will be recognised, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, for its;

  • Thriving communities that enjoy a high quality of life, have a broad social balance, and are empowered to influence and manage their own future, supported by an active voluntary and community sector.
  • Economic activity that plays to the County’s strengths, including its location, heritage, culture, specialist products and services, leisure, tourism, and environment.
  • Profitable and entrepreneurial businesses trading in strong local supply chains and networks, maximising the value of their products and services.
  • Access to services and facilities (good quality: housing, health services, education, and employment opportunities), supported by high quality transport and information services.
  • Diverse and well-managed countryside that is valued and accessed by all. Towns and villages that provide a high quality sense of place for residents, which play to their cultural, heritage and environment strengths.
  • Ability to develop skills (through Universities, colleges, schools, employers and the voluntary sector) that meet the needs of local people, communities and businesses.


The focus of the LRP is set out in the 20 year vision for rural Leicestershire (see above). To achieve this, the LRP has a critical role in “Delivering, Co-ordinating, Influencing, and Advising” on behalf of rural Leicestershire, to deliver better services and quality of life.

Deliveringhigh quality programmes that meet specific needs of rural communities that are not sufficiently addressed through mainstream provision.

Co-ordinating partner and community views to ensure there is a clear voice for rural communities within Leicestershire.

Influencing policy development and partner strategies and delivery plans to ensure that rural needs are effectively and appropriately addressed.

Advising all stakeholders, including communities and businesses, to ensure that they have access to the required information to meet their potential.

To enable the Partnership to effectively carry out these roles, a Rural Strategy is developed, implemented and regularly reviewed.

The Rural Strategy provides a strategic framework for the work of the LRP. It highlights the main issues currently facing rural Leicestershire and outlines the strategic priorities of the partnership in addressing these issues. These priorities have been informed by a series of European, National and Regional and local strategies and policies; as well as through local evidence and consultation.

Delivering the Strategy

The Rural Strategy will be delivered through a series of 3 year Action Plans that will be refreshed on an annual basis. These action plans will outline how the LRP will deliver its strategic objectives and priorities. These action plans will be agreed by the LRP Management Board and made available on our website.

The LRP will not impose arrangements on partners, communities or businesses but seek to work in tandem through stakeholder consultation and community engagement.

The Leicestershire Rural Partnership is a key partner within Leicestershire Together (the countywide Local Strategic Partnership) and has sought to engage and align its approach with the Sustainable Community Strategy and Leicestershire Local Area Agreement.


There are four main areas in the Leicestershire Rural Partnership structure:

1)the LRP Management Board

2)theLRP Executive Group

3)the LRP Sub Groups and LRP Project Groups

4)and theLeicestershire Rural Partnership Forum.

In addition to these, a bi annual conference is held which involves people across all levels of the structure and a wide range of stakeholders.


The Code of Governance for the Leicestershire Rural Partnership is based on The Good Governance Standard for Public Services (2004), adopted by Leicestershire Together and adapted for a non statutory partnership environment. The principles as they apply to the LRP are as follows:

  1. Functions and Roles

All partners will work together to achieve a common purpose with clearly defined functions and roles

In order to achieve this the LRP will:

  • Ensure effective leadership throughout the LRP structure and be clear about roles and responsibilities (including through the Terms of Reference see section 6)
  • Ensure that all partners work together constructively across all levels of the partnership
  • Ensure that the public know what to expect of the LRP and vice versa
  • Ensure that partnership values are put into practice and are effective
  1. Decision Making

The LRP will take informed and transparent decisions which are subject to effective scrutiny and manage/mitigate risk effectively

In order to achieve this the LRP will:

  • Be rigorous and transparent about how decisions are taken and listen and act on the outcome of constructive scrutiny
  • Have good quality information, advice and support to ensure that LRP outputs are delivered effectively and are what the community wants and needs
  • Ensure that an effective risk management system is in place

Decisions - Decisions of the partnership should be reached by consensus of the Management Board. Any members with a personal or organisational interest in the decision will be asked to declare this at the beginning of the meeting – they will then be excluded from the decision making process. Should consensus not be possible then a vote may be taken. This will be resolved by a majority of those members present.

