“Eggcelent”: Part I (10 min)

Assume that at the end of 2000, a dozen eggs cost 89 cents. Also assume that prices rise 5% each year. In a situation like this, the figure 5% is called the rate of inflation.

1.  How much did a dozen eggs cost at the end of 2001?

.9345 cents

2.  How much did the price go up during 2001?

.9345 - .89 = .0445 cents


Discussion (5-10 min)

*MISCONCEPTION: adding 5% to the cost of eggs each year that goes byà okay for 1 & 2, not 3 & 4

*TRANSITION: multiply by 1.05% each yearàhelps develop an equation

àHINTS: “After one year, the price becomes what percentage of the original price?”

àHINTS: Express the result of adding 5% in algebraic terms. For instance: “What would the price be after a year if it started at x dollars?

If students write as: x+.05x, ask “How can you simplify this?”

“Eggcelent”: Part II (15-25 min)

Gather similar information for other years, until you think you understand what’s happening. Then answer these questions, assuming the 5% inflation rate continues.

1.  How much will a dozen eggs cost at the end of 2100? Explain your answer.

Discuss P=.89*1.05t for the price after t yearsàBe sure students understand that this equation is based on the fact that adding 5% to the price is equivalent to multiplying it by 1.05.

*The price of a dozen eggs in year 2100 (after 100 years) is about $117.04

*Have students write an equation that could be used to answer question 4

2.  In what year will a dozen eggs first cost over $100.

.89*1.05t = 100

*The price will first go over $100 in 97 years, that is, in year 2097

Discussion (5-10 min)
Based on the equation P= .89*1.05t, what kind of function is this?

*Review the term exponentialà The variable is the exponent (JACOB’S PUN)

What would the graph of the function look like?

Graph y = .89*1.05x on calculators to verify ideas