Please note that page numbers 1245, 1246, 1247 and 1248 refer to issue no 4938/9, Dec16th/23rd and page numbers 1245B, 1246B, 1247B and 1248B refer to the first four pages of issue 4940, Dec 30th


Abel, John 1265

Abingdon, Oxon

new ring of ten 832

quarter in aid of Trade Justice 439

Abrams, Arthur 1040

abseiling 811

‘ABZ of Sacred Cows’

“Never, ever, say No ...” 519

Obligations and Opportunity


AC/DC rock band 173-5, 224

Acoustical Measurements on Church Bells and Carillons 451

acoustics 75

Adams, John

broken ankle 1204

celebration of 25 years of ringing 1023

Adams, Will

retirement 191

addiction 1245

Addington, Croydon

Eric Godfrey, 40 years tower captain 1159

Adelaide, Australia

bridging the generation gap 860

Advent, Cornwall 74

bellframe project 1157-9

first peal since augmentation 573

advert for engine driver (1905) 226

aerials, telecommunications 75, 587, 963, 1251

AIDS 6, 53, 104

Ainsworth, Marion and Mark 152-3

Albion, James 855

Aldgate, London E C 3

special quarter 467

‘Alternative Test Match’ 812-3

‘Andrew Fosdike – The Truth?’ 1239

Andrewes, Bishop Lancelot 1079

angklungs 362

Anderton, F 93

Andover, Hants

history of church and bells 25-6

Anglican Independent Communion 1013 (see also ‘Peachey, Barry’,and ‘Draycott, Martin’)

Annable, Benjamin 940 (see also under ‘COMPOSERS’)

