Senior Letter Request Packet

The Senior Letter Request Packet provides information to the GLC who will write your Letter of Recommendation. You must give your GLC a sufficient amount of time to complete your recommendation by the deadline for your application.

You do notneed to fill out a Senior Letter Request Packet if you are only applying to UC, Cal State or other college or universities that do not require a counselor letter of recommendation

You do need a letter of recommendation for most private colleges/universities. Most of the private schools will use the Common Application.

Some scholarship applications also require a Counselor Letter of Recommendation.

The Senior Profile Packet must be completed and submitted to your GLC by:

Deadline:October 6, 2017

The Senior Letter Request Packet has been designed to assist you in looking thoughtfully at yourself and at the colleges/universities to which you will apply. You need to begin the process of completing this packet EARLY enough to give yourself adequate time to fill out all forms carefully and completely.

Packet Checklist:

Cover page for manila/brown envelope (Class of 2018 Letter of Rec Request)

  • Fill out, print, and attach to the front of your Senior Profile Packet envelope
  • Make sure you use a Brown 9 ½ x 12 ½ standard envelope

Integrity Pledge


College Selection Page

  • Report calculated GPA and highest ACT/SAT scores; report Private and Public colleges to which you are applying; place a check in the column for “Campus Visit” if you have visited the campus and taken a tour; Label each school as dream, possibility, or probability based on your research.

Activity / Special Interests Page

  • List activities, hobbies and special interests. Include extra-curricular activities, clubs, sports, community service, faith based activities, internships, jobs, etc. Please use the back of this page to provide more information regarding your role with the organization.

Personal Reflection Page

  • Please type or neatly print all answers on this page or on a separate sheet of paper.

A copy of your Common App essay or UC Personal Insight questions (Rough drafts are OK!)

Hand-deliver printed copy of Letter Request Packet IN 9 ½ x 12 ½ ENVELOPE to your GLC no later than October 6th at 3:00pm. Do not wait until the last minute!

Do not forget to invite your GLC on the Common Application system. We cannot submit a letter of recommendation unless you invite us through our email addresses.

  • Mrs. Brummett:
  • Mr. Desmond:



Class of 2018 Letter of Rec Request for GLC

Name: / Student ID#:
Phone #: / E-Mail:

Below, ORGANIZE SCHOOLS BY DUE DATE. It is YOUR responsibility to know all due dates for your schools. This should be a chronological listing of the schools to which you are applying with the earliest deadline listed FIRST.

DO NOT LIST UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA (UC) OR CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY (CSU) SCHOOLS as they do not require counselor feedback.Failure to list your schools this way could result in your letter arriving late.

Colleges / Due Date / Common App

Please check box when you have completed this list:

Have you entered in your senior classes on the Common Application?

Have you invited your GLC through the common application?

Have you included your Senior Profile in this packet?

If you’re applying to any school that is not on common application, did you enclose hard copies of the Secondary School Report (counselor forms) AND addressed envelope with two stamps on it? (Should be addressed TO the university in a standard white mailing envelope) - OR - have you included the electronic address/link for your counselor to complete the secondary school report/letter of recommendation?

Include the following pages (including your transcript) inside the envelope.

The Letter Request Integrity Pledge

  • I promise I will not cheat on any tests, quizzes, or projects.
  • I promise I will not plagiarize while working on essays or projects.
  • I promise I will not be a behavior problem at school.
  • I promise I will have good attendance at school.

If I fail to live up to any of the above promises, I understand my violation of the Letter Request Pledge will have a negative impact on my letter of recommendation and may result in GLC refusal to write a letter on my behalf.

The information included in this packet is an accurate reflection of everything that I have done in my 4 years of high school. I understand that providing any false information or embellishment will result in my GLC contacting all schools to which I applied.


(Student Signature)

College Selection Page

Unweighted GPA: ______Composite Highest ACT Score: ______

Weighted GPA: ______Combined Highest SAT Score: ______

SAT Subject Exam Title and Score: ______SAT Subject Exam Title and Score: ______

*Subject exams are not required, but please report scores if taken.

In the section below, list the appropriate information for the college to which you are applying:

Name of College/University / Average GPA / Minimum GPA / Average SAT / Average ACT / Campus Visit (Y/N) / Dream?

*Online sources for this data can be found at or on the university’s website.

AP Test / Score (1-5) / Date Taken / AP Test / Score (1-5) / Date Taken
1) / 4)
2) / 5)
3) / 6)

Activity/Special Interests Page

In the section below, list the activities in which you were involved during high school (volunteer/community service activities, employment, Dean’s List, Honor Roll, Eagle Scout, etc.) Please use the back of this page to describe your role in the organization in further detail if needed.

Activity / # of Years involved / List any Leadership Positions and dates held / List any Honors/Awards received

List below any special coursework and/or study programs you have enrolled in at Diamond Bar High School or through an outside provider. This would include classes at local community colleges, and specialized programs. Do not include summer school classes taken that are required for graduation. The purpose is to help us understand in which ways you have further studied and/or explored any areas of particular interest.

Name of School / Program/Class / Date Began / Date Completed / Grade/Mark

Personal Reflection Page

The questions on this page are intended to help us understand you personally and how you think and feel about yourself in relation to the colleges to which you will apply.

1)Are you the first person in your family to attend college?  Yes No

2)What Major are you planning to pursue in college?

3)What are your future plans?

4)List 3 adjectives that describe your personality/character. Give examples to support your answers:

5)List 3 adjectives that describe your academic achievement and work ethic:

6)Have you had any hardships or obstacles to overcome or unusual circumstances that have affected your education?

Personal Reflection Page Continued…

7)Are there financial hardships your family is facing or has had to overcome? For example, have you received services like Free/Reduced Lunch or any government assistance programs?

8)What aspects of your high school career do you feel good about or most proud of?

9)What do you consider your most important activities outside of school? This could mean jobs, paid or voluntary; religious activities; hobbies; travel; athletics; music; art; and/or drama.

10)What do you feel are your weaknesses either academically or personally? What have you done to improve those areas? Please provide specific examples.

11)Describe someone or something that has inspired you and why.