
Grade By Name

Chapter 18–An Emerging World Power

Section 1 – The Roots of Imperialism

Matching Directions:Place the letter of the correct term from the word bank with the description that best matches. For the terms that are NOT used, write a brief definition on a separate sheet of paper.

a. Frederick J. Turner

b. Matthew Perry

c. Queen Liliuokalani

d. Social Darwinism

e. Alfred T. Mahan

f. imperialism

g. extractive economy

_____1. military historian who emphasized the need for a strong navy

_____2. policy by which strong nations extend control over weaker territories

_____3. naval commodore who sailed into Tokyo Bay, Japan, in 1853

_____4. last monarch of Hawaii

_____5. historian who said that the frontier had been an outlet for ambitious Americans

_____6. economy in which an imperial country removed raw materials from its colonies

Multiple Choice Directions:Write the letter of the best answer or ending in each blank.

_____7. An economy that is based on mining or producing raw materials to beused in foreign industries is called

a. an extractive economy.

b. an export economy.

c. a feudal economy.

d. an industrial economy.

_____8. The United States wanted overseas territories because the territories had

a. access to ports.

b. customers who buy U.S. products.

c. connections with European nations.

d. access to raw materials.

_____9. What new relationship with Hawaii did Congress approve in 1898?

a. independence

b. statehood

c. secession

d. annexation

_____10. The theory that life consists of competitive struggles in which only thestrong survive is called

a. sovereignty.

b. annexation.

c. Social Darwinism.

d. extractive economics.

Section 2 – The Spanish American War

Matching Directions:Place the letter of the correct term from the word bank with the description that best matches. For the terms that are NOT used, write a brief definition on a separate sheet of paper.

a. Jose Marti

b. William Randolph Hearst

c. Yellow Press

d. jingoism

e. George Dewey

f. Emilio Aguinaldo

g. Rough Riders

h. Treaty of Paris

_____11. a term used for newspapers in New York City in the 1890s that urged war withSpain

_____12. the name given by the press to TheodoreRoosevelt’s cavalry regiment during theSpanish-American War

_____13. Cuban patriot who rebelled againstSpanish rule

_____14. an aggressive form of nationalism

_____15. a naval commodore who defeated theSpanish fleet in Manila Bay during theSpanish-American War

_____16. newspaper publisher of the New YorkJournal

Multiple Choice Directions:Write the letter of the best answer or ending in each blank.

_____17. The 1898 Treaty of Paris dealt with which territory or territories?

a. Cuba

b. Hawaii

c. Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines

d. Hawaii and other former Spanish territories

_____18. The Teller Amendment stated that the United States

a. could not aid Cuba.

b. could not go to war.

c. could not develop colonies.

d. could not annex Cuba.

_____19. Emilio Aguinaldo was a

a. Spanish ambassador.

b. Filipino freedom fighter.

c. Cuban freedom fighter.

d. Spanish general.

_____20. Which presidential candidate ran on an anti-imperialist platform?

a. William Jennings Bryan

b. William Howard Taft

c. William McKinley

d. Theodore Roosevelt

Section 3 – The United States and East Indian

TRUE/FALSE DIRECTIONS: Read each of the statements below. If the statement is true, write T. If the statement is false,write F, and correct the underlined words to make it true.

_____21. The Boxer Rebellion was a revolt by the Chinese people against their emperor.


_____22. A weaker or smaller country is said to be in a more powerful country’s sphere of influence when it grants the larger country trade privileges and other benefits.


_____23. Guerrilla warfare involves irregular tactics such as surprise raids and hit and-run attacks.


_____24. U.S. Secretary of State John Hay was responsible for explaining to the European countries which part of China that the United States wanted to control.


_____25. The Great White Fleet was a group of battleships designed to demonstrate to the world U.S. naval power.


_____26. When Filipinos organized an insurrection against U.S. rules, the United States found itself quickly defeated by the rebel soldiers.


Multiple Choice Directions:Write the letter of the best answer or ending in each blank.

_____27. What did Governor Taft do to help restore order in the Philippines?

a. censored the press.

b. limited self-rule

c. worked with rebel leaders

d. closed schools

_____28. What liberated the Philippines from Japanese occupation?

a. the U.S. Army

b. the Boxer Rebellion

c. the Jones Act

d. the Great White Fleet

_____29. What policy was designed to provide access to trade in China?

a. Boxer

b. Gentleman’s Agreement

c. Russo-Japanese

d. Open Door

_____30. Who won the Nobel Peace Prize for helping to negotiate an end to theRusso-Japanese War?

a. John Hay

b. Theodore Roosevelt

c. William Howard Taft

d. Emilio Aguinaldo

Section 4 – The United States &y Latin America

Matching Directions:Place the correct term from the word bank with the description that best matches. For the terms that are NOT used, write a brief definition on a separate sheet of paper.

Roosevelt Corollary

Foraker Act

“dollar” diplomacy

“big stick” diplomacy

“moral” diplomacy

Platt Amendment

Panama Canal

Francisco ”Pancho” Villa

31. The ______prevented Cuba from signing a treaty with any other country without the approval of the United States.

32. General John J. Pershing chased the Mexican rebel leader ______.

33. President Taft’s ______meant supporting American investments in foreign countries.

34. The ______determined the form of government in Puerto Rico.

35. The ______asserted that the United States should act as Latin America’s police power, intervening to restore order when necessary.

36. Roosevelt’s ______depended on a strong military to achieve U.S. goals.

Multiple Choice Directions:Write the letter of the best answer or ending in each blank.

_____37. After the Spanish-American War, Cubans and Puerto Ricans

a. became Spanish citizens.

b. had their rights restricted.

c. joined the U.S. military.

d. became U.S. citizens.

_____38. How did the United States get access to the Canal Zone in Panama?

a. killed mosquitoes

b. negotiated with Colombia

c. backed Panama rebels

d. bought it from Spain

_____39. Favoring honorable diplomacy but still resorting to military interventionupon occasion would be an example of

a. “moral” diplomacy.

b. “big stick” diplomacy.

c. “dollar”diplomacy.

d. the Roosevelt Corollary.

_____40. Who ran Mexico for decades as a dictator?

a. Venustiano Carranza

b. Porfirio Díaz

c. Victoriano Huerta

d. Francisco “Pancho” Villa