Antiquarian Horological Society 1106


Western 660

ANZAC Day commemoration 511

‘Appealing to the young’ 476

Appledore, Kent

anniversary peals 209

Appleton Dinner 2005 317

April Fool pages 297-8, 351

Apter, Susan (Swaz) 1052

Archer, John 886

arches, grooved 1060

Archibald, Janet 72

Arkless, Jim and Marjorie

Diamond Wedding 1191

Arklow, Wicklow, Ireland

peal (1905) 99

Army Guild 755

Arnold, Frank C J 49-51

Around Ringers

tour, Vale of White Horse 896

art 472-3

Ascension Day 452

Ash, Somerset

special quarter 877

Ashchurch, Glos

special peal 649

Ashtead, Surrey

peal by Williams (1905) 226

Aslacton, Norfolk

special quarter 731, 755

Aspenden, Herts

‘Memorial’ quarter 513

association subscriptions

non-payment of 66

Aston Clinton, Bucks

Kenyan visitors 884


Brasted, Kent 1029-31

Hobart, Tasmania 761-2, 764

Irnham, Lincs 805

Rumburgh, Suffolk 421-2, 426

Shrivenham St Andrew’s, Oxon 1053-4, 1056

Augusta, Georgia, USA

Church of the Good Shepherd

new tower and bells 1077-9

Aune Head Arts 276, 730, 1268

Austin, Aidan

youngest ringer in Africa? 732

Austin, Brian 1092

Austin, Brother 1185

Avebury, Wilts

augmentation in memoriam Eva Smith 715

Aylesbury, Bucks

carol concert ringing 48

Aylesford, Kent

quarters for BRF 486

Aylsham, Norfolk

special peal 796

back rounds 32, 78,105, 126, 127, 155, 180, 204, 254, 255, 404

Backford, Cheshire

special quarter 72

Backwell, Somerset

special quarter 612

Bacup, Derbys 278

Badsworth, Yorks 74

Bailey, Philip

30th birthday quarter peals 218

Bailey, Roger 404, 469-70

Bailey, Trevor

50 years a ringer 396

Balderton, Notts

young ringers 832

Ball, Peter 879

Balle, Charles 891, 892

Balmain, NSW, Australia 73

Bangor, Co Down

special quarter 607

Barber, Charlotte 1104

Barham, James, peal book 1162, 1187, 1249

Barker, Ronnie 1016, 1083

Barnett, Edwin 351, 940

Barnoldswick, W Yorks

augmentation appeal 1024

special quarter 485

Barnsley, Glos

festival and special quarters 607

Barraclough, Owen and Joan 403-4

Barrow upon Humber, N Lincs

fundraising event 537

Bartlett, James 177

Barton, John

search for information 377

Barton, Stephen W

1000th peal 1052, 1055, 1062

Barton Turf, Norfolk 1073

Barwick in Elmet, Leeds, Yorks

400th birthday of tenor bell 35, 45

Basford, Hazel 708

Basildon, Essex 328

St Martin of Tours 516

Bateman, Mike 273-5


bell maintenance course 512


quarters in aid of tsunami disaster 439

Derbyshire peal week 625

dinner photo (1960s) 1230


annual dinner 145

quarter peal fortnights 20, 1199


AGM 1187

beanie 768

bearings, plain, repair of 54

Beaumont, Robert de 1207

Beccles, Suffolk 396

Beckbury, Shropshire 74

Beddington, Surrey

re-dedication 172

rehanging 640

Bedford Modern School ringing group 1056


quarter peal week 391

young ringers’ reunion 944

Beech, Frank 806, 827, 1120

beer and breweries 768

beer and ringing tours 501

Beer Festival, Knaresborough 444


What makes a good pub 193

pump labelling 315

riverside pubs 497

‘Sex, Lies and Red Tape’ 890

Yorkshire Ale Trends 682-3

‘Belarus to Birmingham, From’ 905

belfry furnishings 78

belfry reform 1118


advisers – see ‘Diocesan Bell Advisers’

database 447

fittings, conservation of 864-5

museum 713

public house names 31-2

wheels 243, 864

Zen symbol of enlightenment 339

‘Bell Founding in the European Union ..’ 713-5

‘Bell Moods in Birmingham’ 1104-5

Bellamy-Knights, Dr Peter 191

Bell’s Life in London 891, 892


van Aershodt 713, Apolda Foundry 277, Arnold 1206, Austen 1212, Bagley 31, 1102, Barber 1212, Bartlett & Phelps 879, Barwell 1102, 1107, 1213, 1216, Bayley 580, Bayley and Street 580, Bayley and Sweet 266, Bayne 580, Bergamo 715, Bergholtz 713, 715, Bilbie 339, 997, 1212, Blackbourn 1213, Blews 1213, Bond 1213, Bowell 962, Bowen 1213, Brend 426, Briant 426, 1268, Bridgwater Foundry 1212, Brooke 1107, Caborn 1268, Carr 265, 341, 912, 1213, Chapman 733, Cockey 1212, Colbachini 713, 714, 715, Cornille-Havard 372, 714, 715, 931, Davies 266, Davis 997, Delcourt 957, Dobson 274, 1224, Eayre 1206, Eijsbouts 472, 713, 714, 715, 732, 1069, Eldridge 642, Evans 266, 1000, Gardner 426, Gheyn 713, Gillett and Johnston 74, 76, 327, 352, 592, 642, 657, 703, 832, 860 (bell archive), 958, 997, 1033, 1047, 1056, 1102, 1162 (bells cast by Taylor), 1206, 1209, 1212, 1213, Gillett, Bland & Co 1029, Grassmayr 713, 714, 715, Graye 274, Harrison 1268, Hatch 997, Hemony 713, Hey 1212Hodson 1121, Hooper Foundry, Boston 1177, 1210, Innocent 1207, Janaway 1029, Jefferies and Price 709, 997, Keene 927, 1118, Kingston 266, Kipling 879, 938, Knight 345, 348, 592, 1068, 1212, Lester 642, Lester and Pack 25, 26, 31, 100, Leuven Foundry 713, 714, Llewellins and James 74, 266, 642, 997, 1068, 1213, Lott 1212, Manousek 714, 715, Martin 1102, Mears 121, 180, 228, 345, 348, 580, 642, 733, 879, 892, 917, 1056, 1207, 1208, 1209, 1212, 1268, Mears and Stainbank 93, 97, 231, 348, 580, 642, 981, 1000, 1029, 1068, 1249, Michiels 713, Nauen 713, 715, Naylor Vickers 265, 1177, 1210, Newcombe 1206, Newman 274, Noon 251, Norris 805, Norton 266, Oldfield 805, Osbourne & Dobson 391, Paccard 713, 715, 953, 958, 1033, Pack & Chapman 642, 981, Penn 31, Petit and Fritsen 1104, Phelps 1029, 1213, Portilla of Santander 714, 715, Purdue 580, 997, 1068, 1212, Pyatkov 714, 715, Quintana of Soldana 714, 715, Rinker 713, 714, 715, Rudhall 581, 621, 709, 861, 862, 938, 1024, 1069, 1206, 1246, Ruetschi 713, 715, Schiller 713, Sergeys 713, 714, 715, Slegers 713, Smith 31, Taylor, John of Oxford 1159, Taylor, Robert 274, 275, 1206, Taylors of Loughborough – see separate entry, Tincleton 1212, Turmeau 472, Warner 224, 231, 248, 251, 266, 293, 327, 352, 398, 426, 580, 612, 613, 614, 642, 645, 917, 997, 1047, 1107, 1157, 1159, 1213, 1263, Warre 580, 1212, Watts 1107, 1206, 1207, 1208, Watts, Eayre & Arnold 862, Wauthy 958, Wells 31, 74, 1159, 1212, Williams 709, van Wou 1186, Wroth I 266, Xmeco Foundry 832


