Langleywith Hardley Parish Council

Minutes of Meeting

held 7.30 pm Tuesday 6 January 2015at Langley with Hardley Village Hall

Councillors present:Mr N Sullivan (Chair), Mrs L Starman, Mrs F Kirkpatrick, Mr A Timmins, Mr M Caston.

Also present:Lisa Collins (Clerk), Mr D Blake (District Councillor),(no members of the public).

  1. Apologies for Absence –Mr S Frost (Vice-Chair) (family commitments), Mr A Gunson (CountyCouncillor), Mr R Rockley (Unwell) and Mr J Wheeler (Tree Warden).
  1. Declarations of Interest – None.
  1. Dispensations for Disclosable Pecuniary Interests – None.
  1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting– the minutes were signed as an accurate record of the meeting.
  1. Matters Arising:

5.1 Playground; Potter & Harwin visited the Playground in December 2014, they confirmed position of the replacement swing and have since provided a written quote for refurbishment of the climbing frame and slide. It was agreed to go ahead with the quote of £720 (inc VAT) to supply and construct new timber frame for rebuild of swing using existing seats and chains and £420 (inc VAT) to supply and fit new deck boards to top of climbing frame and base of ladder. Compared to other quotes this was the most reasonable (VAT can be re-claimed). Clerk to contact Potter & Harwin to accept quote and ask for a date for completion of the work before Easter 2015. Clerk to check records for Electricity cables plan and forward to Mr Timmins. Sovereign Playgrounds are visiting on 19 January 2015 08:30 am to provide a quote.

  1. Clerk's Report:
  • Arranged War Memorial Insurance, this year’s premium waived however it will add an additional £46.22 to next years premium.
  • Over 700 letters were counted on the War Memorial. A flyer has been produced, which has been printed and is ready for distribution with the Bulk Buy leaflet, Emergency Plan letter and Defibrillator information.
  • John Wheeler, the new Tree Warden has heard from South Norfolk and hopes to be at the next meeting.
  • The Grit bin has been placed on Gentleman’s Walk. Highways will arrange filling which is controlled centrally. Clerk to chase Highways for a date.
  • Highways reported the puddling near the village Hall is due to the ditch belonging to the Parish Council needing cleaning. Clerk to ask if any residents with a digger are willing to volunteer. Clerk to check records of the land owned by the Parish Council and for which it has responsibility.
  • Distributed information during December to all Parish Councillors on the amended proposals of Staithe House, Langley Street, Langley ref:2014/1906 as comments could not be voiced after 6 January 2015.
  • Chased Perfitt’s regarding War Memorial quote, no reply to date.
  • Survey received from Campaign to Protect Rural England, Questions 8-17 were answered during the meeting.
  • Contacted Chedgrave Parish Council regarding their new Notice Boards –these were funded by the Local Towns Initiative via South Norfolk Council. I have contacted South Norfolk Council who stated that we are not eligible for this fund but that they could advise on suppliers and suggest where funding could be obtained.
  • Additional Notice board not ordered as awaiting funding confirmation from Derek Blake.
  • Reminded Councillors to provide VAT receipts for any purchases.
  1. Correspondence:

See list of correspondence circulated following the meeting.

  1. Finance:
  2. To agree Budget & Precept for financial year 2015/16 – Mr Sullivan provided the following information

Langley with Hardley: Setting the Precept for the financial year 2015/16

Overall financial position

2014/15 Band D x 2014/15 Tax Base + 2014/15 SNC Grant £45.53 x 128 + 770 = £6597.84

2014/15 Band D x 2015/16 Tax Base + 2015/16 SNC Grant £45.53 x 131 + 742 = £6706.43

Although the SNC Grant has been reduced slightly the number of residents paying Council Tax has increased slightly which gives a small overall increase in the spending power of the Parish Council of £108.59

It was agreed, therefore, that we keep the precept the same as last year. It will be important to ensure that we do not overspend. We must make as much use as possible of any grants available.

8.2Quarterly Bank Reconciliation and Quarterly budget v Actual – All Councillors viewed bank statements and Spending spreadsheets. Actual is over budget but all was accounted for.

