Theme- “Marion County Fair- Social, Local, Fun!”


Pre- Registration Available
On-site Registration
When: July 6, 3-7 PM Entry Pick Up: Sunday, 6-7 PM
Where:Columbia Hall Fair Office: (503) 585-9998
Department Rules: All Marion County Fair Rules and Regulations apply. Submission of entries implies acceptance of these rules.
Note- special contests for juniors, and contests sponsored by the MarionCounty Dairy Women.
  1. All entries must be made by the person under whose name it was submitted.
  2. No packaged mixes allowed.
  3. Each exhibitor may submit only one entry per lot.
  4. The superintendent may reclassify entries wrongly classified. No entries will be moved after judging.
  5. Ribbons will be awarded to the first three places; the Judges’ decisions will be final.
  6. All baked foods should be covered completely, except decorated cakes (class 404, Lot 14). No exhibit will be accepted uncovered.
  7. All exhibits must remain intact until Sunday at 6 PM, at which time they will be released to exhibitor.
Class 401 Yeast Breads- 1 loafLot 1 White
Lot 2 Mixed grain
Lot 3 Sweet rolls (1/2 doz.) or foreign breads
Lot 4 Gluten or wheat free
Class 402 Quick Breads- 1 loaf (Using baking powder or soda)
Lot 5 Muffins (1/2 doz.)
Lot 6 Coffee cake
Lot 7 Vegetable, fruit, or nut breads- 1 loaf
Lot 8 Biscuits (1/2 doz.)
Lot 9 Wheat free
Scoring for Judging Breads
Appearance- shape (proper dome), smoothness, crust, color..10%
Crust- thickness, quality, crispness, tenderness……………….10%
Crumb- color and texture………………………………………….15%
Texture- size and uniformity of cell walls; elasticity; no streaks or close grain…..………………………………………………………25%
Class 405 Pies-
Lot 17Onecrust pie
Lot 18 Twocrust pie
Lot 19 Cream or custard pie
Scoring for Judging Pies
Crust- flavor, texture………………………………………………...40%
Fillings- natural, well blended consistency; fruit moist, but not syrupy, well cooked, filling should shape but be smooth, soft…40%
Class 406 Cookies- Open Class, 6 cookies
Lot 20 Rolled
Lot 21 Shaped
Lot 22 Drop
Lot 23 Bar
Lot 24 Brownie
Lot 25 Dietary- wheat free, nonfat, etc.
Scoring for Judging Cookies
Appearance- outside uniform, not too thick; size not over 3 in.; surface color/texture………………………………………………..30%
Texture-characteristic of type…………………………………….. 35%
Flavor- natural flavor of ingredients, no off-flavor………………. 35% /
Judging Breads (cont.)
Flavor- taste and color (sweet, nutty, blended)………30%Class 403 CakesCakes must be from scratch and not contain package mixes.
Lot 10 Layered cake
Lot 11 Angel, sponge, or chiffon cake
Lot 12 Chocolate cake
Lot 13 Cheesecake- no bake
Scoring for Judging Cakes
Appearance- crust (color, texture and depth), filling (if applicable) minimum ¼ in., fluffy, good flavor, blend with cake ……………………………………………………..30%
Texture- butter cakes tender, fine, even grain, moist…...35% Flavor- delicate and pleasing, natural flavor of ingredients……………………………………………….35%
Class 404 Decorated Cake- Non-professional (Exhibitor does not teach cake decoration or the majority of their income does not come from selling decorated cakes.) Judged for decoration only, cake need not be covered.
Lot 14 Decorated Cake
Lot 15 Decorated cupcakes (3)
Lot 16 Cakeballs/pops (3)
Scoring for Decorated Cakes, cupcakes, cakeballs
Workmanship- application of icing/borders; difficulty of technique; precision and use of equipment…………..50%
Appearance- Neatness, uniformity of technique, use and choice of color……………………………………………30%
Originality-Original idea or adaptation; creation of style. (There will be no points for a direct copy of a published design.)……………………………………………………20%
Class 407 Confections- 6-8 pieces (Judged on appearance, consistency and flavor.)
Lot 26 Hard candies
Lot 27 Creams
Lot 28 Mints
Lot 29 Other than listed (please identify)
Class 408 Gift Packs
Use your creativity in decorating and filling these packages with baked goodies and additional items. Judged on appearance, creativity, and quality of product.
Lot 30 Decorated basket or box for a friend or relative, include a favorite quick bread made by the exhibitor.
Lot 31 Decorated Birthday basket or box, include up to 3 cupcakes made by the exhibitor.
Lot 32 Decorated holiday basket or box, include 6 homemade cookies made by the exhibitor.
Class 409 Juniors-Junior classes are for ages 6-17 yrs. All Open Class rules apply, including scoring. Use the same lots as those listed for all adult classes.
Class 410 Professionals-A professional is defined as anyone who profits from the selling of culinary goods.Use the same lots as those listed for all adult classes.