Advent, Cornwall, project 1157-9

conservation of 865

Webb & Bennett’s 345

survey 75

bellhangers 1213

Bellringers’ Broadcasting Co 315

‘Bell-ringers on bicycles!’ 1181, 1184


Big Ben 1061

blessing of 1158

Burdett-Coutts 180, 231

buried or submerged 917

conservation of 864

Coptic Orthodox ornamentation 372

French 472

in Tunis 278

German 249-50, 277

Gillett cast by Taylors 1162

Great Bell of Mingun 844, 1160

heavy 472, 1160

rung by women? 231

‘Hell’s Bell’ 173-5

in musical performances 987

mediaeval 362, 1118, 1121

oldest rings 1118

recast 403

Scottish railway 24

single, large, hung in church porch 119, 126, 154, 231, 570

steel 341, 1107, 1177

stone 204, 278

miniature reproductions 427

substitute 447, 499, 769, 868, 1251

Trinity House buoy bells 74

unidentified 1162

weighing of 666

Bells and Belfries of Dorset part III 932

Bells and Man 868

Bells and Ringers of ... Bromham, Wiltshire 267

‘Bells or Beer?’ 1245

Bells, The Sound of 224

Belton, Lincs

ringers’ rules 815

Benenden, Kent

new flat 6th 320

Bennett, Gareth 1034

Bennett, Geoff and Nan

wedding anniversary 48

Benstead, Ben

70 years a ringer 343

Bergamo, Paul 372


‘Symphonie Fantastique’ 987

Bermondsey, London

special peal 433

Berrow’s Worcester Journal 985, 986

Bevis, Trevor

‘Memories of a ... Prolific Fen Tower’ 1040, 1083

‘Bexley Borough Bellringers’ 221

Bidford on Avon, Warwicks

special quarters 120

Billingshurst, Sussex 396

Bird, Margaret 1248B

bird netting 793

Bird, Patrick

bell dedication 932


Bournville Carillon 1104-5

peal band (1960’s) 196

peal ringers of September 1755 885-8

St Anne’s, Moseley 76

appeal 1107

inscriptions 1107

St Chad’s

peal of Stedman Triples no 1 765

St Edburgha, Yardley

recast bells (1950) 1102-3

St Martin’s in the Bull Ring

new secretary 396

peals by St Martin’s Youths before 1785 886

(see also ‘St Martin’s Guild’)

ringing for Architecture Week 763, 765, 815

St Marys, Moseley 1107

special quarter 265

St Paul’s in the Jewellery Quarter

new light ten 2

St Philip’s Society, 19th century 891

Triples Eisteddfod 176, 184

250th anniversary of St Martin’s Guild 1-2, 120

(see also ‘St Martin’s Guild’)