Reporting - The Management Boardwill receive reports as appropriate from:

  • The Executive Group
  • Any existing or new Project or Sub Groups established to fulfil a specific role within the partnership
  • Partner and Stakeholder Organisations

Confidentiality - In general, partners should feel able to speak openly without being quoted directly. When an agenda item is confidential, this should be made clear so that all present are aware that this is the case.

Respect and Tolerance - LRP partners come from different organisational and personal backgrounds and agree to respect and be tolerant of each others views and ways of working. Mutual respect means playing a full and positive part in meetings, being open and inclusive in relationships and remarks, and seeking consensus.

  1. Capacity and Capability

The LRP will foster the capacity and capability of all partners

In order to achieve this the LRP will:

  • Make sure that all partners have the knowledge and skills that they need to perform well in their roles.
  • Make best use of individuals’ skills and resources
  • Learn from others and from good practice elsewhere – locally, regionally and nationally.
  • Have a sound evidence base to work from.
  1. Accountability

The LRP is independently accountable to members of the partnership and wider stakeholders. For specific activities it will be accountable to other lead partnerships / groups e.g. Leicestershire Together, Sub Regional Leadership Group, funders.

In order to achieve this the LRP will:

  • Effectively engage local people and stakeholders in planning and delivering services.
  • Consistently evaluate activities and projects including beneficiary input and seek ways in which the partnership can most beneficially impact upon the lives of people in rural Leicestershire.
  • Provide an accessible annual report.
  • Hold sixth monthly forums and bi-annual conferences to obtain wider stakeholder input and engagement.

7. Membership, Roles and responsibilities

Leicestershire Rural partnership management Board

Job Purpose:

To represent rural interests; supporting, developing and implementing the guiding principles and priorities as set out in the LRP vision, Rural Strategy and Rural Action Plan.

The membership of the Board is as follows:

Core Membership:

1. Leicestershire County Councillor 3 representatives inc. Chairman

2. 6 District Councillor representatives

3. Voluntary Sector

4. Leicester and Leicestershire Business Council

5. Natural England

6. East Midlands Development Agency (emda)


8. Leicestershire & Rutland Association of Parish and Local Councils

9. Leicestershire & Rutland Rural Community Council

10. Leicestershire Learning & Skills Council

11. Leicestershire Constabulary

12. Leicestershire Chamber of Commerce & Industry

13. National Farmers Union

14. CountryLand and Business Association

15. National Forest Company

Observers are permitted to attend Board and Executive Board meetings who are able to support the aims and objectives of the Leicestershire Rural Partnership and the agreed priorities outlined in the SCS and LAA.

From time to time, representatives from other organisations who may not be partners will be invited to attend and speak.

Membership of the LRP will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure representation fromall relevant sectors including new and emerging sectors (not just traditional land-based) and the business community (especially small businesses).

Roles and Responsibilities:

Specific responsibilities of the Board include the following:

  1. To act as a proactive rural champion for the work of the LRP within their organisation and wider LAA delivery framework.
  2. To cascade information on the work of the LRP within their organisation, and to feed information on the work of their organisation into the LRP.
  3. To draw out and strengthen the links between the LRP objectives, LAA objectives and those of their organisation.
  4. To assist in co-ordinating the work of the LRP with that of Partners, partnerships and other organisations.
  5. To represent the views of Partner organisations in the key decision process of the LRP.
  6. To attend LRP Management Board Meetings, six monthly forums and bi annual conference.

Meeting Frequency = Quarterly

Leicestershire Rural partnership Executive group

Job Purpose:

The Executive Group has five essential roles, to:

  1. Recommend, to the LRP Management Board, the strategic direction for the LRP in developing and implementing the Rural Strategy 2007-2014
  2. Advise and inform the LRP Management Board of priorities for rural Leicestershire.
  3. Perform the role of the ‘Rural’ Strategy and Performance Group within the new Sub-Regional Arrangements.
  4. Co-ordinate and oversee the input of rural issues from the LRP into the LAA and the work of the LAA theme strategic partnerships and groups.
  5. Co-ordinate the development of the three year LRP Action Plan and oversee the allocation of LCC funding through the LRP (and potentially partner funding).

Core Membership:

Rural Community Council (chair)

LCC - Rural Partnership Manager

LCC – Policy and Partnerships Team Leader

Leicester and Leicestershire Business Council

LCC – Environmental Management

LCC – Community Transport

LCC – Community ICT

Leicestershire Constabulary

Melton Borough Council (District Rep)

Voluntary Sector

Midlands Rural Housing

Leicester and Leicestershire Learning Partnership

Economic Development Company

Business Link

The group may also be attended by other support officers including the Communication Officer and Rural Policy Officers.

