Endocrinology - 2005

Glossary: (INC) - Incomplete question.

1.  To which of the following is cortisol tied to in the plasma?

a.  CBG.

b.  It is free.

c.  Albumin.

d.  Amino acids.

e.  TBPA.

2.  Which of the following is the function of ACE?

a.  To turn AngI to AngII.

b.  To hasten the rate-setting phase of aldosterone creation.

c.  Angiotensinogen to AngI.

d.  Aldosterone secretion.

3.  Which of the following is not true in relation to T4→T3?

a.  Hastened by TSH.

b.  Hastened by deiodinase.

c.  Occurs in the target cells.

d.  Increases biological activity of the thyroid gland.

e.  Increases the affinity of TH to the receptor.

4.  Which of the following is true in relation to bone recombination?

a.  1,25 and 24,25 have a synergetic effect on OB.

b.  RNAKL is tied to a membranal receptor on OB and inhibits their apoptosis.

c.  OPG is a protein that hastens OC differentiation.

d.  PTH increases bone recombination and causes a decrease in bone mass when its levels in the plasma are constantly high.

5.  Which of the following is not true in relation to PPARγ?

a.  The ligand attachment activates the receptor and causes phosphorylation of PI3K, IRS2 and transcription of GLUT4.

b.  Partial deficiency of PPARγ in mice is related to improving insulin resistance.

c.  PPARγ works mainly as a monomer.

d.  Partial deficiency of PPARγ will bring an increase in the amount of small fat cells.

6.  Which of the following will not increase insulin secretion?

a.  An increase in GLP1.

b.  A constant activation of SUR1.

c.  An increase in somatostatin.

d.  An increase in the entry of Ca2+ to β cells.

7.  Which of the following is in the stack of the hypophysis?

a.  Portal blood vessel system.

b.  Neurohypophysis neurons.

c.  TRH, CRH.

d.  Frontal hypophysis hormones.

8.  Which of the following might happen if you don’t take calcium for a week?

a.  An increase in 1,25 (OH2) P3.

b.  An increase in 24,25 (OH2) P3.

c.  An increase in calcitonin.

d.  A decrease in bone recombination.

e.  None of the above.

9.  Which of the following are not included in glycoprotein hormones?

a.  GH.

b.  HCG.

c.  FSH.

d.  LH.

e.  TSH.

10. Which of the following symptoms does not characterize primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency?

a.  Weakness.

b.  Weight loss.

c.  An increase of blood Na and a decrease of K.

d.  Atrophy.

e.  Low level of glucocorticoids.

11. Which of the following happens during FHH disease? (INC)

a.  Inactivation of the receptor for Ca2+ sensing.

b.  Activation of ____.

c.  Injury to the PTH receptor.

12. Which of the following is not used today to treat Graves’ disease?

a.  Radioactive iodine.

b.  TSI inhibition.

c.  Propanolon.

d.  PTU.

13. Which of the following situation is not related to obesity?

a.  Leptin deficiency.

b.  Injury to MC4R receptor.

c.  An increase in adiponectin.

d.  An increase in 11β Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.

14. Of which of the following is GH action mechanism not dependant on?

a.  Dimerization of two hormones tied to one receptor.

b.  Activating cAMP by a receptor.

c.  Tying the hormone to the nuclear receptor.

d.  Activation of STAT which transfer messages to the nucleus.

e.  Interaction of the hormone on intra-cellular proteins in the golgi.

15. Which of the following is true?

a.  The creation of primordial follicles continues until adolescence.

b.  Development of follicles beyond the primordial stage starts about a year before the beginning of regular ovulation cycles.

c.  A limiting effect to the start of adolescence is the response of the response of gonads to gonadotropins.

d.  Without endotropins there is no development of internal follicles.

e.  During the last ten years of fertility there are no more primordial follicles, only more developed ones.

16. Which of the following is true in relation to the activation and inactivation cycle of heterotrimeric protein?

a.  GDP undergoes disassociation from the heterotrimeric complex GαGDPGβGγ.

b.  GDP undergoes disassociation from the complex GαGTP.

c.  GTP is tied to an isolated Gα unit.

d.  As a result of the activation a biologically active complex GαGTP and an inactive complex GβGγ are created.

e.  The speed limiting phase is the reattachment of all three subunits to create a heteromer.

17. Which of the following tests is not good in detecting Cushing’s disease?

a.  Blood cortisol levels in the morning.

b.  Salivary cortisol levels in the evening.

c.  Blood cortisol levels in the evening.

d.  Urinary free cortisol levels.

e.  Administration of dexamethosone in a low dosage.