‘Birmingham change-ringing, rise of’ 178-9

‘Birmingham peal-ringers of September 1755 ..’ 885-8

Birmingham University Society 27

dinner 355, 365

tour of Bristol 265

Bishopstoke, Hants


first peal on the bells 353

Bisley, Glos

100th peal on the bells 770

Blackburn, Lancs

Easter ringing 480

Blair, Alan

‘Great Bell of Mingun, The’ 1160

Blair, Cherie and Tony 493-4

Bland, Tilly 1004

‘Blessed are the Cheesemakers’ 297-8, 328

Blisworth, Northants

first peal since augmentation 408

Blisworth Tunnel Bicentenary 408

Blue Peter

Caron Keating Foundation 168

Gloria Hunniford 168

John Noakes taught to ring (1966) 105

Blunsdon, Wilts

first peal since augmentation 209

Bluntisham, Cambs

first peal on the bells 185

restoration 273-5

Boast, Elsie

80th birthday 191

Bodmin, Cornwall 445-6, 499

Bohan/Bohun, Richard 230, 277

Bollee, Orleans 372

booklets, pocket-size? 769


Porta Sancti Jacobi 472

Boroughbridge, N Yorks

rededication 97-9, 180

Boston, Lincs

three foreign students taught to ring 588

Boston, Mass, USA 1008

Advent Guild 277

King’s Chapel 440

Bournemouth, Dorset

Sacred Heart

quarter in memoriam John Paul II 417

Bowden, Richard J 703, 1012

Bowen Therapists European Register 1162

Box, Linda

new chancellor of Southwell diocese 224

boxes, 1186, 1249

Boyce, Admiral the Lord 398

Bracegirdle, Robert

‘A Bellfounder in Wartime’ 1216

Bradfield, Berks

record of ringing 302-3, 571

Brampford Speke, Devon

100th peal on the bells 131

Brancepeth, Durham 779

return of Durham University Soc 1182

Branston, Lincs

Woodside Campanile 296

Brasted, Kent

augmentation 1029-31

Bredon, Worcs

refurbishment update 612

breweries 768, 843

Brewster, Andrew 121-2, 124

Brigg Garden Centre, N Lincs

fundraising event 537

Brisbane Cathedral 198


Ss Philip and Jacob 100

St Stephen

Patrick Bird Bell Dedication 932, 1204

British Carillon society 1033

British Museum 99, 116

Broad Chalke, Wilts

special peal 1223

broadcasting ringing 768, 843, 889, 938, 1241, 1249

Brooke, Samuel 886-7

Brooke, William 887

Brown, Kathleen and Michael

Golden Wedding 1087, 1100

Brown, Robert D S

1000th peal 329

Brunel, Isambard Kingdom 1186, 1249

Bryant, David 864-5

Buckfast Abbey 276

Buckingham, Bishop of 493-4

Bunyan, John 570

Burchnall, Grace and Katherine 666, 739

Burdett-Coutts, Baroness 180, 231, 255, 277

Burghill, Herefordshire 286

Burke, Walter 983

Burne-Jones, Edward 229

Burnley, Lancs

record peal 625

Burton upon Trent, Staffs

special quarters 19

Burwell, Cambs

special memorial quarter 997

Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

dedication of cathedral 781

Butler, John 487

Butler, William 641

butterflies 1124, 1187

buttresses, best 255

Byrne, Alex 769

Bythorn, Huntingdon

special quarter 265

call change quarter peals 1035, 1060, 1083

call change ringers, Devon 302, 403, 427

call changes, Devon 276, 403, 427

calling Holt’s Original 176-77, 248, 278, 570

calling while ringing 177

calls of nature 522, 570, 595

Calton, Clive 861-3

Calvert, George 419


St Mary the Great

special quarter 612

Cambridge University

Engineering Dept bell project 120

Cambridge University Guild

tour of Norfolk 960, 967

under 21’s quarter peal 612

Campanalogia 927

Campton, Beds

outing with Haynes young ringers

special quarter 93

cannons, removal of 1083

Cape Town, S Africa 516

Carey, David and Jean 489


‘Bell Moods in Birmingham’ 1104-5

Cappelle-le-Grande and Hondschoote 1032-3

‘Carillon Country ..Le Nord, France’ 957-9

information on (to 1939) 277

‘Original Taylor Carillon, The’ 541-2, 546-7

Saltley, Birmingham 1033

Carlisle, Cumbria


history of bells 881

hosts Requiem Mass 420

new bell (sharp second) 881

St Stephen’s 231


secretary retires 399

striking competition 600

Young Ringer’s Award 444

Carpenter, Clare and Edwina 694, 717

Carter, F E, Dean of Grahamstown 293

Carter, John 376

Carveth, Alan 446, 499

Cassandra 615, 1211

Castings Technology International 815

Cathedral Fabric Committees 879

Cattermole, Paul 49-51, 1073

Catworth, Cambs 74

Caunton, Notts

first peal since augmentation 10

Cave, Audrey and Roy

Golden Wedding 698

Caversham, Berks

peal book (1905) 376, 739

Cawley, David L

‘Parish and ... Church of St Mary de Castro, Leicester’ 1205-9

review of Church bells of Dorset 1212-3


AGM 1905 617, 659

Agenda 520

