May 8, 2016 – 9:30 A.M.


Prelude ~ John Breur, accompanist

Introit ~ “Oceans”

The Invitation . . . . Ron Steiginga

*Song: “In Christ Alone” ~ verses 1-3

*Declaration of Our Faith: Lord’s Day One (responsive reading)

Q: What is your only comfort in life and in death?

A: That I am not my own, but belong—body and soul, in life and in death—to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ. He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood, and has set me free from the tyranny of the devil. He also watches over me in such a way that not a hair can fall from my head without the will of my Father in heaven; in fact, all things must work together for my salvation. Because I belong to him, Christ, by his Holy Spirit, assures me of eternal life and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready from now on to live for him.

*Response: “In Christ Alone” ~ verse 4



Profession of Faith: Laura Carey and Kyle Dykstra

Testimony in Song: “At the Cross”

“Broken Vessels”

Prayer . . . . Bill Peters


Offerings: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries; 2nd: Benevolence

Offertory Prayer

*Song of Response: “It Is Well” ~ Celebration #705:1,3,4


Children’s Message: Pastor Chris

(Children may leave for Children’s Worship)

Scripture: Luke 19:1-10 (pp.1630); 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 (pp.1784)

Sermon: “Missional Habits: Eat” ~ Pastor Chris

Prayer of Response: (in unison)

Amazing God, You came into our ordinary lives and set a holy table among us, filling our plates with the bread of life, and our cups with salvation. Send us out,

O God, with tenderheartedness to touch an ordinary, everyday world with the promise of Your holiness—to set souls on fire for Your glory. Amen.

*Parting Praise: “Soul on Fire”



*please stand, in body or in spirit.

A special thank you to

Laura Carey and Kyle Dykstra

for their leadership in the planning of this worship service.

We give praise and thanks for God for our mothers, grandmothers, and all godly women

who have been examples to us and have influenced our lives for the better.

In their honor, all mothers are invited to take a flower

from the front of the sanctuary at the conclusion of morning worship.

Sermon Notes:

BELLS: Bless, Eat, Listen, Learn, Sent

Eat—I will eat with three people this week—at least one of whom is not a member of our church.

Really?? Why a meal?

Communion and Fellowship

Communion—Is the primary way we talk about our relationship with God.

Fellowship—Is the primary language we use to describe our relationship with each other.

We tend to segregate these two things in our worship and mission.

Jesus & Meals “The Son of Man has come eating and drinking.” (Luke 7:34).

-Jesus missional move was a long meal: God’s kingdom, the good new, and wholeness are often declared, enacted and realized when Jesus is eating with others.

-Jesus eats with sinners and his holiness becomes contagious.

The Table

The table ought to be a primary symbol of the worship gathering.

It represents God’s and our hospitality, inclusivity, generosity and grace.

Lord’s Supper—Communion and Fellowship

Paul’s concern in I Corinthians 11 is that people are being left out of the fellowship & communion.

*What is our level of hospitality, relational capacity, and openness with our “tables” in church and in our lives?

*If God invites us to love him and neighbor by ways of the table, where does that stretch you in the fellowship of Cedar Hill and your love of neighbor and stranger outside of this community?


We welcome you to Sunday Worship at Cedar Hill CRC. If you are a visitor, please see the back of the bulletin for information about our church and fill out a Visitor Card found in the pew and place it in the offering plate or leave it at the Welcome Center. Join us for coffee time following morning worship in the fellowship hall.


This Week – May 8, 2016

PM SERVICE: At Midland Park CRC

GREETERS: Welcome Team #2

USHERS: Harold Post, Bill Heerema, Roy Heerema

NURSERY: Laura Laauwe, Gabriella Angelucci

CH/JR CHURCH: JoAnn Angelucci/Brenda Strasser, Gianna Angelucci

Next Week – May 15, 2016


GREETERS: Welcome Team #3

USHERS: AM: William Brock, Marilyn Chickey, Joe Chickey

PM: Bill Bushman, Sally Haven, Ted Faber

NURSERY: Mandi Post, Esther Dyksen

CH/JR CHURCH: Caitlin Shurminsky/Gabriella Angelucci, Allie Steiginga



Professions of Faith: TODAY we will be privileged to witness the public profession of faith of Laura Carey and Kyle Dykstra.

Lord’s Supper: Next Sunday, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper. You are invited to spend some time this week preparing your heart to experience this sacrament. Handouts to guide your reflection will be available from the Elders as you leave the service this morning.

Children and Communion: Back in 2013, the then Council adopted a policy to admit non-profession of faith children to the Lord’s Supper. This policy was amended this year to set a minimum age of 9 years old or in the fourth grade. The policy has been followed with each youngster and at least one of his/her parents attending classes with Pastor Chris and then interviewed by at least two Elders. Accordingly, the Elders are pleased to advise the congregation that as part of the service on Sunday, May 15, the following youngsters will be questioned before the congregation and admitted to the sacrament: Gabriella Angelucci, Gianna Angelucci, Allison Borduin, Rachel Post, and Sean Post. Please pray for these children and their parents, as the children take this step in joining the table fellowship.


There will be NO Sunday School, Catechism, or Adult Sunday School TODAY on Mother’s Day.


Join us this Tuesday, May 10, at 7 PM for Roy Heerema’s Bible Study. We will continue our study of John Ortberg’s “If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat.” We will look at Lesson 6, “Learning to Wait on Our Big God.”


