Benchmark Literacy Verbal Paths for Printing

a-Circle back all the way around, push up, pull down

b- Pull down, push up to the middle and around

c- Circle back and open

d- Circle back around, push up to the top, pull down

e- Slide right, circle left

f- Curve back from the top, cross in the middle

g- Circle back around, push up, pull down, curve in

h- Pull down, push up to the middle, curve forward, pull down

i- Pull down, dot at the top

j- Pull down, curve back, dot at the top

k-(when introduced) Straight down, slant in to the middle, slant out to the bottom

k- (after some practice) Pull down, slant in, slant out

l- Pull down

m- Pull down, push up, curve forward, pull down, push up, curve forward, pull down

n- Pull down, push up, curve forward, pull down

o- Circle around

p- Pull down, push up, circle forward

q- Circle back around, push up, pull down

r- Pull down, push up, curve forward

s- (when introduced) Curve around to the left, then down and curve around to the right

s- (after some practice) Curve back, curve forward

t- Pull down, cross near the top

u- Pull down, curve forwards, push up

v- Slant right, slant up

w- Slant right, slant up, slant right, slant up

x- Slant right, lift, slant left

y- Slant right to the middle, slant left to the middle, pull down to the bottom

z- Slide right, slant left, slide right

Benchmark Literacy Verbal Paths for Printing

A-Slant left and down, lift, slant right and down, lift, cross in the middle

B- (When introduced) Straight down, around and down to the middle, around and down to the bottom

B- (After some practice) pull down, push up to the top, around and around

C- Circle back and open

D- Pull down, lift, curve forward

E- Pull down, lift, on the top slide right, in the middle slide right, on the bottom slide right

F- Pull down, lift, on the top slide right, in the middle slide right

G- Circle back at the top, slide left in the middle

H-(when introduced) Straight down, straight down, and straight across the middle

H-(After some practice) Pull down, lift, pull down, cross in the middle

I-Pull down, across at the top, across at the bottom

J-Pull down, curve back, across at the top

K- (when introduced)Straight down, slant in to the middle, slant out to the bottom

K- (after some practice) Pull down, slant in, slant out

L-Pull down, slide right

M-Pull down, lift, slant right, slant up, pull down

N- Pull down, lift, slant right, push up

O- Circle around (say: OOOOoooo)

P- Pull down, push up, circle forward

Q- Circle around, lift slant right at the bottom

R- Pull down, lift, curve forward, slant right

S- (when introduced) Curve around to the left, then down and curve around to the right

S- (after some practice) Curve back, curve forward

T- (when introduced) Straight stick down, straight stick across the top

T-(after some practice) Pull down, cross at the top

U- Pull down, curve forwards, push up

V- (when introduced)Slant down and in, slant down and in

V- (after some practice)Slant right, slant up

W- Slant right, slant up, slant right, slant up

X- Slant right, lift, slant left

Y- Slant right to the middle, slant left to the middle, pull down to the bottom

Z- Slide right, slant left, slide right