AGM 2005

Agenda 423

Minutes 689

peals 600

RW overview 565-8

Annual Report 2004 424-5

committee structure 450-1

COMMITTEE REPORTS 299, 301, 325-6, 347, 349-50, 371, 373-5, 399-401, 691-3


Administrative 373-4, 350-1

new committee 540, 564

Bell Restoration 347, 349

Fred Dukes International Fund 48, 347

invitation to apply for grants 841, 1124

Biographies 326

Education 299, 525, 827

‘Training, A New Frame-work for’ 1010-11

‘Training Young People’ 913-5

Information and Communi--cations Technology 375

Library 299, 301

Methods 347, 350, 377, 450, 548, 596, 738, 1051, 1162

Peal Compositions 326, 717

Peals Analysis 399-401

Public Relations 320, 325, 564, 595, 632, 832, 884, 907, 1028, 1126

Noise Complaints Co-ordinator 784

publicity leaflet 1028

see also ‘Trafalgar Festival’

Publications 301

Records 371, 373

Redundant Bells 350

Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells 375, 489

Ringing Centres 326, 564

Ringing Trends 839

Towers and Belfries 349, 448-9, 495

information for PCCs and ringers 51


Council for the Care of Churches 447, 499, 1251

English Heritage 75


Carter Ringing Machines 350

Rolls of Honour 350

Chamberlain, John

80th birthday 166

Champion, Pauline

1000th peal 669

Channel Island Festival 426, 729, 760

Chapman, H 955

charities 227-8 (see also ‘fund raising’)

Charities, A Remarkable Collection of 227-8

charity, Christian 104

Charles Church, Plymouth/Charles, N Devon 104-5

Chartham, Kent

flower festival 997

Chattell, William 891

Chatteris, Cambs 1040

Chawleigh, Devon 1024

Cheesemakers .. 297-8, 328

Cheltenham, Glos

St Mark’s

history and bells 321-2, 324, 403-4

Cheltenham, Warden Hill, Glos

first 25 quarters now rung 216

Cherry, Richard Robert, Attorney General for Ireland 1245


Chester 486


quarter peal week 462

Festival 944


quarter peal fortnight 18

ringing for Grosvenor wedding 18, 24

ruby weddings peals 943


Ringing Master’s Evening Outing 879-80

striking competitions 705, 944


quarter peal ‘event’ 1238

quarters commemorating end WWII 825

young ringers at Chester Cathedral 200

Chewton Mendip, Somerset

starting a band from scratch 1230

child protection 914

Childs, Thomas 580

Chiltern Midweek Group 18, 92, 439, 579, 1046

Chislet, Kent 760

Cholsey, Oxon

43ers’ special quarter 829

Christchurch, New Zealand

St Paul’s Papanui 196

Church Bells of Gloucestershire 227-6

Church Bells of Kent 227

Church Bells of Leicestershire 1205

Church Bells of Lincolnshire 227

Church Bells of Norwich 1073

Church Bells of Staffordshire 892

Church Bells of Suffolk 230

Church Bells of the County of Stafford 31

Church Knowle, Dorset 74

Church of England

dealings with Quintel S4 956

doomed 884, 916

churches, photographs of 1061, 1106

churches, redundant 498, 523

cider, illicit sale of 286

‘Cinque Ports welcome new Lord Warden’ 397-8, 408

Cirencester, Glos 757

clamming 815


replacement of Great Paul’s 815

speroidal graphite 1245B-7B

wooden 1245B-7B

wrought iron 1245B-7B

wrought iron v. ductile iron 596, 645, 667, 694, 716, 739, 792

Clark, John 917

Clark, Pat 1210

Claybrooke, Leics

special quarter 1100

Clent, Worcs

ringing ladies (1905) 1011

Clerical Guild 443

Clevedon, Somerset

experience of novice ringer 154

Clifford, Herefordshire

a note of appreciation 1000

Clifton, Notts 74

clock keepers 1082

clock chimes, night silencer 180


Bartholomew 1212

Clothworkers Livery Company 231, 255, 277

Clothworkers’ Hall 277

Clouston, Ranald 1212, 1213, 1247B

Cockey, Revd H A 1012

Coggeshall, Essex 546

Colchester, Essex 67

Coleorton, Leics 73

Coleridge, Canon G F 910

Colgate, Doris

90th birthday 563

Collections of Rung Surprise, Delight ... Methods

corrections to names 450

College Youths, Ancient Society of 892, 1214, 1215

and Fabian Stedman 927

election of officers 1124

first Lady Master 1101

four peals of Maximus in a day 588

knockout competition 594

past secretary, compliment to 1088, 1100

peal weekends 943, 1017-8

visitors’ tour of UK 808, 1089

‘ .. College Youths: History of ...’ 569

Collett, Betty and John

Golden Wedding celebrations 927

Colletti, Stefano, carilloneur 957, 958

Collingwood, Admiral 1128

Collins, Tim

fundraising ride 362, 368, 574, 575-6

Colmar/Colmer, John 230, 277

commitment required of learners 352

COMPETITIONS (see also names of Guilds)

