Georgia Department of Education

Professional Growth Plan (PGP) for Leader KeysSM

Instructions for Using the Leader Keys Professional Growth Plan (PGP) Form

Work on the Professional Growth Plan is done after the selection of appropriate standards for evaluation, completion of the self-assessment, and prior to the Pre-Evaluation Conference. The PGP is primarily a leader responsibility with support from the evaluator.

The Leader Keys notebook (July 2010 edition) is needed to complete this form.

The leader fills out the information at the top of the form.

Using the standards that have been selected for the leader’s evaluation and the results of the leader’s self-assessment on those standards, the leader chooses the Leader Keys standards for the year’s focus on the PGP. The evaluator approves the selection of these standards.

The leader identifies learning strategies to study and implement. The leader reviews the rubrics and evidence found in the Proficient and Exemplary levels of performance for the selected standards, as well as, other appropriate resources for strategies.

The learning strategies describe what the leader will do differently from current practice. These actions translate into the “Expected Impact” on leader practice. The leader should predict the subsequent effects on staff learning and student learning and/or behavior as part of the expected impact.

The leader submits a draft of the PGP to the evaluator for approval at the Pre-Evaluation Conference. The evaluator reviews, approves (or suggests revisions), and provides a signed copy of the approved PGP to the leader.

The leader monitors and records progress on the PGP form at a minimum of quarterly updates. The leader should be prepared to discuss progress on the PGP with the evaluator at any time.

The evaluator monitors the PGP at least twice a year. Appropriate times for discussion with the leader include the formative conference and the Annual Evaluation Conference. At the Annual Evaluation Conference, the leader and evaluator discuss actual progress made on standard performance versus the expected progress.

Leader: / Position: / School/District:
Evaluator: / School Year: / Date:
The Professional Growth Plan identifies standards relevant to improved leader performance and is developed in collaboration with the evaluator.
Leader KeysSMStandard:
Leader learning strategies:
Expected impact on leader performance, staff practice, and/or student learning or behavior:
Checkpoints and actual results:
Leader KeysSMStandard:
Leader learning strategies:
Expected impact on leader performance, staff practice, and/or student learning or behavior:
Checkpoints and actual results:

Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent

April 13, 2011 Page 1 of 3

© 2008 Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Department of Education

Professional Growth Plan (PGP) for Leader KeysSM

Leader KeysSMStandard:
Leader learning strategies:
Expected impact on leader performance, staff practice, and/or student learning or behavior:
Checkpoints and actual results:
Leader Signature/Date Submitted for Approval:
Evaluator Signature of Approval/Date:
Ongoing and Annual Evaluation Comments
Leader Comments:
Leader Signature/Date: / Evaluator Signature/Date:

Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent

April 13, 2011 Page 1 of 3

© 2008 Georgia Department of Education