18. Which of the following is the most common cause for Cushing’s disease?

a.  Ectopic ACTH.

b.  Tumor in the hypophysis which secretes ATCH.

c.  A prolonged consumption of GCs in a high dosage.

d.  A tumor in the adrenal.

e.  Oversecretion of CRH.

19. Which of the following is true in relation to PTHrP?

a.  It’s possible to inhibit its secretion from tumors by administration of biphosphates.

b.  Its levels are higher in the fetus.

c.  Its levels are higher during old age.

d.  Decreasing its levels in mice causes an increased bone mass production.

e.  None of the above.

20. Inhibiting which of the following enzymes would interrupt a specific cell in the ovary and not cells which are performing steroidogenesis in the adrenal?

a.  3βHSD.

b.  17-hydroxylase.

c.  P450SCr.

d.  Aromatase.

e.  Star.

21. Which of the following is not true?

a.  A person with too much acid in his stomach will be given cox1 inhibitors.

b.  Inhibiting cox1 and cox2 will lower fever.

c.  Glucocorticoids inhibit the creation of all eicosonoids.

22. Which of the following is the answer as to how physical activity help increase insulin resistance?

a.  Transporting GLUT4 by insulin.

b.  Gherlin secretion which works on a brain center.

c.  Phosphorylation an IP3 route.

d.  AMPK route.

23. Which of the following actions will not be performed in diabetics?

a.  Decreasing TNFα.

b.  Increasing adiponectin.

c.  Activating PTP-1β.

d.  Decreasing resistin.

24. Which of the following is not true?

a.  P and E work combined to prepare the endometrium.

b.  P and E work combined to prepare the uterine muscle during pregnancy.

c.  P and E work combined to prepare the cervix for the reception of sperm cells.

d.  P and E work combined to prepare the ovum movement.

e.  P and E work combined to prepare the breast for lactation.

25. Which of the following hormones is not secreted from the hypophysis?

a.  GH.

b.  HCG.

c.  LH.

d.  FSH.

e.  TSH.

26. In which of the following we will not see a goiter?

a.  Underactivity of the thyroid.

b.  Graves.

c.  Hot nodule.

d.  Iodine insufficiency.

e.  A problem in the organification of iodine.

27. Which of the following is not true? (INC)

a.  Each PKA from phosphor, ser, thr or tyr.

28. Which of the following is not true? (INC)

a.  The ovary has a specific receptor for LH and a specific receptor for HCG.

29. Which of the following is not true in relation to the testicle?

a.  Star regulator to the differentiating of cholesterol in the mytochondria.

b.  P450scc is the rate limiting enzyme in the creation of testosterone.

c.  Estradiol is created in sertoli cells by aromatization of testosterone.

d.  Estradiol is created in Leydig cells due to immersion of aromatase by FSH.

e.  Estradiol inhibits testosterone secretion in Leydig cells following its tying to a specific receptor there.

30. Which of the following does not increase following obesity?

a.  Adiponectin.

b.  11-HSD.

c.  Resistin.

d.  TNFα.

31. A mutation in which of the following enzymes would cause a change in once type of cells in the ovary, but will not cause any changes in the adrenal cortex?

a.  450scc.

b.  3βHSD.

c.  17α-Hyd.

d.  Aromatase.

32. Which of the following substances will cause an excess of mineralocorticoid activity following an 11βhsd deficiency?

a.  Cortisone.

b.  Cortisol.

c.  Aldosterone.

33. Which of the following is NIS?

a.  Iodine remover from DIT and MIT.

b.  Oxidizer for oxygen.

c.  Is in the basal membrane and transfers iodine from the plasma to the cell.

d.  Is in the apical membrane and transfers iodine from the plasma to the colloid substance.

e.  Performs an incorporation of iodine to the thyroglobulins.

34. Which of the following descriptions does not characterize Cushing’s syndrome?

a.  The best diagnosis is a TSH levels test.

b.  An increase in weight due to an increase in appetite.

c.  An existence of antibodies and for TPO and/or thyroglobulin.

d.  An existence of a goiter in the early stages of the disease and a glandular atrophy in the late stages of the disease.

e.  Sometimes accompanied by Edison’s disease.

35. Which of the following is not true in relation to ADH?

a.  Is secreted when there is a decrease in blood osmolarity.

b.  Is first synthesized to a prohoromone.

c.  Is secreted together with norphazine.

36. Which of the following is not true?

a.  A man will never have osteoporosis if his testosterone levels are high.

b.  The testosterone is important in closing the epyphyseal plates.

c.  The testosterone is important in building bone.

