2012 Google China Anita Borg Scholarship Application Form

Must Read: Application Instructions

  1. Please fill out ALL blank spaces in the form in English, except where with specific notes.
  2. After completing Part 1-6, type your full name at Part 7 as final confirmation of your application.
  3. After completing the whole form, please combine it with your CV, transcripts, and two reference letters together, then save it as one PDF file with the school name and your name as the final file name, like “ZJU_Xiaohong Wang.pdf”, and send this pdf file to the school.
  1. If you have any questions regarding application process, please feel free to send emails to .

Part 1. Applicant Profile

Name (in Chinese) / Name (in Pinyin)
Citizenship / Gender
Email / Telephone No.
Mailing add. (in Chinese)
Mailing add. (in English)
T-shirt size

Part 2. Education

Current Institution
University name / Major / Department
Select the degree you arecurrently enrolled in / (Bachelor / Master / PhD)
Select your current year of study / (1~5)
Enrollment month/year / Graduation month/year (exepected)
Previous Institution 1 (if applicable)
University name / Major / Department
Select the degree you received at this institution / (Bachelor / Master / PhD)
Enrollment month/year / Graduation month/year
Previous Institution 2 (if applicable)
University name / Major / Department
Select the degree you received at this institution / (Bachelor / Master / PhD)
Enrollment month/year / Graduation month/year

Part 3. Employment History (including intern experience)

(If you have a long employment history, please only state the most recent or important two experiences. You can give full lists in your CV.)

Employment 1
Employer name / Job title
Employment type / (Full-time Employee / Intern / Other)
Start date / End date
Description (no more than 100 words)
Employment 2
Employer name / Job title
Employment type / (Full-time Employee / Intern / Other)
Start date / End date
Description (no more than 100 words)

Part 4. Leadership & Activities

(List your leadership activities, accomplishments, volunteer work, or anything else that will help us to get to know you.If you have a lot to tell us, please only state the most recent or important two examples. You can give full lists in your CV.)

Activity 1
Organization name / Role / Position
Brief Description of your work with this group/activity(no more than 100 words)
Activity 2
Organization name / Role / Position
Brief Description of your work with this group/activity(no more than 100 words)

Part 5. Others

Have you ever applied for a Google Scholarship before?(Yes/No) ______

Have you previously been a recipient of a Google Scholarship or Award?(Yes/No) ______

Would you like to be contacted about internship / full-time opportunities with Google?(Yes/No) ______

Part 6. Essay Questions


Describe a significant technical project you have worked on. If you have worked on a major independent research project (such as research for a graduate program), please describe that work here. Give an overview of the problem and explain how you approached key technical challenges. If the project was team-based, be sure to specify your individual role and contributions. (Essays should be 300-500 words and in English.)


Give one or two examples of how you have exhibited leadership. Explain how you were influential and what you were trying to achieve. These need not be demonstrated through formal or traditional leadership roles. You can use recent examples of leadership in your technical community, from your time at university (or within the last 3 or so years), in an extracurricular activity or in the broader community. (Essays should be 300-500 words and in English.)


Anita Borg proposed the "50/50 by 2020" initiative, so that women earning computing degrees would be 50% of the graduates by year 2020. However, the percentage of computer science degrees earned by women is still far from 50% inChina. Please propose a specific initiative or program that could be implemented by a school, the government, an organization, or a private company that could reverse the trend. What would be the short and long term outcome of this initiative, and how would you measure its' success? (Essays should be 300-500 words and in English.)

Part 7. Terms and Conditions

I hereby certify that all the information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I meet all eligibility requirements as specified in this application and the accompanying instructions.

I understand that all applications and submitted materials become the property of Google and will not be returned.


Instructions for CV, transcripts, and reference letters

  1. Your CV should be in English, and list your awards, internship experience, school activities, etc. in details.
  2. Please provide a soft copy of your unofficial or official transcriptsfor your current program. If you are a Master's or PhD student, please also provide additional transcripts from any previous institutions.
  3. Letters of recommendation for the Google Anita Borg Scholarship are a key component in evaluating scholarship applicants. Specifically, we would like information with regards to the applicant's academic achievements, leadership skills, community involvement, and personal qualities. We need TWO reference letters for each applicant. The reference letters can be written by your professors, internship hosts, etc.
  4. Reference letters are required to include detailed contact information (email and phone number), for possible background check from Google. References can be submitted in English or Chinese.