We will have our luncheon this Tuesday, May 10, beginning at 11 AM. Hope to see you there!



The Cadet Awards Dinner will take place on Saturday, May 21, at 6 PM, at Warwick Town Park in New York. The cost is $13.00 for ages 12 and up, $7.00 for 11 and under. The entire family is invited to attend. Also, we are looking forward to our Eastern Council Campout on June 24-27 at Camp Lewis. More information to follow.


The Abolitionists is an inspiring movie about a mission to end child trafficking. It will be shown ONE TIME at the Garden State Plaza theater on Monday, May 16, at 7:30 PM. You don’t want to miss it. For more info, check out www.theabolitionistsmovie.com.

Loving Your Neighbor Today is an inspiring seminar about living the second great commandment in today’s world. The dates are July 19-21 at Calvin Theological Seminary. Contact Roy Heerema at 973-495-9630 or if you are interested for a possible discounted group rate.


We are again participating in the College Basket Drive for New City Kids seniors who have been accepted to college, compiling essential dorm/household items for them to begin college. NCKC will celebrate them at the Senior Dinner in mid-June. We are sponsoring two seniors—if you would like to participate, see the info at the welcome center or speak to Joyce Bruining.


If you haven’t already, don’t forget to make your reservation for the Westchester Dinner Theater trip to see “Happy Days” on Wednesday, May 25. The cost is $83.00. To reserve your ticket, call Pat Trommelen at 201-848-4486 or send check to Pat at 307 Sicomac Avenue, Room 410, Wyckoff, NJ 07481.


The Power of the Other Webcast will stream in HD from The Farm SOHO in NYC on Friday, May 13, from 9 AM ~ 12 PM at Cedar Hill Church. The event will consist of Dr. Cloud teaching, as well as interviews with special guests Rorke Denver, Navy Seal CMDR, and Ginger Hardage, former Senior Vice President of Culture at South West Airlines. The focus of the event will be getting more out of your personal and professional lives by understanding the powerful effect other people have on the trajectory of your lives. Cost is free, register at https://poweroftheother.eventbrite.com or email Hank Schuurman at . We hope to see you there!


Meals are needed for the Troast family! If you can contribute a meal on a Monday or a Wednesday, visit the following website to sign-up: You can access Bob & Gertrude Troast's meal schedule by visiting:
Recipient Last Name: Troast

Password: Troast
Please consider helping with this important and much needed ministry of food! If you have any questions, please see Jo-Ann A. or Ginny S.


Heirborne: (Grades 7th and 8th)

Regular Meeting: Join us on Wednesday, May 11, from 7 ~ 9 PM at Cedar Hill CRC. Join us for our last Heirborne meeting for the year. Dress warm. Weather permitting we will be outside for special evening that will include s’mores around the fire, worship, and some great conversation.

LinC: (Grades 9th through 12th)

LinC Olympics: Join us on Sunday, May 15, from 6 ~ 9 PM at Faith Community’s Barn. Join us for a crazy night of games and challenges. We will have a BBQ and then break up into teams to compete for prizes.

Worship Night: Join us on Sunday, May 22, from 6 ~ 8:30 PM at Cedar Hill CRC. We will have dinner together followed by an evening of worship. All present and former LinC students are invited to attend. So if you know former LinC students, please invite them! More details in the coming weeks.


‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

And pray for us, too . . .” Colossians 4:2

May 8, 2016


Deb Vandenberg underwent knee replacement surgery on Wednesday, April 27. The surgery went well. Pray for Deb to have a quick and complete recovery.


Bob & Gert Troast Elsie Vander Weit Betty Koban Jean Stonehouse Jay Faber Tannette Botbyl Ken Hagedorn Fermin Diaz


Gert Troast Marie Steiginga Edith Sybesma

Jean Stonehouse Hen & Dot Hagedorn Lois Minck

PRAYER LINES ~ Call 201-652-4277, ext. 2, to hear the prayer line, which is updated as needed on Friday afternoons. You can also check our denominational prayer requests at 888-CRC-PRAY or www.crcna.org/pray.

This week at Cedar Hill Church

May 8 ~ May 14, 2016


9:30 AM ~ Sunday Morning Worship and Fellowship Time (Sanctuary)

11:00 AM ~ Sunday School, Adult Sunday School

12:30 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall)

6:00 PM ~ Worship at Midland Park CRC


7:00 PM ~ Deacon Meeting (Deacon Room)

7:00 PM ~ Cedar Hill Stitchers (Library)

7:30 PM ~ Elder Meeting (Council Room)

8:00 PM ~ Barbershop Chorus (Fellowship Hall)


9:00 AM ~ Bible Study Fellowship Leader’s Meeting (Council Room)

9:30 AM ~ Coffee Break Bible Study (Deacon Room)

7:00 PM ~ TNC Bible Study, Book Club

8:45 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary)


6:15 AM ~ Wednesday Morning Prayer Time (Library)

9:00 AM ~ Bible Study Fellowship (Entire Church)

7:00 PM ~ Heirborne Youth Group (at Cedar Hill CRC)


7:00 PM ~ Bergen Career Networking Group (Fellowship Hall)

7:30 PM ~ Praise Team Practice (Sanctuary)


8:00 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary)


6:30 AM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary)