I apply for membership of the club (please circle one of the following)

FULL OFF PEAK (Mon-Fri 7am-6pm) STUDENT (18+)

YOUNG ADULT (16-18 Years old+) JUNIOR (under 16) CORPORATE

Mr/Mrs/Ms First Name Surname


Post Code

Tel No: Home Work Mobile

Email Address

DoB Occupation


Name of company (Corporate)

Car Registration Make Model

Main Sport (pls circle 1 only) BADMINTON SQUASH GYM

Emergency Contact Name Tel

Have you any medical conditions?

Please tell us how you found out about the Club?

Please note that members paying by direct debit must inform in writing both the Club and their own bank if membership is to cease, otherwise payment will continue automatically each year.

I agree to abide by the rules of the Club. (Please see note overleaf about the Liability of members.)

Signature Date

See over for payment details

Membership Type / Joining Fee / Annual Subscription
FULL / £60 / £390
OFF PEAK / £60 / £270
STUDENT (19-26 Years) / £60 / £240
YOUNG ADULT (16-18 Years) / 0 / £230
JUNIOR (under 16) / 0 / £120
Prices valid from 1 October 2016
How to Pay

Annual subscriptions can be paid in full by cash, cheque or credit card. Alternatively, the annual subscription can be paid by direct debit in 12 monthly instalments; however this method works out more expensive and varies depending on membership type. Joining fees (where applicable) must be paid in full at the time of joining.

A £20 discount is offered on Full membership only for couples living together (proof will be required).

Liability of members

I hereby apply for membership of “The Wimbledon Racquets and Fitness Club Ltd” and I undertake that, in the event of such Company being wound up while I am a member or within one year afterwards I will pay such amount as may be requested, to a maximum of £1.00 for the payment of debts and liabilities of such Company contracted before I cease to be a member, and the costs, charges and expenses of winding up and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves.


Received………………Remittance received…………………..Joining Fee…………… Amount………………

Pro rata......

M/ship Type…………………………..Passed by……………………………………………………………………….

M/ship ID No………………………………………………………


Method of Payment: Debit Card/ Credit Card / Cheque / Cash / DD