Terms of Reference:

1. To recommend strategic direction to the LRP Management Board to enable the delivery of the Rural Strategy, and aligning activity to the Leicestershire Local Area Agreement.

2. To advise and inform the LRP Management Board regarding rural priorities taking into account local delivery, regional and national initiatives and direction.

3. To co-ordinate and oversee the input and work of rural delivery/issues within the LAA theme strategic partnerships. Identify cross cutting activities between LAA themes and rural delivery to ensure theme based ‘silo’s’ are avoided.

4. To co-ordinate the development of the three year action plan and oversee the allocation of funding through the LRP to better achieve joint priorities and improved service delivery in rural areas.

5. To take operational decisions on behalf of the LRP Management Board.

6. To bring together the key decision makers in an area in a way that provides visible co-ordination of rural service delivery.

  1. To oversee the performance management of the Leicestershire Rural Partnership.

Meeting Frequency = Quarterly

8. LINKS WITH Leicestershire TOGETHER AND THE local area agreement

The LRP plays an important role supporting Leicestershire Together to consider rural issues in the development and delivery of its priorities. The Rural Strategy provides a framework to help rural proof local strategies and priorities and as a result of this process chapters have been included within the Sustainable Community Strategy on ‘Rural’ and ‘Access to Services’.

The LRP Chairman has a place on the Leicestershire Together Board and the Chair of the LRP Executive Group sits on the SCS / LAA Delivery Group. The LRP is also recognised as a Community of Geography within the Leicestershire Together Strategic Governance Framework.

As part of a structure review to better align the LRP to the LAA, Rural Champions have been nominated to sit on the relevant theme partnership boards.

The Rural Partnership Manager is the lead officer for Access to Services as a cross cutting theme across the SCS and LAA.

LAA2 Delivery Plans

Following agreement of 61 performance indicators within LAA2, lead officers have prepared delivery plans detailing how each indicator will be measured together with funding requirements, identification of risks and timescales.

The LRP Rural Champions mentioned above scrutinised the performance indicator delivery plans allocated within their theme. The County Council’s Rural Team also considered the indicators of other themes where no Rural Champion has been identified. This work will continue to ensure that the rural agenda is integral within the LAA framework.

9. LINKS WITH THE NEWSub-regional economic development ARRANGEMENTS

Leicester and Leicestershire stakeholders have recently established new sub regional arrangements to provide strategic co-ordination to economic development activity.

A Leadership Board will oversee the development of an Economic Assessment for the sub-region, and a subsequent Sub-Regional Investment Plan. It will also oversee implementation of the Multi Area Agreement which was jointly signed with central Government in January 2009. Supporting this activity will be five Strategy and Performance Groups including: Business and Enterprise; Employment and Skills; Transportation; Housing, Planning and Infrastructure; and Rural. A Co-ordination Group will ensure consistent and aligned working across the Strategy and Performance Groups – the Rural Partnerships Manager currently sits on this group (to be reviewed).

Leicestershire Rural Partnership will fulfil the role of the Rural Strategy and Performance Group, reporting progress to the LRP Management Board. Specific terms of reference for this function have been developed and can be found as Appendix B. This will include a responsibility to oversee the preparation, maintenance and delivery of a sub-regional rural economic development plan, and ensuring that rural issues are sufficiently reflected and addressed within these new arrangements.



“To raise the profile of the LRP and its supported projects by targeting partners, stakeholders and the rural community of Leicestershire.”

The LRP Communications Strategy highlights the need to market the LRP and to maximise opportunities locally, regionally and nationally.

Marketing and communications activity is aimed at a number of distinct audiences:

  1. Local Communities
  2. Business Communities
  3. Partners & Stakeholders

through media such as:

  1. Local and national written press
  2. Local and national radio
  3. Electronic Media (including Oakleaves website)
  4. LRP Publications (including annual report)
  5. Managed media opportunities
  6. Internal Communications
  7. Branding

The strategywill be carried out by the Communications Officer working closely with relevant partners and projects to ensure full engagement in all aspects of this work.Communications is a standard item on the Management Board agenda.