A Welcome Home Animal Rescue (“AWHAR”)

Adoption Application/Foster Application

Thank you for considering a rescue animal from AWHAR! AWHAR is a 501 (c)(3) fully tax exempt charity.

Please fill out all of the following information. Your personal information will only be used by us for contact and your consideration as a home for a rescued dog. Please note N/A for non applicable questions.

Which animal are you interested in? ______

Name: ______Age: ______

Address: ______City: ______State: _____ Zip: ______

Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______

Email: ______Occupation: ______

Spouse/Partner’s Name: ______Age: ______

How did you hear about AWHAR? Website ______Petfinder ______Ansley Animal Clinic Flyer ______

_____Word of mouth ______At an Adoption Day ______Other, please specify ______

General Questions About Applicant

1.  Do you live in: _____house ______apartment ______condo/townhome ______mobile home

2.  Do you own or rent your home? ______

3.  If you rent, name and address of landlord: ______

4.  Do you have landlord’s approval to have pets? ______What’s the pet deposit? ______

5.  How long at current address? ______

6.  Are you planning on moving within the next two years? ______

If yes, explain: ______\

7.  Is your yard fenced in securely for a dog (if interested in a dog)? _____How tall and what kind? ______

8.  Do you have a doggie door? ______

9.  How many adults in your house? ______

10.  How many children: ______Ages: ______

11.  Is there anyone in your home with pet allergies or other serious health conditions? ______

12.  Would you allow a representative of AWHAR to come visit your home prior to adoption? ______

13.  Do all adults in your house know you’re looking for a pet? ______

14.  Do you travel for work? ______

15.  Do you have a second home? _____ Where?______

General Questions About Pets

16.  Please list breed, age and sex of all pets in your household: ______


17.  Are current pets spayed/neutered? ______Were your past pets spayed/neutered? ______

18.  How many pets have you owned in the past? ______

19.  Where are they now? ______

20.  Are current pets or past pets current on vaccines? ______

21.  Do you know about heartworm disease and how to prevent it? ______

22.  What heartworm prevention do you currently use or have you used in the past? ______

23.  Have you used flea prevention? ______What kind? ______

24.  What would you consider a realistic cost to properly care for a cat or dog for one year? ______

25.  What is your vet’s name and number? ______Or past vet? ______

26.  Have you ever tried to adopt from another humane society, shelter or rescue group? ______

27.  Have you ever had a situation where you had to find your pet another home because of a move, new baby or behavior problems? Please explain: ______


28.  Have you ever had a serious behavioral problem with a pet? ______

29.  Do you think a dog should be allowed or trusted off leash in an unfenced area? ______

If so, explain:______

30.  What circumstances are acceptable to find a dog/cat another home? Check all that apply:

____ Moving ____ New baby ____Not getting along with other pets

____ Divorce ____ Getting out of fence ____Behavior problems

____ Shedding ____ Children are helping to care for dog ____Increased work hours

____ Allergies ____ Not housebroken ____Medical problems

____ Barking ____ Gets too big ____Not getting along with children

____ Aggressive ____ None ____Other ______

31.  What if your pet develops a frequent urination problem when he/she gets older, what would you do? ______


32.  What if your pet comes down with a serious medical problem that’s very expensive, what would you do?

_____ Find him a new home _____ Put him to sleep since he’s older

_____ Give him to a humane society or rescue group ______Pay whatever it takes

______Call AWHAR Other ______

33.  If you decide to move to a place that doesn’t allow pets, what would you do? ______

Cat Applicant Questionnaire

34.  Does your current cat(s) have their claws? If not explain. ______

35.  Will you declaw the new cat? ______

36.  If you are considering a long-haired breed, how often would the pet be groomed? ______

37.  Do you have any outside cats? Will this cat be allowed outside?______

38.  Where will your cat sleep and where will your cat stay during the day? ______

39.  How many hours will the cat be alone each day? ______

40.  Where will the cat stay when you travel? ______

Please provide three personal references (not relatives).

Name ______Phone no. ______

Name ______Phone no. ______

Name ______Phone no. ______

When you sign below, you are in agreement and compliance to our application process. You also agree that in the event you are unable to keep your pet you adopt from AWHAR you will return the pet to Janet Hart and AWHAR only.

Signed ______Date ______

_____ Checking this box indicates that this is a valid and legal signature on this legal document titled A Welcome Home

Animal Rescue Adoption Application.

_____ Checking this box indicates that you are financially and physically able to care for this dog and understand that proper

food and vet care can be costly and you are able to meet these requirements.

_____ Checking this box indicates that you understand that if the information contained herein is found to be false, this

application can be refused.