Participating Schools:

Allteachers will be observed using the T-TESS Evaluation Rubric.

Note: Districts will determine if anyone other than administrators serve as observers (see below). Teacher leaders, such as instructional coaches, can be certified to observe, but they cannot conduct final summative end-of-year conferences. It is a local decision if anyone other than administrators is trained to conduct observations.


Teachers are formally observed in classroom instruction by trained observers, including administrators and/or master coaches (teachers who are trained to evaluate performance), using the T-TESS research-based rubric that covers multipledimensions of instructional quality.

Note: Districts will make local decisions on number of observations and whether they are announced or unannounced.

Teachers will participate in a minimum of ______formalclassroom observation/evaluation, which will be ______(insert announced or unannounced).

Note: Districts should consider if they will require or allow practice observations upon request. Practice observations afford an opportunity for appraisers to work in teams in order to achieve strong inter-rater reliability before starting formal observations. Districts are not required to offer practice observations.

Teachers who are new to the rubric evaluation process may requesta practice observation that may include a pre and post conference prior to completing a formal evaluation. Practice observations will cover a minimum of 45 minutes of instruction.

Note: If Districts are choosing to conduct one formal evaluation, it may be helpful to describe that an additional observation can be conducted if deemed needed by the administrator.

AllTeachers will be formally observed in the classroom one timeunless the evaluator deems an additional observation to be necessary. Teachers will be observed at least once during the fall or springsemester.

Annual Observation Cycle

The annual observation cycle runs from September through April. In the event of a practice evaluation, it must precede the announced or unannouncedformal observation.

Note: The length of observations will be a local decision, but should include the entirety of a lesson.

A classroom observation will be an instructional periodor a complete lesson within an instructional periodthat consists of a minimum of 45 minutes of instruction.

Note: It is a local decision whether or not to conduct Pre-Conferences prior to observations. Post-conferences are required. The full clinical supervision cycle of pre-conference, observation and post-conference is recommended.


All observations must include post-conferencemeetings that follow established conference protocol.

Pre and post conferences are required for all "announced"observations that are scheduled by date, time and class period.

A time and date that is mutually acceptable to the observer and to the teacher should be selected. There are no restrictions on the date andtime of an "announced" observation providing it is mutually agreeable to both parties.

Prior to each "announced" observation, the T-TESS evaluator will conduct a “pre-conference” meeting with the teacher to ask pertinent background questions about the lesson plan and the students in the class in order to provide context.

The teacher may not waive off an announced observation.

Note: This is a local practice in a Central Texas district and is not expected of pilot districts. Having teachers self-score on the rubric following the observation was not introduced in the T-TESS training; however, it is a practice that was successfully used by some NIET pilot districts. It is not required.

After each classroom/lesson observation, the teacher who was observed will complete and submit a self-evaluation within 48 hours (two school days) of the actual observation.

Note: Each district must decide the length of time allowed for completing the observation and meeting with the teacher in the post conference.

After each classroom/lesson observation, the teacher who was observed will receive a written summary and oral feedback from the individual T-TESS evaluator in a “post-conference” meeting within 10 working days of the actual observation.

The "practice" observation for teachers who are new to the rubric evaluation processshall be an announced observation that is scheduled by date, time and class period. The practice observation may involve multiple evaluators for calibration purposes. All evaluators involved in the practice observation may participate in the pre and post conference(s).

Note: It is a local decision whether or not to conduct unannounced observations. Unannounced observations that span the course of a lesson would be scored using the rubric. Walkthrough visits do not have to be scored on the rubric, but can serve as cumulative data. If unannounced observations are conducted, each district will need to establish the parameters such as whether or not a window of time will be given to the teacher.


"Unannounced" observations will adhere to the established PDAScalendar for 2013-14.

A two-week window will be given for unannounced observations during the year. (Exception: If deemed necessary, an additional appraisal resulting from an appeal will be conducted without a window.)

Note: It is a local decision as to whether or not an observation can be waived.

At the beginning of an unannounced observation, a teacher is permitted to waive off the appraiser one time, in the event of an unforeseen circumstance on the day the appraiser comes to observe. A brief explanation should be provided by the teacher to the appraiser with the understanding that the evaluation will still happen within the three-week window, if possible, or within five working days of the date from which the observation had to be rescheduled.

Note: Post observation conferences are required with the evaluation pilot and may not be waived. The district must set the parameters for when this will take place, although the period should not be longer than 10 days.

A post conference is required for all unannounced observations and will be conducted within 10 working days following theobservation.

END-OF-YEAR Conference

An end-of-year conference will be held at least 15days prior to the end of school to discuss overall performance for the year. End-of-year conferences may not be waived.

Note: The following example includes requirements from the State for the end of year conference and local expectations as well.

The end-of-year conference will include review of formal classroom observation(s), teacher self-assessment (goals and professional development), student performance information such as grades, formative and summative assessment, student portfolios, written walkthrough information and other relevant cumulative data.

Note: The following is a locally designed appeal process. Each district should consider how disputes will be resolved. This is an example only. PDAS regulations for second appraisal could be used for the purpose of appeal as well.


In the event a teacher participating in the T-TESS evaluation process disagrees with the evaluation scores for individual performance on the performance standards, he or she may appeal within 10 working days of the post conference.

The site-based appeal process will follow the outlined procedures:

  1. Completion of an Appeal Request letter stating the specific nature of the discrepancy, full disclosure of evidence of performance, and a statement of expected performance evaluation.
  2. The appraiser will consider the additional evidence provided and meet with the teacher to review the information related to performance in an effort to achieve a mutual agreement.
  3. In the event of non-agreement, a T-TESS Evaluator(who did not observe the teacher previously) from the same school will reassess evaluation materials regarding the teacher’s performance by reviewing existing evidence.
  4. After reviewing the information, the second T-TESS Evaluator will make arecommendation in writing regarding the T-TESS evaluation score for the teacher.

The Board has established a formal employee grievance procedure found in policy DGBA in the event the T-TESS appeal process does not resolve concerns.

Note: The following are locally determined guidelines. Each district will develop their own.


PDAS Deferment does not apply to the State T-TESS Pilot. All teacherswill participate in the T-TESS evaluation process. No exemptions.

Teachers will have the opportunity to provide evidence for the Professional Practices and Responsibilities dimension of the T-TESS rubric prior to and during the end-of-year conference.

Walkthrough visits shall be conducted throughout the year. Walkthrough visits are brief and informal.

Cumulative documentation that may impact a teacher’s evaluation must be shared with the teacher within 10 working days. If the teacher wishes to respond to documentation, it must be done within 10 working days.

Post conferences following each observationmay not be waived.

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