  1. All preserved foods should be in a standard jar designed for canning purposes.
  2. Lids must be screw tops.
  3. Exhibits must be accurately labeled as to content, processing method, time processed, and date of processing.
  4. All dried foods must be accurately labeled as to content, pre-treatment drying method, and date of processing.
  5. All preserved products must be processed according to canning methods recommended by the current Oregon State University Extension Bulletin. (This is available at the Marion County Extension Office, 1320 Capital Street, Salem, OR Ph. 503-588-5301.)
  6. All entries must have been completed by the exhibitor within one year of the opening date of the current year’s fair.
  1. A weighted gauge is 10 lbs. of pressure compared to 11 lbs. of pressure on a dial gauge.
  2. Time and pressure corrections for processing at higher altitudes have been revised for both pressure and boiling water canning.
  3. Tomato canning- home canners may choose among 4 styles of crushed or whole/halved packs. Both pressure canner and boiling water processing times are provided for all packs. “Crushed” and “whole halved packed in water” may give the best quality products.
  4. Canning of smoked fish is not currently recommended.
Jams And Jellies
Paraffin is not recommended. Process jams and jellies for at least 5 minutes in a boiling water canner.
Class 411 Jams, Jellies
Use standard canning jelly jar no larger than a pint.
Lot 33 Apple Jelly
Lot 34 Berry Jelly
Lot 35 Grade jelly
Lot 36 Any jelly (please specify)
Lot 37 Apricot or peach jam
Lot 38 Berry Jam
Lot 39 Cherry jam
Lot 40 Strawberry jam
Lot 41 Any other jam (please specify)
Lot 42 Conserve
Lot 43 Butter
Lot 44 Marmalade
Scoring for Judging Canned Fruits/Vegetables,
Fish, Meats, and Poultry(cont.)
Product …………………………………………….. 45%
Quality- high quality food, free from defects and signs of spoilage
Color- product as nearly that of standard cooked product as possible free from foreign matter and undue discoloration.
Liquid- clear, little or no cloudiness/sediment; free from bubbles
Consistency- as expected for a cooked product
Pack- appropriate size of pieces (whole or cut) for processing method used; correct choice of raw or hot pack.
Ingredients- suitable proportion of ingredients for product safety.
Processing- use of recommended processing times for boiling water bath (high acid foods) or pressure canner (low acid foods).

  • Food grade lime may be used to firm pickles.
  • Low temperature pasteurization (180-185 F for 30 min.) can be used instead of boiling water processing to improve firmness.
Class 415 Pickles and Relishes
Lot 64 Dill Pickles
Lot 65 Flavored Vinegar
Lot 66 Sweet Pickles
Lot 67 Vegetable Pickles
Lot 68 Fruit Pickles
Lot 69 Relishes
Lot 70 Catsup & Sauces
Lot 71 Other than listed (please specify)
Scoring for Judging Pickled Foods
Tightly sealed, clear jars, designed for canning of specified size,
clean, neatly and properly labeled
(Color- uniform, attractive, characteristic of kind with no darkening
on the top, discoloration of ingredients…………………15%
Size- whole or in pieces of suitable and uniform size.. 15%
Liquid- clear, no scum on top……………………………15%)
Pickled fruit- tender, plump, unbroken skins or flesh
Firm, not shriveled or overcooked
Vegetable pickles or relishes- uniformly firm and crisp,
not shriveled from excess salt, acid or sugar
Safety and Suitability…………………………………25%
Choice of fruit/vegetable that is safe and suitable for home pickling / Scoring for Judging Jams and Jellies
Appearance ………………………………………30%
(Color, characteristic of fruit…………….15%
Clearness (jellies translucent)…………10%
Container- glass, clean, sealed, screw top lid, neatly labeled, specified size……………………………..5%)
Texture …………………………………………….35%
Jelly- tender, should quiver, cut easily and retain shape, no crystals
Preserves- pieces firm and whole; clear, thick syrup
Marmalades- small, thin pieces; clear, thick syrup
Butter- fruit pressed through a sieve. No separation of fruit and juice
Jams- crushed fruit. No separation of fruit and juice
Conserve- a combination of two fruits and usually nuts
Flavor ……………………………………………….35%
Class 412 Canned Fruit
Lot 45 Applesauce
Lot 46 Berries
Lot 47 Cherries
Lot 48 Peaches
Lot 49 Pears
Lot 50 Plums and Prunes
Lot 51 Other than listed
Class 413 Canned Vegetables
Lot 52 Beans (cut)
Lot 53 Beets
Lot 54 Carrots
Lot 55 Corn-whole kernel (no creamed)
Lot 56 Peas
Lot 57 Tomatoes
Lot 58 Other than listed (please specify)
Class 414 Fish, Meats, and Poultry
Lot 59 Beef or Pork
Lot 60 Chicken, Turkey or Rabbit
Lot 61 Fish (pints or half pints only)
Lot 62 Mincemeat (with meat)
Lot 63 Other than listed (please specify)
Scoring for Judging Canned Fruits/Vegetables,
Fish, Meats, and Poultry
Note: Judges may open for inspection, but will not taste, non-acid fruits/vegetables, meats, poultry, and fish.
Tightly sealed containers, correct size, clean, properly labeled
Pack…………………………………………………. 20%
Uniformity- pieces uniform in size
Fullness- all space filled except for head space
Liquid to just cover product
(Scoring cont. next page.)
Class 416 Dried Foods
Use a standard canning jar or zip-lock freezer bag.
Judged on package, appearance, texture, flavor and aroma.
Lot 72 Fruits, ½ cup
Lot 73 Vegetables or Herbs, ½ cup
Lot 74 Fish, Meats, or Poultry, 5 pieces
Lot 75 Other than listed (please specify) ½ cup
Class 417 Gift Pack- Combination
Lot 76 Gift Pack
A combination of preserved foods in standard canning or dried food containers. Exhibit will be judge on originality of total gift package. Quality of individual preserved foods will also be considered.
Class 418 Preserved Foods
Lot 77 Gift Pack
Preserved foods in standard canning or dried food containers. Exhibit will be judge on originality of total gift package. Quality of individual preserved foods will also be considered.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons awarded in each lot.
Other Potential Awards:
Best of Show
Best use of Fair Theme
Superintendent’s Choice

Foods, Baked & PreservedPage 1