37. Which of the following is the truest? (INC)

a.  T provides a negative feedback for LH and not FSH.

b.  T slows the frequency and amplitude of GnRH pulses, especially after aromatization.

38. Which of the following is the reason that physical activity is recommended for diabetics? (INC)

a.  Improves the signal transfer route from the insulin receptor until GLUT4.

b.  Improves the route of MAP-K.

39. Which of the following is not a suitable treatment for insulin resistance? (INC)

a.  Administration of adiponectin.

b.  Administration of PTP1β phosphatase.

40. Which of the following is not true? (INC)

a.  NE does not function on the uterine muscle through a β receptor on the muscle.

b.  Oxy works through PIPCβ in the uterus cells.


1 - a, 2 - a, 3 - a, 4 - d, 5 - b, 6 - c, 7 - b, 8 - a, 9 - a, 10 - c, 11 - a, 12 - b, 14 - d, 15 - b, 16 - d, 17 - a, 18 - c, 19 -b, 20 - d, 21 - a, 22 - c, 24 - b, 25 - b, 26 - c,

29 - a, 31 - d, 32 - b, 33 - c, 34 - b, 35 - a, 36 - a, 37 - b, 38 - a, 40 - a.

Endocrinology - 2004

1.  Which of the following is true in relation to PTH hormone?

a.  Works through calcium sensing receptor.

b.  Encourages synthesis of 24,25(OH)2D3 and so increases the absorption of calcium in the intestine.

c.  Increase bone recombination.

d.  Increases phosphate absorption from the filtrate in the glomeruli in the kidney.

e.  Decreases calcitonin secretion.

2.  Which of the following is true in relation to bone recombination?

a.  Recombination in the cortical bone is higher than in the sponge bone.

b.  1,25(OH)2D3 and 24(OH)2D3have a synergetic influence on the osteoclasts.

c.  PTHrP has increases bone recombination only in the fetus.

d.  Bone recombination is increased following attachment of RANKL to RANK.

e.  None of the above.

3.  No question present.

4.  No question present.

5.  No question present.

6.  Which of the following is included in the route of GLUT 4 sugar carrier transcription?

a.  Self phosphorylation of α sub-unit of the receptor that causes IRS protein phosphorylation and activation of IP3K.

b.  Self phosphorylation of α sub-unit of the receptor and activation of PKC.

c.  Activation AMPK during physical exertion.

d.  As in answer “a” only with an addition of insulin.

7.  Which of the following will is true in relation to depolarization of cellular membrane in the pancreas’s β cells?

a.  Will cause a decrease of intra-cellular calcium levels and the secretion of insulin.

b.  It is related to the opening of potassium canals.

c.  Depends on the activation of the sulfanilurea receptor.

d.  Directly influenced by POX1 factor and the GLUT2 sugar carrier.

8.  Which of the following is true in relation to the adiponectin hormone?

a.  Is secreted from defined areas in the hypothalamus and works in a cerebral level.

b.  Harms the loading of GLUT4 sugar carriers from the cell to membrane envelopes in muscle and fatty tissues.

c.  Causes insulin resistance.

d.  Its level in the blood of a person with 35BMI is lower than in a person with 25BMI.

9.  Which of the following has been found in people suffering from obesity?

a.  Mutations in the leptin gene or its receptor gene that lead to hormonal activity resistance.

b.  Defects in the MCR4 receptor.

c.  Defects in the gene of PPARγ.

d.  All of the above.

10. Which of the following is true in relation to the activity of PPARγ to raise insulin sensitivity?

a.  It is related to the activation of the receptor in the cell’s envelope and phosphorylation of IRS.

b.  Stems from a specific ligand tie to the receptor at the nuclear level.

c.  Mandates its entrance to the cell’s nucleus and the phosphorylation of IRS.

d.  Stems from its activity to displace GLUT4 sugar carriers.

11. A patient complains of oversecretion of urine 20L/d and plentiful drinking. Blood osmolarity is 310mos/Kg and urine osmolarity is 70mos/Kg. Afterwards a dose of vasopressin increases urine osmolarity to 200mol/Kg. Which of the following is true?

a.  20L/d is a normal urine secretion.

b.  High blood osmolarity and low urine osmolarity point to a problem in urine secretion or in reaction to it.

c.  The findings show a defect in the receptor for vasopressin.

d.  The osmotic limit for the secretion of vasopressin is size, thus the urine is clear.

e.  Administration of potassium can fix the defect because it activates FqPr.

12. Giving HCG hormone (Similar to LH in its activity) to a boy causes an increase in testosterone secretion. Giving the hormone to a girl does not cause an increase in estrogen secretion. Which of the following is true?