Association 11, 496-7, 600, 705, 944, 956, 976, 1093, 1182

Branch 420, 574, 584, 587, 611, 787, 878, 1027, 1268

College Youths’ Knockout 594

Devon National Challenge 547, 730

Essex Trophy 1027

Handbell (Manchester, 1905) 960

judging of performances 1083

National Twelve Bell

eliminator results 296

final results 636

report and photos 661-5

Northern (1916) 451

Oswy Street Cup winners 48

Oswy Street Cup 2005 1051

Ridgman Trophy 582

Roses 1080

Tewkesbury Shield results 467, 496

Worthington Cup 956


Adams, Christopher 1129

Allton, Richard I 869, 961, 1242

Annable, Benjamin 176, 177, 940

Bailey, Roger 869

Barber, Alan M 1242, 1243

Barnett, Edwin 940

Beard, David W 893

Brown, Robert D S 869

Chandler, S D 797

Coleman, Murray 521, 1242

Cross, Oliver D 869

Driver, Albert G 1058

Fielden, John H 961

Fielding, Ian R 869

Flavell, Paul J 869

Goldthorpe, John M 125

Hilling, David P 961

Holt, John 176-7, 248

Hull, David G 331, 625

Horton, Roderick R 125

Hunt, Alex 869

Hyden, John 961

Kilby, Robert M 1242

King, P R 1084

Kippin, Robert C 961

Lewis, C Kenneth 961

Meyer, C M 254

Morrison, Donald F 125, 253, 869, 1242

Offen, Richard C 1242

Parker, J J 176

Pickup, Michael J 1058

Pipe, Roderick W 1084, 1243

Price, Brian D 125, 470, 1084

Reeves, Harvey 940

Saddleton, P A B 1084

Taylor, Glenn A A 125

Thurmott, Maurice J 961

Warboys, John S 1243

Whiting, Brian E 961



calls employed in long length peals 571, 619, 644

correction to A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001) 125; false 377

Trafalgar Day 717, 961, 999



Grandsire [1945] 571


Plain Bob [165] 1071


Plain and Little B [365] 999; Spliced S (3 methods) 1058, (4 methods) 1058;


Barrow-upon-Humber [1260] 1129, 1186; Grandsire (general) 1034; Grandsire [3192 (1945)] 352, [2436 (1805)] 352, [1945] 404, 523; Grandsire (Holt’s Original) 176-7, 248, 278, 570; Grandsire and Stedman [2005] 404; Plain Bob [1805] 999; spliced Stedman and Erin 1084; Stedman [1296] 571, 1060; [1065] 1071


Plain Bob [1605] 1071


Ascension Day S 521; Ashtead S 253; Bax Castle D 253; Bolton S 253; Branodunum S 253; Bristol S 869; Cornwall S 869; Crec S 521; Ealing S 253; Fromefield S [10752] 306; Great Dodd D 253; Hinton S 521; Irchester S [10560] 893; Jevington S 253; Jonquil S 521; Kellmerse S 521; Kettonby S 521; Kirby Muxloe S 521; Llandaff D 253; Little Bob (correction to Glenn Taylor’s 2008) 125; London S [17280] 470; 869: Medway S 521; Newlyn S 253; Newton Harcourt S 521; Oborne S 253; Oferton S 521; Omega S 253; Otley S 253; Papanui S 253; Pennydarren S 521; Plain Bob [5200] 961; San Gimignano D 253; Septembre D 253; Snowdon S 521; Spliced Plain (14-45 methods) 1084; Spliced Surprise (2 methods) 125, (4 methods) 125, (5 methods) 125; Tavistock S 253; Trafalgar S [5200] 961; Trent S 521; Triduum S 521; Truro D 253; Wakefield S 253; Wesley S 521; Wilbertestone S 253; Willoughby Waterleys S 521; Wychwood S [10304] 669; Xirolofos S 521; Yorkshire S 869;Ytterbium S 253


