Saturday August 12, 2017

8:00AM – 11:00PM

Reef Point Resort

3416 Lake Drive


1.  The contest is limited to children--age limit 14--who are friends, relatives, or family of Pike Lake residents and/or Pike Lake Advancement Association and Pike Lake Sportsmen's Club members. There is no registration fee. For non-members, donations are gladly accepted.

2.  All participants should register between 8:00 am - 10:00 am at the Reef Point Resort.

3.  There are no designated fishing areas. Registered participants are eligible to fish anywhere on Pike Lake.

4.  Fish must be caught between the hours of 8:00 am and 11:00 AM the day of the fisheree. Contestants may register their fish for the contest by bringing them to the "Weigh Station" at the Reef Point Resort between the hours of 11:00 am and 12:00 noon for judging. Fish to be judged are: Bluegill, Crappie, Perch, Pumpkinseed and Rock Bass; Northern Pike (26"), Walleye (15"), and Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass (14") must be regulation size.

5.  Winners will be determined by the decision of the judge based on the length or weight of the fish.

6.  All fish must be caught by registered contestants on hook and line in accordance with Wisconsin Sate regulations. Equipment for fishing must be supplied by participants.

7.  There will be four age group winners; Under 7, 7-8, 9-10, and 11-14. Two prizes will be awarded in each group. However, each child is eligible to win only one prize.

8.  All registered participants will receive a prize after the 12:00 noon judging whether you have caught a fish or not. The Pike Lake Advancement Association, Reef Point Resort, and Pike Lake Sportsman's Club would also like you to join us for the awards and festivities following which will include a light lunch.

9.  All decisions of the judges will be final. Exceptions to any rule can be found, so the spirit of good sportsmanship shall prevail.

10.  This is intended to be a family affair and parents are encouraged to accompany their children.

11.  Volunteers are always needed, so if you are available please call Dan Knodl at 673-9952.