8.3The following paymentswere approved:

LwH Village Hall / Rent / 100857 / £20.00
Mr Timmins / Reimbursement for VAS Clips / 100858 / £12.00
South Norfolk Council / 13/14 Interest / INCOME / £1.16
UK Power Networks / Wayleave – Playing field / INCOME / £18.13

9.CountyCouncillor's Report: Mr Gunson provided feedback on his continuing efforts to get a better X2 bus service.

10.District Councillor's Report:

  • Winter Warmer packs are being delivered.
  • Mr Blake asked if we were affected by the Water cut off? If any residents were cut off we may be due reimbursement. Clerk to contact Manor Farm Langley to see if that end of the village was affected, if anyone was affected then a letter should be drafted to Anglian Water asking how we can claim any compensation.
  • A very positive preliminary report on Policy planning was given by an inspector who was very positive.
  • Planning meeting being held in Wymondam 7 January 2015 to discuss a further 300-400 houses and possible relocation of the Rugby Club.
  • Press reports have stated that the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital AE are not coping. This is being looked at but they have to consider if there were enough doctors and nurses to cope at this time of year - in June there would be a 30% staff excess.

11.Police Report:Crime statistics for November:

Burglary Dwelling / Burglary Non-Dwelling / Criminal Damage / Drugs Offences / Sexual Offences / Theft from Motor Vehicle / Theft Other / Violence Against Person / Total
Broome / 1 / 1
Burgh St Peter / 1 / 1
Chedgrave / 2 / 1 / 3
Ditchingham / 2 / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2 / 1 / 9
Ellingham / 1 / 1 / 2
Geldeston / 2 / 2
Gillingham / 0
Haddiscoe / 1 / 1
Hales / 1 / 1
Heckingham / 1 / 1
Hedenham / 1 / 1
Kirby Cane / 1 / 1
Loddon / 2 / 1 / 3
Norton Subcourse / 1 / 1
Seething / 1 / 1
Stockton / 1 / 1
Thurlton / 1 / 1
Thurton / 1 / 1
Toft Monks / 1 / 1
Wheatacre / 1 / 1
TOTAL / 4 / 2 / 5 / 1 / 2 / 7 / 6 / 6 / 33

12.Councillor’s Reports:

  • Mr Timmins positioned the Vehicle Activated Sign outside 9 Langley Street for a fortnight. Mr Rockley has the data to share at a later meeting. The Sign is now up in another position on Langley Street.
  • Mr Timmins explained to Mr Blake the playground equipment is past its best and we are going to apply for Wren funding for a redevelopment. Mr Blake advised us to decide what we want and how much it will cost. The District Council has some money available which may support the 11% needed from a third party for a wren application. Mr Blake suggested Eastern Rivers may assist.
  • Mr Caston reported an inspection was carried out on the pipe causing the flooding in Hardley Street. The inspection identified the pipe was broken 57yards into the field. Clerk to chase with Highways for an update on when this will be repaired as it is affecting the field crop.
  • Mrs Kirkpatrick reported the telephone box is not being used as a telephone box. Should we consider an alternative use? For example Bergh Apton are using a telephone box as an information centre with shelving.
  • Mrs Kirkpatrick reported the bird hide door is sticking but this is due to the damp in the winter months.
  • Mrs Starman reported the village hall car park needs re-shingling. Mr Blake advised there is little or no funding for car parks through the council however Eastern Rivers may be able to help if it is of benefit to the community.
  • Mrs Starman is continuing her efforts to arrange a second defibrillator demonstration using Hannah a First Responder.
  • Information on the legal responsibilities whilst volunteers use grit to clear roads and footpaths passed to clerk to include in next months correspondence.
  • Mrs Kirkpatrick asked Mr Blake where funding may be sourced for painting the sails on the windmill. Bifa or Norfolk Archeology Society may advise on this.

13.Public Participation:None.

14.Date of next meeting Tuesday 3 February 2015

The meeting closed at 8.55 pm.

Signed: ...... Dated: / /

01 Mins 6 Jan 15