Stedman [peals] 961, 1242, [1605] 1071


Black Sheep S [10002] 625; Bristol S [5200] 961; Cambridge S [5200] 961; Cat’s-Eye S [12080] 331; London No 3 S [5200] 961; Spliced Surprise (4 methods) [5200] 961; Yorkshire S [5200] 961, [5040] 1084;


Erin [peals] 1242, [1313] 254, [1250] 302; Stedman [peals] 1242, 1243, [1605] 1071


Spliced Stedman and Bristol 1084


Maypole A [5200] 961; Trafalgar S [5200] 961


Stedman 1243


Stedman 1243

Compositions, A Collection of Ten Bell 1099

Compositions, A Collection of Twelve Bell 1099

‘Conducting Grandsire Caters (1)’ 789-790

Part 2 816, 827

Part 3 866-7

conducting PB Minor 525

conductors 377

training of 474

Consistory Court Judgement 587

Cook, Roland

50th anniversary of first peal 819

Cook, William T 569

Corby, Lucile 564

Cornwall Archaeological Society 1157


Council for the Care of Churches 75

appointment of members, Bells & Clocks Committee 78, 231

response to M Fellows’ letters 154, 231

appointment of consultant bells advisers 78, 231

meetings with CCCBR 447, 499, 1251

new name? 320, 328

Cotton, Percy Powell 844

County Band

30 years of monthly peal ringing 260

Couperthwaite, John 176-7


Geldrop at Nottingham 1051

Hereford 447, 465, 760

Keele 951-2

Wantage 975


Rugby Deanery

quarter peal day 1199

Cox, Roy 642

Crabtree, Tony 1053-4, 1056

Craddock, Andrew 257, 279-82. 363

Cranfield, Beds

special quarter 491

Crediton, Devon 1007

Holy Cross

first peal on the bells 1133

Crennell, Kate 951

cricket match 812-3

Cross, Andrew and Stephen 832

‘Cross Border Bells and Red Tape’ 249-50

Crosthwaite, Cumbria

refit complete 248

Crowder, Mike and Roseanne 943

Crowdy, Ben

joins octogenarian band 825

Croydon Tramlink 444

Cruwys Morchard, Devon

re-opening of bells (1905) 563

cubits 1083, 1129

Cumberland Youths, Junior 99, 116

Cumberland Youths, Royal Society of 99, 116, 892

AGM, new officers elected 1004

country meeting, Hexham area 796-7

ladies’ peal 797

‘Not the Dinner Day’ 456

peal board presented at Semley, Wilts 1100

peal weekend 133

Suffolk tour 355

Cupitra, Nelson

citizenship quarters 1210

oath of allegiance 467

curfew 227

Curtin, John 101-2

cycle tour, young people’s 1099

Dafydd II and III 1076, 1081

Dale, Peter

50 years of ringing 956

‘Tale of Two Belfries’ 1032-3

Dalton, Christopher 613-4

Bells and Belfries of Dorset part III 932

review 1212-3

response to article 645

Daniell, R A 855, 1267

Daniel-Tyssen, J R 228

Darlington, Co Durham

100th peal on the bells 1014

‘Dartmoor Changes’

project 276

review of CD 1268

Dartmoor National Park 276

ringing celebration 730

Dartmouth, Devon

special quarter 489

Darvill, Reg

90th birthday 468

data gathering v interpretation 154

date touches, anniversary 352, 404, 1199

Davies, Holly 476

responses to article 522-3, 548

Davies, Joan Margaret 127

Davies, Peter 917, 934-5, 937, 939 (see also ‘Roadshow’ organiser and diary)

Day, John 1, 886, 891, 892

Dead Ringers 980

death, in belfries/ringing chambers 95, 143

Denyn, Josef 542

Dept for Culture, Media and Sport 499

Deptford, London 76



quarter peal days 19, 1069

election of youngest ever member 808


quarter peal day 1175

peal week 1112

Derby Mercury 985

Devon and Exeter Institution 1181

DEVON GUILD 1181, 1184

quarter peal week 142, 165

‘Diary of an Indexer’ 102, 175, 315, 402, 500, 641, 787, 903, 1061, 1263

responses 738

Die Zeit 249-50

Dimbleby, David 588

Dingley, Joyce and Maurice